Benedict Cumberbatch Thinks Feminism Is Sexy - He's Wrong

I love (loved) Benedict Cumberbatch. But today our relationship has been strained to breaking point by this nauseating image of the lovely Benedict wearing a 'this is what a feminist looks like' t-shirt. (As previously sported by such notable heart-throbs as Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband, though not, to his credit, by David Cameron).
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British Energy Minister: Government Has Slowed Global Warming

Baroness Sandip Verma, a member of the House of Lords and a minister in the Department of Energy and Climate Change, said global warming has slowed because of measures taken by the government. Verma’s remarks came in response to Viscount Ridley, a Conservative peer who has questioned government efforts to slow global warming. 29 Oct 2014, 11:49 AM PDT

MPs Thank Armed Forces at Parliament Military Parade

A column of 175 sailors and marines led by the Band of the Royal Marines have marched into parliament to be thanked by MPs for their heavy involvement in global operations, including drug interdiction, counter piracy and humanitarian relief. 29 Oct 2014, 9:52 AM PDT

50,000 Illegal Migrants Go Missing in Britain's Immigration Shambles

The scale of Britain’s immigration mess was laid bare yesterday as a report exposed that 50,000 illegal immigrants are at large in the country, and a further 175,000 are waiting to be deported. The revelation came as the Mayor of Calais called Britain an 'El Dorado' for immigrants due to its generous benefits system and unwillingness to deport illegals. 29 Oct 2014, 9:31 AM PDT

Renewables Advocate Caught Stretching Truth on Wind and Solar Energy

The revelation by National Grid that Britain’s energy margins are being squeezed to the limit has caused widespread discussion of energy policy, with renewables advocates scrabbling to assure the public that solar and wind power can meet the demand. But are the cold hard facts being defenestrated in the process? Breitbart London decided to fact check one claim – that variable outputs by solar and wind plants could be smoothed using energy storage facilities. 29 Oct 2014, 9:23 AM PDT

Benedict Cumberbatch Thinks Feminism Is Sexy - He's Wrong

I love (loved) Benedict Cumberbatch. But today our relationship has been strained to breaking point by this nauseating image of the lovely Benedict wearing a 'this is what a feminist looks like' t-shirt. (As previously sported by such notable heart-throbs as Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband, though not, to his credit, by David Cameron). 29 Oct 2014, 9:12 AM PDT

Oxford Prof Shreds Government's Green Energy Policy

An Oxford University Professor has torn the UK government's energy policy to shreds in his appearance before the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee. Speaking to the Lords yesterday, Professor Dieter Helm said that the "Miliband-Huhne-Davey" policy (referring to the last three energy secretaries), which is based on an assumption that fossil fuel prices would rise, was "dramatically wrong". 29 Oct 2014, 8:41 AM PDT

Ebola Appears to Be Slowing in Liberia - WHO

Liberia may be seeing a decline in the spread of Ebola, with falls in the number of burials and new admissions as well as a plateau in laboratory-confirmed cases, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday. 29 Oct 2014, 8:35 AM PDT

Residents: Islamic State Group Kills 30 Iraqi Men

Islamic State group militants lined up 30 men in western Iraq town and shot them dead Wednesday, an official and residents said, the latest mass killing carried out by the group since its advance across the country. 29 Oct 2014, 8:23 AM PDT

Singapore's Top Court Upholds Anti-Gay Law

Singapore's highest court on Wednesday dismissed a constitutional challenge against an archaic law criminalising sex between men, striking a fresh blow to the city-state's growing gay-rights movement. 29 Oct 2014, 7:14 AM PDT

Cameron Rejects Scottish Proposal on EU Referendum

Prime Minister David Cameron rejected on Wednesday a proposal by the Scottish National Party (SNP) that the United Kingdom should only quit the European Union after a future referendum if a majority in each of its four constituent parts vote to do so. 29 Oct 2014, 7:11 AM PDT

Cameron Faces Biggest Rebellion Yet on European Arrest Warrant

David Cameron has announced that he will hold a vote in Parliament on the UK opting back in to the European Arrest Warrant. The decision will take place before a crucial by election in Rochester and Strood which, if the Conservatives lose, leaves the sword of Damocles hanging above the Prime Minister’s head. 29 Oct 2014, 6:46 AM PDT

