America Says Dallas Has the Best Skyline on Earth

Don Johnson via Creative Commons
Behind the scenes of the USA Today list that says downtown Dallas has the best skyline on the planet, there is a team of three expert panelists who provided commentary on all of the cities for the winning skylines slide show. Of those three panelists, two of them are architects who live and work in Dallas. Is USA Today's skyline ranking corrupt?

One of the Dallas architects assures us that the experts had no say in the final decision. Choosing the best skyline "was up to the readers," says panelist Preston Kissman. "We just provided descriptions to each."

And so it is the general American public, or at least the Americans who read USA Today, who voted for Dallas. Maybe there was a pro-Dallas bias among the readers who voted, but that's only a guess, because we have no information about the voter demographics.

USA Today's press kit does provide some insight into the magazine's general readership: "Our products, with their bold color and graphics, appeal to our reader who research shows is visually driven, imaginative and artistic." Visually driven and likes getting news from graphics? Sounds like the same type of people who would be impressed by a lot of neon lights and a big penis-shaped tower.

Besides Kissman, the other local architect on the panel is James Adams. Both work at Corgan Associates, a big architecture firm with a long history in Dallas.

Kissman became a panelist through an old college friend who works at USA Today, he says. He and the two other architects were responsible for picking 20 cities to nominate as the best skyline and writing positive things about each, before turning the blurbs over to readers to fight over the top 10 rankings.

There were some cities that readers never got a chance to vote on. Berlin, for example, never made the list of 20 nominees because "you have to cut off the line at some point," Kissman says. The decision to leave Las Vegas off the nominee list also caused a slight amount of controversy. The Las Vegas skyline is obviously iconic and recognizable, "but not necessarily an architectural gem," Kissman says.

Kissman says he agrees with America's assessment that Dallas is number one, though admits he's biased. He sounds mildly surprised that Dallas won the poll.

"I forgot to look at it in the last couple of weeks," Kissman says. "I didn't realize we were actually first place."

My Voice Nation Help

Boy we sure are overrun with Debbie Downers. Just accept the compliment and stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.


I'm not seeing the iconic fake suspension bridge in this skyline.


No way is Dallas' skyline better than Chicago's or New York's. Not possible. Since USA Today doesn't offer its demographics I can only assume the entire "top ten" thing is a steaming pile of longhorn poo.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

Best skyline in Texas is in Santa Elena Canyon at sunset


Proud Dallasite, but... come on. Singapore? New York? Sao Paulo?  Dubai?  Loads of cities make Dallas look like an Inuit village.  I like Dallas- it's a pragmatic, very livable, regional commercial center.  That's why I like it.  Because it Isn't the kind of place that has the "worlds best skyline".  It has a recognizable skyline thanks to a long running soap.  But as iconic as Honolulu from the opening of Magnum P.I.?  Or lots of other cities in lots of other shows?  The parochial bias fumes like an open air fish market.


I find it funny that the photo that won this poll shows the trinity full of water and reflecting the city lights but it's the same river our city leaders want to build a highway through.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Sounds like a great new slogan for the City of Dallas: Better from a distance!


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz The cooler pics are from Sylvan and Westmoreland bridges.  From those vantage points the skyline is not only downtown, but uptown and the medical district as well. 

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