Dallasites without Voter IDs Are Generally Poor, Non-White and -- Surprise! -- Democrats

Categories: Elections

Dept. of Justice
Percentage of people without proper voter ID in Dallas.
You might have seen the above map making the rounds recently among those opposed to the controversial voter ID law, which first passed in 2011 and was upheld in 2013. It requires voters to present an up-to-date photo ID to election officials. The map, and maps below, were first put together by Dr. Gerald Webster, a geography professor who testified last year against the controversial law amid the flurry of legal challenges.

Despite continued courtroom challenges, it looks like the law will be here to stay at least through the November election. And an interesting pattern emerges when the Dallas map of those who currently lack a photo ID are compared to more general demographics. Check out the nearly identical maps below.

Dept. of Justice
Percentage of African-Americans in Dallas.

Dept. of Justice
Poverty rates in Dallas.

The first map shows the areas of Dallas, mostly southern Dallas, that are predominantly black. Additional maps from Webster's testimony show that north Dallas is mostly white, and that the hispanic population in Dallas is a bit more evenly distributed across the area. The second map shows areas of poverty in Dallas.

Dallas County Elections
South Dallas is mostly Democrat, north Dallas is mostly Republican.

The map on the right depicts the voting pattern across Dallas. Time and again, precincts in southern Dallas are predominantly Democrat, while north Dallas precincts are largely Republican. And while it's not news that north Dallas is white, wealthy, and Republican, for the first time, this demographic has a greater chance of having their voices heard in the next large turnout election this November.

The pink map shows that there are only two Department of Transportation office locations, and one mobile location, within the city. And the map below shows that southern Dallas neighborhoods generally also have less access to transportation to be able to get to those DPS stations and obtain a photo ID.

Dept. of Justice
Percentage of people without transportation in Dallas.
Dallas-area Democrats are predictably out in force to try and get more southern Dallas voters equipped with the necessary photo ID before November. "The nightmare scenario is that we're not successful and that we get a bunch of peope excited to go vote and then don't have an ID," says Taylor Holden, Executive Director of Dallas County Democratic Party.

"The real issue is going to be educating people on photo IDs and getting them those IDs as quickly as possible," she says. "We have not seen voter ID in a high turnout election. We haven't seen it do damage yet."

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TheRuddSki topcommenter

Like vote fraud, prosecutorial misconduct is not a widespread problem in the US, but just a single instance of that misconduct gave us Obamacare. (not discounting the fraud, of course)

Americans of all stripes support it, even Europe and the UN support it.

And there's no need to worry, democrats, because elections are stolen on the wholesale level - let the right win this meaningless battle, you can still be crooked as hell, nothing will change.


""This is about Democrats concerned about minority turnout in November, and they have nothing to offer these constituents," Riley said. "It’s motivating them by scaring them, telling them that voter ID laws suppress the black vote, even though black voter turnout in 2012 exceeded the rate of white voter turnout, even in the states with the strictest voter ID laws."




despite the rhetoric minorities are not too dumb to vote, stop patronizing them as such. i swear, this is hillary's platform for 2016- nothing else to run on i guess? 


If only one fraudulent voter is stopped it will have been worth it. The integrity of the ballot must be secured.

mavdog topcommenter

Requiring Voters to show a picture ID: A solution in search of a problem.


Don't ya hate when data and facts back up assumptions?

RTGolden1 topcommenter

"We have not seen voter ID in a high turnout election...."  should read: 'We have not seen a high turnout election yet.'

Other thing I noticed, since I live in those poor, minority, democrat environs is there is a plethora of thriving liquor stores everywhere those maps show a lack of photo ID.


I don't understand why this is such an issue. You should have an ID regardless of your race or income level. It's almost impossible to function in our society without one.

I would really like to know how all these people without any form of valid ID are getting by in life.


I don't understand why this is such an issue. You should have an ID regardless of your race or income level. It's almost impossible to function without one.

mavdog topcommenter


I'm sure that you apply the same logic to the use of the death penalty, right?

If only one innocent person is stopped from being executed, it is worth doing away completely with the death penalty. The integrity of the justice system must be secured.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The great majority of the country backs photo ID, including a majority of a Blacks and Latinos, so opposing it is both anti-American and racist.


@KTOM I'll pitch in...

People with no government issued ID are severely limited in employment as a valid, government issued, photo ID is a requirement for employment in the US.  They aren't buying psuedophederine, again-got to have a DL for that one.  Travel by air or rail is a big pain in the ass without an ID too.  Banking is awfully difficult as I seem to recall that our beloved Patriot Act requires banks to see a photo ID before opening an account.  Legally driving requires a government ID. 


