Join the Fracktivist contingent at the Peoples Climate March

As we come together in New York on September 21st. The Fractivist Hub will be demanding Climate Leaders name natural gas as the false solution to the climate crisis that it is.stfa-poster-2

Hydraulic fracking, the main way to extract natural gas main byproduct is Methane, and the math is simple; Fracking =Methane = Climate Change. Methane is more efficient at trapping radiation than Carbon. Pound for pound, the comparative impact of Methane on climate change is over 86 times greater than carbon a 20-year period, and some studies even out it at higher rates.

Scientific models predict that it is going to easily take more than 50 years for us to see any significant benefit from transitioning a substantial part of our coal infrastructure over to natural gas. 50 years from now, we will have either stopped climate change or suffering the consequences of it.

Natural Gas is not the answer we have been searching for to stop the climate crisis- we need real leadership from climate leaders. Only when we look at moving towards a truly just and sustainable future will the world we wish to live in become possible. If you are true climate leaders, you would not be on the side of the frackers!

Find out more info Here!