Catalogue of NHS Blunders 'Caused Brain Damage, Infertility and Death'

Errors by NHS staff have left patients infertile, children suffering from brain damage, and have even caused the untimely death of patients, a new report by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has found. The investigation looked in depth at 126 cases, and found that errors were made in the care of patients of all ages, and took place in hospitals, care homes and GPs surgeries. 29 Oct 2014, 5:53 AM PDT

Report: UK's Debt 'Time Bomb' Set to Go Off

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has published a report showing that unless government takes control of spending and promises to pay for future pensions and healthcare, there would be the need for "crippling tax hikes for our children and grandchildren". 29 Oct 2014, 4:44 AM PDT

Third Brighton Jihadist Killed in Syria

A Libyan mother living in Brighton has now lost two of her three sons who traveled to Syria in January to join Al-Qaeda, as reports from the country indicate the youngest brother has now perished while battling against government forces. 29 Oct 2014, 4:18 AM PDT

Only 6 of Spain's 39 Eurofighter Jets Can Fly

Sources inside Spain's military have reportedly told a Spanish newspaper that only a handful of the country's Eurofighter Typhoon jets are fully operational and that semi-retired F-18 aircraft are being called back into full service to meet NATO commitments. 29 Oct 2014, 4:05 AM PDT

London's Battersea Secures £467m Islamic Financing

London's Battersea Power Station redevelopment project has secured a sharia-compliant syndicated loan of 467 million pounds ($754 million), a step towards developing Britain as an Islamic finance centre. 29 Oct 2014, 3:53 AM PDT

Syrian Rebels Enter Kurdish Town from Turkey

A small group of Syrian rebels entered the embattled border town of Kobani from Turkey on Wednesday on a mission to help Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State extremists in Syria, activists and Kurdish officials said. 29 Oct 2014, 3:44 AM PDT

NFL Could Boost UK Economy by £140m Says Study

An NFL franchise in London could generate more than $250 million a year for Britain, according to a study released Wednesday. The study by accountancy firm Deloitte, commissioned by the NFL and a London marketing agency, also casts doubt on the feasibility of a Super Bowl in the British capital and warns of a negative reaction from the United States. 29 Oct 2014, 3:36 AM PDT

Erdogan to Unveil Turkey's Controversial New Presidential Palace

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is on Wednesday set to unveil his new presidential palace on the outskirts of Ankara, denounced by ecologists as an environmental blight and by the opposition as new evidence of his autocratic tendencies. 29 Oct 2014, 3:33 AM PDT

Dave's EU Temper Tantrums are a Pantomime of Futility

Things are getting scary. Dave is on the warpath and he is taking no prisoners. Suddenly, Mr Angry in Number 10 has become as iconic a British character as Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells. In his stern new persona of war leader Dave is rejecting opportunities for buffoonery he would formerly have embraced, e.g. his refusal to join Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg in sporting a feminist T-shirt bearing the legend: “This is what a big girl’s blouse looks like.” 29 Oct 2014, 2:30 AM PDT

Calais Mayor: Britain Soft Touch on Immigration

No-nonsense Calais Mayor Natacha Bouchart told MPs yesterday that Britain was a “soft touch” for asylum seekers. “These people are ready and prepared to die to come to England” she told the Home Affairs Committee, adding that the fences placed around the border control which Britain proudly sent to help the beleaguered City “make everyone laugh”. 29 Oct 2014, 2:04 AM PDT

Two Percent of Anglican Clergy Don't Believe in God

Two percent of Anglican clergy in Britain do not believe in God, while a further nine percent say that 'no one can know what God is like', according to a new poll. The YouGov poll of clergy in the Church of England, Church in Wales, Scottish Episcopal Church and Church of Ireland found that 83 percent believe in a personal God – as taught by Christianity for millennia – which means that up to 17 percent do not. 28 Oct 2014

Toddler’s Death Shrouded in Secrecy as Council Applies For Reporting Ban

Cumbria County Council attempted to get the details of a toddler’s death suppressed for 15 years in an effort to protect its staff, it has emerged. The Judge ruling on the case accepted that certain details surrounding Poppi Worthington’s death two years ago of unknown causes should be kept secret to prevent interference with any future criminal trial, but denied the council its wish to suppress the incident entirely. 28 Oct 2014

How Nigel Farage Just Owned Frankie Boyle on Twitter

UKIP leader Nigel Farage is known for his sense of humour, yet rarely takes on stand-up comedians at their own game. So when left-wing comedian Frankie Boyle decided to send a foul-mouthed tweet to the UKIP leader earlier today, he probably didn't expect Farage to respond. 28 Oct 2014

Ebola Crisis Averted: the Homeopaths Are On Their Way!