@KTOM you would think the DO would ask that question, but then it would go against the press release they are republishing


@KTOM Not everyone has one of the *required* ID's that Texas will accept because there are also other forms of photo ID out there. Ever hear of a student ID? I would venture to guess all students have one. Do all students have a drivers license or concealed hand gun license? Probably not. But Texas doesn't allow a student ID to be a valid ID to vote. And if you don't think that is intentional, then you're smokin some good shit.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@KTOM Dead people don't need photo IDs.  They just need to be registered to vote.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@KTOM ... spoken like a good little government sycophant.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Wonderful video, what's it about?



"If only one innocent person is stopped from being executed, it is worth doing away completely with the death penalty. The integrity of the justice system must be secured."

What a dumb fuck. I doubt you would say that if you or a loved one were on death row and innocent. 

Here is a term you might want to look into, "Putting yourself in someone else's shoes".


@mavdog @Catbird  capital punishment does have great deterrent value for the criminal mind but I agree with phelps about the corrupt justice system. either the standards for applying capital punishment need to be raised substantially or it should be discontinued. .

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @Catbird I'm on the record for that position, actually.  I have no moral objections to capital punishment, but I don't trust our incompetent justice system with it.

mavdog topcommenter


you make an interesting but intellectually dishonest argument.


@DerpDudeTX @KTOM 

"Ever hear of a student ID" except that a student id does not provide evidence of residency it is issued by a non-governmental organization. If out of state students wish to vote in Texas then they need to get a valid State of texas photo id, then they can register to vote in this state. I'm surprised that more students at state universities haven't followed this course of action because then they could pay in-state tuition.


@DerpDudeTX @KTOM Which ID is easier to forge - a Student ID or a government issued ID?  To ask it is to answer it. If we are going to go through the charade of "competitive elections" can we at least ensure there is no fraud in the process? I can't figure out why anyone would object to making sure there is no voter fraud occurring. Seriously.  This is not disenfrachisement - it is making sure that those who have ID are not disenfranchised by those that do not and therefore may be fraudulent. If this adversely effects Democrats I'm sure they will find a way to have the government pay for "ID centers" to make sure their voters are able to get in and vote for more government programs. 


@everlastingphelps @KTOM Can you produce a single shred of evidence that supports your little snipe about voter fraud? Anything? Hello?


TheRuddSki topcommenter


Read twice, post once, look smarter.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Well, Mav, let's just say you're out of the mainstream of progressive America.


@knoxharrington How many people have done that in past elections? Got any numbers? You're actually more likely to get bitten by a shark that have someone attempt voter fraud. That being said, where is the legislation against sharks?

mavdog topcommenter


thank you for the compliment, I strive to live outside of every possible "mainstream".


@DerpDudeTX http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/04/swing-state-finds-36000-p_n_5090648.html

This story says possibly 36,000 fraudulent votes. We are not talking about sharks (this ain't shark week) - we are talking about voter fraud.  Read the Robert Caro book on the LBJ stolen senatorial election.  It doesn't take thousands to make a difference. Voter fraud should be reduced as much as possible.  Voter rolls should be scrubbed at set intervals, voters should prove they are who they say they are and elections should be as free and fair as possible.  I am still waiting for a good explanation as to why the disenfranchisement of those with ID is less bad than those without ID not being able to vote. A voter can obtain an ID, the voter whose vote is diluted through fraud gets what recourse - your assurance that he should be more worried about sharks?

mavdog topcommenter


and the requirement of an ID would have prevented the Harris County fraud attempt how?

ANSWER: it wouldn't.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's a variation of the Carpenter's Rule, suggesting how to avoid dumb mistakes like your response to mavdog.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Oh yeah, I forgot. You're a an Obama apologist, a real maverick.

mavdog topcommenter


Voter rolls should be scrubbed at set intervals

I agree with you 100%.

Just think if all of this time, effort and money were devoted to ensuring the voter rolls were correct, instead of the time, effort and money spent on this unneeded issue of an ID, how much the fraud would be prevented.

voting fraud occurs thru absentee ballots as a rule.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@lolotehe @everlastingphelps @Guest @KTOM Wait no longer, lazy unable-to-google person:


"Reyna Almanza and her son strolled into the Progreso, Texas, school board election in 2009 just like 1,100 of their neighbors, cast their ballots and left. But hours later Almanza took her son back to the polls, where he used his incarcerated brother's name to vote a second time, breaking election laws and landing both mother and son in court."

mavdog topcommenter


an "apologist"? nope, that would require something to apologize for....

and that's a "Dallas Mavericks" btw.


@mavdog @knoxharrington and a photo id is the icing on the cake, it is just one more way of protecting the integrity of the electoral process. 

mavdog topcommenter


so Reyna Almanza and her son were caught and taken to court for their voter fraud attempt, even with the fact there wasn't a law on the books for a voter ID?

so the voter ID law is not needed, the prior set of laws were sufficient to catch someone attempting to portray themselves as someone they were not?


mavdog topcommenter


when you can show that voter fraud would be removed with the ID requirement, let me know.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @everlastingphelps Yes people, Mavdog really is this dishonest (he's not that stupid.)

