Some Dumbass In University Park Dressed His House as Ebola for Halloween

FOX 4 via Twitter
Has really, really poor taste.
This was, unfortunately, inevitable. James Faulk has decorated his University Park home in the most tasteless way imaginable. It's got everything. Caution tape, waste disposal barrels, trash bags filled with "biohazards."

Faulk tells FOX 4 that police were called the first night he put up his display, so he added a "Happy Halloween" sign to his balcony. The items used in the display were purchased at a hospital auction for less than $150 he says. Faulk says he isn't finished with the display. He plans to board up his door and put a dummy in a hospital bed in the window soon.

Faulk, who talked to FOX cameras in a "CDC Trainee" uniform and a face mask, told the TV station that people offended by the display need to "lighten up."

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Seriously??? I would love to see this guy explain the joke for some of the people who have not only just buried a loved one but may have had to be in isolation for the past 3 weeks.  Geez its not about being able to take a joke its about showing a little courtesy. 

As of October 24, 2014

Total Cases: 10141

Laboratory-Confirmed Cases: 5692Total Deaths: 4922


The world was a better place before we all decided to spend our walk through life constantly searching for our reason to be offended.

Many, including a few Observer writers, should lighten up a bit.


The dumbasses are, in order; the President of the United States of America, the CDC and everyone in charge at Presby Dallas


The only dumbasses are our President, the CDC and those that run Presby in Dallas. This is a gross deriliction of duty, plain and simple.


or maybe a montage of the Obama Cabinet Members seated around a table playing cards while Obama drinks a beer and eats an ice cream cone......scary...


when does someone add a beheading scene with muslim ragheads with machetes and some severed heads up on a post or two....could bash in the front of the house and park a blown up car body there to look like a car bomb, heck...the meme goes on and on.....

Montemalone topcommenter

The truly amazing thing is his HOA is letting it happen. 


Just to throw in a non-myrna comment. It's funny that Howard Stern was a pariah in the 90's but now he is "almost" main stream. Maybe not funny because ultimately it is about money so there is always that factor. Just saying that what used to be gauche is now a revered commodity. The majority of the young comedy community is taking their turn to bow at the feet of one Howard Stern. Vindication is such a sweet meal.


This is hilarious.  I love it!  Yes, some are challenged when it comes to having a sense of humor about something, the sign of a healthy mind.  At least we didn't say Dallas killed JFK and the first Ebola patient.  For me, I believe someone should come up with a Zombie Christ outfit for All Hallows Eve.  Well, what do you call dead people who come back to life?  Remember, Halloween is for fun.  Adults can have fun with the children.  Children get it, some adults don't. 


People need to get a life.  I think it's funny.


The funny thing is, dead and rotting bodies, skeletons, or murder scenes are perfectly acceptable for Halloween (as they should be.  It's Halloween), but this article takes issue with barrels and caution tape.  That's ludicrous, if you really think about it. 


Compared so some of the dumb stuff I've done/seen at Halloween ,that is almost high brow……


Some Dumb4ss Writes Blog Post About How World Should Agree With Him


The author of this article has been banging the Ebola drum fairly vigorously so it's natural that he would take offense at anything making light of the current media-fueled panic bandwagon du jour.
I imagine he would have been equally offended by a house done up as a non gluten-free bread factory.


You might be a redneck if.....

We'll see how many laughs Jeff Whateverhisnameis gets when he talks about this.  The verdict is still out as to whether or not normal, sane people "get the joke".


Which is more offensive? This ^ or dressing up like Obama for Halloween?

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

The horror!    Lighten Up; at least it's not more of that zombie crap


Steven Young needs to take a seat and calm down while the adults are playing.  I think this is hilarious! Also, my sister emailed me a similar (but more even-handed) article saying "you've got all the stuff to do the same thing", which is true - I do.

Same IBC totes, barrels (both blue and white), I've got the "caution" tape and have access to the biohazard stickers and red bio-waste bags. The only two things I DON'T have are the yellow traffic cones, or a desire to be a complete copycat, so laugh though I may, I'm not planning on duplicating his efforts.

Now before anyone else flies off the handle and starts throwing "Jerk" and "Dumbass" or worse monikers around, just remember: it isn't that "Ebola and the ongoing tragedy it is causing are too serious to make fun of"... but rather "It wouldn't be funny if the situation wasn't so damn serious."

I mean seriously... Look at the world around you. You'd better get a helmet, grow a thick skin, and develop a deep sense of humor because the world provides you endless opportunities to scream in pain.

