Waverly Adcock, a sergeant and founder of the West Augusta Guard, prepares his company for inspection and battle at a Civil War re-enactment in Virginia. Sara Smith, whose great-great-grandfather was wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg, holds the Confederate battle flag. Courtesy of Jesse Dukes hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of Jesse Dukes

When Sgt. Paul Braun (right) first met Philip, the Iraqi interpreter assigned to his company, he didn't trust him. But after his tour was over, he worked for years to get Philip a visa to come to the U.S. Storycorps hide caption

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When Phil Mortillaro dropped out of school in eighth grade, he started work as a locksmith. Now he and his son, Philip Jr., run their own shop in Manhattan. StoryCorps hide caption

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Native American protesters have been demonstrating against Columbus Day in Seattle for several years. Protest organizers say Columbus should not be credited with discovering the Western Hemisphere at a time when it was already inhabited. Elaine Thompson/AP hide caption

itoggle caption Elaine Thompson/AP