His first argument is that you don't need voter ID because no one is committing vote fraud at the polls.

Then, when you start convicting people that you manage to catch, he claims that you don't need voter ID because you are already catching people at the polls.

He's fucking shill -- no matter what happens, he doesn't want vote fraud at the polls caught, and will oppose any effort to stop it.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @everlastingphelps Is the standard now that any law passed will completely solve a problem?  Because if I can hold you to that with all the other laws you want, I'll gladly cede voter ID in a horse-trade.

mavdog topcommenter


so you couldn't find my ever saying "vote fraud didn't exist"?

thanks for admitting your error.

mavdog topcommenter


can't come to terms with your posting an article that defeats your position? live with it.

the requirement of every voter producing an ID in order to vote is punitive on the voters, with a goal of stopping fraud  that by all accounts isn't a problem.

unfortunately for the advocates of the voter ID, there isn't a verified need for the ID requirement.

live with that truth, and I know that is really, really difficult as you ignore truth as a habit.

mavdog topcommenter


Is the standard now that any law passed will completely solve a problem?

no, the "standard" should be that there needs to be a problem for there to be an additional law enacted. voter fraud is already against the law.

in person voter inpersonation is not a problem, therefore there is not a need for a law to be passed placing a burden on every voter.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @everlastingphelps Yeah, because no one reading this comment thread knows how English actually works.  Because if they do, they can read what you wrote then, and what you are writing now, and realize that you are a despicable lair who lies whatever lie he thinks is convenient today.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog "...no, the "standard" should be that there needs to be a problem for there to be an additional law enacted. voter fraud is already against the law...."

Would you agree then, that we dont need more gun control laws and immigration reform, we just need to enforce those laws we have on the books?


@mavdog so you are saying that no rrepeat no voter fraud takes place? BWwhahahahahahaha that is a good one.

mavdog topcommenter


seriously, you aren't that stupid, right?

apparently you are...it wouldn't surprise anyone who has read your posts.

mavdog topcommenter


keep digging that hole you are in. by all accounts you're more than 6 feet deep.

mavdog topcommenter


Would you agree then, that we dont need more gun control laws and immigration reform, we just need to enforce those laws we have on the books?

I believe the current gun laws do not go far enough to verify the purchaser of a gun is not disqualified. There should be more diligence in determining the people who rightfully should be restricted- the mental unstable, the criminals- are prevented from as easy access as they have today. So to me there is a "problem" with the current gun laws, the loophole that is exploited.

There is no need for additional immigration laws IMHO, in fact I am an outlier here, I want fewer immigration laws. I am an advocate for easier immigration to America. Our country needs to welcome those who desire to relocate in order to improve their and their family's lives. Immigration benefits our country.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @everlastingphelps Let's parse it:

" there isn't an existing problem"

Hmm.  What problem could we be talking about?  Overtoasted bread?  Perhaps something about the Cowboys offensive line?  Oh, wait, this may help explain it:

"Voter ID laws"

Ok, so the subject -- the thing "problem" is referring to, is the problem that "voter ID laws" would solve, which must be... voter fraud.  So, what you MUST HAVE BEEN SAYING IS:

 "there isn't [voter fraud] that requiring an ID would solve."

Since requiring an ID would solve some in person voter fraud, that is the only thing you could be saying.

Otherwise, please explain for us poor native English speakers what you decided today that you meant to say then and instead of saying what you actually said.

mavdog topcommenter

@everlastingphelps @mavdog 

wow, you are resorting to parsing a comment to make a point?

good god, that is about as low and dishonest a person can get.

you should be ashamed of yourself

but I'm sure you're not, as honor and integrity are clearly absent in your world.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @everlastingphelps It's the only way to deal with lying sophistry.

When you try to run from your own arguments by denying that you said what you said, I have to parse it to show that you indeed did say what you said.

BTW, I notice that you only attack the method, and show no place where I am wrong (because you can't.)

mavdog topcommenter


 It's the only way to deal with lying sophistry.

you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, yes you are guilty of lying but you surely are not a sophist.

being a  sophist requires some level of thoght which you clearly lack.

mavdog topcommenter


"a refutation"??? of your taking a sentence I wrote and parsing it to make your point?

that's funny. very disturbing in your dishonesty, but the absurdity is very funny.

mavdog topcommenter


why should I need to have an "argument"?

the sentence ""Voter ID laws are just not necessary, there isn't an existing problem that requiring an ID would solve." is accurate.

now, without parsing, show that it isn't accurate.

I'll be waiting...

btw someone complaining about "ad hominem attack" when you started with the comment "a despicable liar who lies whatever lie he thinks" is quite revealing about your intellect.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog There is an existing problem.  That problem is in person voter fraud, voting with the name of another person.  This law (along with prosecution) would solve that problem.

mavdog topcommenter


There is an existing problem

"A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent."


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