So chill, Steven, this kind of letting off steam is healthy and to be applauded. Also, please remember that you'll live a happier life if you don't allow yourself to be so easily offended.

Just sayin'.


The "Dumbass" is the one offended by this. It's Halloween!!! I suppose if his yard was filled with gravestones and serial killers this would be considerate to those who lost family members to serial killers... If Halloween serves any purpose at all, it's to not take life and death so serious!!! Lighten up!


This is great!   Someone was offended!?!?  So what! ?!?!


Stephen, I cordially invite you to procure an existence.

It's funny. You ever heard laughter at a funeral?


My son wanted to dress up as a great white shark. I told him that would not be a wise idea because people are scared of sharks and they've killed people recently. He said "okay how about the grim reaper?" I pulled out the old pumpkin costume just to be safe.

scottindallas topcommenter

@rufuslevin or Israeli's driving families out of their homes, burning children with white phosphorous?  What about drones vaporizing a group of girls as they collect firewood, you insular jackass?  What about a country that espoused "democracy" but rejects elections, supports dictators and arms, trains and funds terrorists, then later declares war against that self-same group all to your ignorant and moronic cheers?

scottindallas topcommenter

@Mervis Howard's problem is he's utterly vacuous.  The Ticket is a better argument, the Ol Grey Wolf is a Hall of Famer, and better.  The ticket's worst stuff is when they have some tramp on, that's Howie's zenith--it's adolescent crap and you should feel a bit moronic for being such a fan of such utterly juvenile dreck.  I suppose you were a Def Leppard fan too

Montemalone topcommenter

@ww1020dfw I was thinking of starting a bakery that adds extra gluten to everything, even the coffee.

Be sortofa hipster repellent.

scottindallas topcommenter

@Sotiredofitall OMG, had a nite with a couple and the dude seemed to kinda be into the whole zombie thing.  I don't know, I don't know.  I think he used to be a Scarborough Faire goer before getting into Zombies.  It might be what those people do when life so beats them down that they can't make it to those events


Don't forget to add the displays of crying loved ones surrounded by dead bodies. Or the unmarked gravestones of the unidentified bodies who have died in west Africa. Yeah, I'm sure that would be hilarious

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Want to sell any of that stuff?


It makes me wonder where is the line crossed. Is cancer, AIDS, or other deadly diseases worth mocking? What about tragic events? Would there be a holocaust or 911 display next year? Maybe serial killers are taken lightly because they seem more on the realm of fantasy instead of reality. Whereas ebola is a disease currently affecting most of West Africa. We know they are dying. It just feels like this display is completely disrespectful to those suffering.


@LionelHutz what DOES a great white shark WEAR DO they get all dressed up?

Montemalone topcommenter

@scottindallas @Montemalone

See that "C" on the building behind him?

That's part of his address. 

Townhouses and condos have letters as part of the address because they share a lot, and belong to an HOA.


@scottindallas @Mervis I guess you haven't listened to the show in a while. 

BTW - Love The Ticket but it wouldn't have been possible without Stern. Just ask Rhyner, er I mean Mike. He'll tell you the truth.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@scottindallas @Mervis I loved Def Leppard.  Still do.  All that really means is I have a somewhat questionable and undeniably stagnant taste in music.

scottindallas topcommenter

@Montemalone @ww1020dfw I heard on NCAA football the announcers speak of the incredible challenge one athlete faced, suffering celiac disease.  The incredible challenges he must face keeping weight with such a condition... My mother has celiac, it's not exactly diabetes, cancer or rickets or anything

scottindallas topcommenter

@Liz1205 I wanna write EBOLA VAN on my Tahoe and drive around spewing watered down creamed corn all around.  You say you think it's too soon?


@Liz1205 why did they not put a decoration in the 1950s of a bunch of Iron Lungs with Polio Victims inside for Halloween?  Uh...maybe they had some taste and decorum back then....when University Park had people of culture instead of idiots with more money than sense and absolutely no breeding.

scottindallas topcommenter

@rufuslevin @Liz1205 All threats and fears are up to be explored on this day, or the next, depending in which country you were born, and if you were blessed with a sense of (gallows) humor


@scottindallas @rufuslevin @Liz1205 I'm the "Dunbass" : ) Im also a Sociopathic, Jackass, Jerk or Tool according to the Vanity Fair Blogger Kurt Whatever, drawing a blank at Moment. The Negative is funny that people can get so worked up. As they say- profanity is a sign of diminished intelligence.

But my favorite quote these days- Oscar Wilde... "Life is far too important to be taken too seriously'

Love your Comments!

Happy Halloween : )

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