Gov. Chris Christie in Trenton on Friday, where he chided reporters to “cut back the commentary” and “get the facts right if you want to ask me a question.” Credit Josh Haner/The New York Times
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Gov. Chris Christie on Friday announced the resignation of the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey — the highest-ranking public official to step down during the scandal over lane closings at the George Washington Bridge — as he embarked on an aggressive campaign to re-establish himself on the national stage.

The chairman, David Samson, an éminence grise in New Jersey politics and a cherished adviser to Mr. Christie, had been under fire for his role in the lane closings since January, when emails suggested that he was more concerned about the political ramifications for Mr. Christie than drivers stuck in traffic. That was followed by a steady beat of accusations about conflicts of interest between his role at the Port Authority and his law practice.

With those conflicts under investigation by federal authorities, he had declined to cooperate with an internal investigation Mr. Christie had commissioned.

The announcement kicked off a news conference in Trenton, where the governor, a Republican, indicated his impatience to move on from months of scandal and near-seclusion. While he had been apologetic and “sad” when he last faced reporters, in January, on Friday he was far more aggressive, chiding reporters to “cut back the commentary” and “get the facts right if you want to ask me a question.”

Mr. Samson, 74, had expressed interest in leaving the Port Authority for months, but Mr. Christie had asked him to stay. As late as Thursday night, Mr. Samson’s representatives denied that he was resigning.

But by Friday afternoon, Mr. Christie was using the departure to try to signal a new era — at the Port Authority, but also for himself.

The authority, which operates the bridge and other vital transportation hubs in the region, commands an annual budget of more than $8.2 billion and plans to spend another $28 billion in capital improvements over the next decade, but has come under increasing attack for how its operations have been politicized.

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The Major Players

Richard Perry/NYT


David Samson

Former Port Authority chairman

Under federal investigation; declined to be interviewed by internal investigation commissioned by Gov. Chris Christie.

Pool photo by Mel Evans


Bridget Anne Kelly

Former deputy chief of staff

Apparent target of federal prosecutors; has fought legislative subpoenas citing the Fifth Amendment

Henny Ray Abrams/AP


David Wildstein

Former Port Authority official

Apparent target of federal prosecutors; declined to testify before legislative committee, but is turning over documents

Mel Evans/AP


Bill Baroni

Former Port Authority deputy executive director

Possible target of federal investigation; has turned over documents to the legislative committee


Bill Stepien

Former Christie campaign manager

Possible target of federal investigation; has fought legislative subpoenas citing the Fifth Amendment

The event was bookended by the broadcasts of his first interviews in months — on ABC and Fox News — in which he promoted the findings of the internal report, which found he had no knowledge of the lane closings, but which was widely criticized for concluding that Mr. Christie was the victim of duplicitous aides.

The governor posted a cheerful photograph of himself, his wife and their daughters with one of the interviewers, Diane Sawyer, on Instagram. (“My girls were excited.”) He left the news conference to fly to Las Vegas, where he was planning to speak at a conference billed as a beauty contest among Republican presidential hopefuls who are seeking the financial backing of the casino magnate Sheldon G. Adelson.

Mr. Christie’s office had spent the week rolling out his reintroduction. On Monday, it issued a news release promoting an article in The New York Times about the report as one that “drills down on the comprehensive scope of the internal investigation.”

On Thursday, a news conference where the lawyers hired to do the internal review released their results was attended by a press secretary for Mr. Christie, suggesting coordination with his office. The report dropped the tabloid-ready detail that two of the aides Mr. Christie let go in January — Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Stepien — had had a relationship. While the report did not explain why this was relevant, it became a center of attention in much of the coverage.

But the often skeptical reaction to the report showed the difficulty Mr. Christie faces as he tries to turn the page from the lane closings — particularly with federal and legislative investigations continuing. Pundits and editorial pages panned Mr. Christie for “whining” to Ms. Sawyer, and the report as a “million-dollar whitewash” — the cost, which Mr. Christie’s lawyers declined to detail, is expected to be several million dollars. Among other criticisms: The report raised more questions than it answered; failed to interview the key players; and felt like a legal defense more than an objective search for the truth.

Editorial boards noted that one of the former federal prosecutors who wrote it was a close friend of Mr. Christie’s. The Washington Post noted that the firm Mr. Christie praised for its professionalism was the same one Richard M. Nixon praised in his Checkers speech.

A lawyer for Ms. Kelly, whom the report blamed for the lane closings — which crippled Fort Lee, on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge, for four days in September — issued a statement on Friday criticizing the report’s “venomous, gratuitous, and inappropriate sexist remarks concerning Ms. Kelly.”

The statement rebutted Mr. Christie’s portrayal of Ms. Kelly as a liar, saying she had “worked tirelessly to pursue the goals of the office” and promising that if she were given immunity by prosecutors, she could tell what she knew.

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Christie Talks About Bridge Scandal

Christie Talks About Bridge Scandal

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said that the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, David Samson, had resigned, the latest fallout from a George Washington Bridge scandal.

Publish Date March 28, 2014. Photo by Josh Haner/The New York Times.

Mr. Christie faced tough questions at the news conference, even as he tried to argue that the report was “thorough, exhaustive, and will stand the test of time.” In response, he pounded his fist on the podium and harshly criticized reporters.

He was especially dismissive of Terrence Dopp, a reporter for Bloomberg News, who questioned why Mr. Christie fired Ms. Kelly without allowing her to present her side. “I don’t know if you can’t take notes or you’re not listening,” the governor said. “For you to characterize my last answer as ‘I didn’t want to ask her because I didn’t want to know’ is so awful that it’s beneath the job you hold.”

The two Democrats leading the legislative investigative panel issued a statement saying Mr. Samson’s resignation indicated that the inquiry was “far from over.”

“The governor’s top appointee at the Port Authority refuses to be interviewed for the administration’s report and then resigns the day after it comes out, leaving us, once again with far more questions than answers,” the statement from State Assemblyman John S. Wisniewski and State Senator Loretta Weinberg said. “The committee will not allow this one-sided review to color the ongoing investigation as we expect it was intended. Any credible examination of the lane closures should be focused on uncovering the facts, not exonerating the governor or anyone else.”

Given the broad subpoenas sent out by federal and state investigators, Republicans eyeing the lineup of potential presidential candidates said they were attuned to the possibility that more damaging revelations could emerge. The news in January that Ms. Kelly, a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, had given the signal for the lane closings set off other accusations — about Mr. Samson’s conflicts, and misuse of funds intended for recovery from Hurricane Sandy.

“The fact that this happened on his watch will always be part of his political bio,” said Thomas D. Rath, a longtime political consultant in New Hampshire. “But I don’t know that it has to be fatal.”

“The space he takes up in the party, the ideological space, remains in play,” Mr. Rath added. “Were this not to have a long shelf life or were this not to take a sudden turn and be more virulent again, I think he has an opportunity to move into that space.”

Mr. Christie was the leading candidate in that space following his re-election in November — the governor noted at his news conference on Friday that he won with 61 percent of the vote. But as he remained largely out of public view for several weeks during the scandal, taking a low profile even as he helped host the Super Bowl in February, the party began to take a closer look at other Republicans, like Jeb Bush.

Phil Musser, a Republican consultant and former executive director of the Republican Governors Association, which Mr. Christie now leads, said that in the last week he was aware of at least four invitations for Mr. Christie to speak, from Connecticut to Florida. “The major donor community respects the work he’s doing behind the scenes for the party,” he said.

“Most think he’s dealt with it in the best way you possibly can.”

Correction: March 29, 2014