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Bicycles are like dreams and I'm pedalling them! Making videos extends the dreaming even more.

Do you like cycletouring video's? Have a look at World Cycle Video's too.
Enjoy and get inspired to dream, pedal, travel & film with me ;-)

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  1. Firma Film
  2. How Does it Grow?
  3. Benoit MILLOT
  4. Vincent Urban
  5. Spartac Gurghis
  6. Square Fruit
  7. America reCycled
  8. SjirkM
  9. Grégory Lewyllie
  10. Bjørn
  11. Neske Beks
  12. World Cycler
  13. Tom Allen
  14. 100% Halal
  15. Deep Green Sea
  16. Hugo Goudswaard
  17. Philip Bloom
  18. greenfilmmaking

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