Outer Space Visitors to Brooklyn

Credit Victor Kerlow

Dear Diary:

Have you noticed the graffiti
Marring the sidewalks and the streets
Of Brooklyn Heights?
It looks like a code with mysterious meanings,
Repeated every eight feet, painted in yellow
And occasionally red.
Ostensibly, these are directions for laying gas pipe
From National Grid.
According to sources as NASA and confirmed by both
The C.I.A. and the F.B.I., these are directions in
intergalactic code for landing small spacecraft
Carrying space passengers the size of rhesus monkeys.
Designed to fade in time, it is unlike
The stone landing sites for large spacecraft
Erected at Stonehenge, England, and Neogrange in
Ireland and in the Inca ruins in Peru.
The only place gas pipe was actually laid is at the
Intersection of Pierrepont Place and Columbia Heights,
Leaving raised mounds of blacktop on the sidewalk Pointing in the direction of the Children’s Park —
The only open space in the area.
When you hear sounds like fire sirens at night,
Lock your windows and your door,
Let National Grid welcome the visitors.

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