Michelle Cortez Gonzales’ “Limpia”


Rose Marine Theater
Fort Worth native Michelle Cortez Gonzales’ artworks spring from a complicated relationship with the various religious faiths she was raised in. Her show of paintings at Rose Marine Theater remains up until the end of the mon...

Jeanette Korab’s “Blue Lariat”


Milan Gallery
Jeanette Korab recently completed a trip through Turkey, where she took inspiration from the jewelry she saw on display there. Her current show at Milan Gallery contains mixed-media works depicting the iridescent pieces that sh...

Michelle Brandley’s “Woman, Woman”


Artspace 111
Former Fort Worth Weekly Visionary Award winner Michelle Brandley returns with another show that uses drawings, prints, and video art to examine unattainable standards of beauty and perfection. The opening reception is 5pm Satu...

J.T. Grant’s “Empire”


William Campbell Contemporary Art
If you read Fort Worth Weekly’s recent cover story about J.T. Grant and were intrigued, you’re in luck. At William Campbell, he’ll be exhibiting the work he completed after recovering from his illness. The opening recepti...

Matt Moulton’s “untitled”


Brand 10 Artspace
Brand 10 Artspace now has just one location for your convenience, and there you can see the opening of house party, a performance art installation by the collective After School Special inspired by cautionary TV movies of the 1...

Doug Blagg’s “Santa Monica 2”


Artspace 111
Dennis and Daniel Blagg are well-known in the Fort Worth art scene, but you may not be aware that they have two other siblings in other parts of the country. At Artspace 111, you can see the works of Woodrow and Doug and marvel...

Jake Gilson’s “MK 777”


William Campbell Contemporary Art
A resident of the United Arab Emirates, Jake Gilson uses a technique known as “gun bluing” to create his paintings on steel. The results are solid, formidable, and more than a bit imposing, and they’re no display now thro...

Allison Schulnik’s “Mound” (video still)


Fort Worth Contemporary Arts
Fort Worth Contemporary Arts turns its attention to narrative strains in conceptual art with Dramedy, a group show featuring several burgeoning artists working in various though always hard-to-categorize media.   Dramedy r...

Susan Sponsler’s “gun case” (detail)


WoCA Projects
Wear your hoodie to the opening of WoCA Projects’ new show. Featuring works in various media, Susan Sponsler’s The Hoodie Project was inspired by the murder of Trayvon Martin. The reception, which includes a pop-up photogra...

Bill Barter’s “Untitled”


Gallery 76102
Since his retirement from the aerospace industry, Arlington’s Bill Barter has devoted himself to painting geometrical arrangements of abstract wedges of color. The artist has now been given a show at Gallery 76102 that’s up...