Wonderful news for concerned Ebola-watchers everywhere: according to the National Center for Homeopathy, a crack team of sugar pill-wielding charlatans is on its way to West Africa to begin "clinical trials." Says the NCH: "We applaud and congratulate this team's dedication and courage in joining the front lines in treating Ebola with homeopathy." 28 Oct 2014

A Creepy, Sinister Sexlessness Is Descending on the Tech World

Bizarre, ill-fated business ideas such as Dattch, the "lesbian social network," are being granted places in high-profile corporate accelerators, while ordinary heterosexual sexuality is being policed like never before at prominent gatherings of entrepreneurs, investors and journalists. What's going wrong in the startup world? 28 Oct 2014

Debrett's Publishes New Guide on British Politeness in the 21st Century

It provides information on how to address Ambassadors and what to serve at dinner parties, but the questions being asked to Debrett’s have moved on since it started almost 250 years ago. In a new book, the Holy Grail of socially acceptable behaviour, Debrett's, has lifted the lid on modern day manners; and they have more to do with commuting than the Royal Court. 28 Oct 2014

Cinema Pays For 'London Living Wage' Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant. 28 Oct 2014

Suspected Child Abuse Gang Arrested in Manchester

Eleven people have been arrested under Operation Heliodor, in a crackdown on child sexual exploitation in the South Manchester area, Greater Manchester Police have confirmed. According to a statement from GMP, six warrants have been executed and eleven people aged between 19 and 38 have been arrested for offences including sexual activity with a child, attempted indecent assault, inciting a child into prostitution, abduction and rape. 28 Oct 2014

Millions 'Disappear' In Campaign Against Postal Vote Fraud

The total size of Britain's electorate is expected to drop by up to five million when the electoral register is 'cleaned up' to remove anyone who has not personally signed up for it. The individual voter registration policy was brought in to curtail postal vote fraud, which is now thought to be rife in some communities. 28 Oct 2014

One Month into HK Protests, Defiance on the Streets

A month into the mass pro-democracy protests gripping Hong Kong, the movement is under pressure to keep up momentum -- but those on the streets say their vigil has already changed the city for good. 28 Oct 2014

Lloyds Banking Group to Cut 9,000 Jobs

Britain's Lloyds Banking Group said Tuesday it will eliminate 9,000 jobs over the next three years and shut some 200 branches in a bid to improve efficiency. 28 Oct 2014

Al-Qaeda Plan to Cripple Global Economy With Oil Attack

Al-Qaeda leaders have called on Mujahideen fighters to launch attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Gibraltar and other choke points, strategic waterways through which 75 percent of all global trade passes every year in a mission which strongly resembles the M/V Limburg attack of 2002. 28 Oct 2014

Ian Paisley Jnr: The Nanny State Has Just Cost 800 Jobs in Northern Ireland

Last night I led an adjournment debate in the House of Commons on the closure of the JTI Gallaher cigarette factory at Ballymena in my constituency. It was a sad task for me to introduce this debate and I did my best to convey to the House of Commons the devastation this news will cause for my constituents. Worst of all, the resulting job losses are all so unnecessary and the direct result of nanny state interference and a culture which values gesture politics above evidence-led decision making. 28 Oct 2014

Witnesses Offered Protection As Mayor Rahman’s Court Day Looms

The Commissioner of the special election court considering allegations of electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets has ruled witnesses’ names and addresses will no longer be made public. Richard Moreaux QC made the ruling after those challenging the election of Lutfur Rahman as Mayor claimed a number of their supporters had retracted their statements after threats of violence. 28 Oct 2014

The Tories Are Stealing UKIP's Lines, and It Isn't Working

Compare and contrast the following two statements from Westminster politicians over the last few weeks: "I answer first, foremost and last to you, you are my boss, I will not let you down." "I’m very clear about who the boss is, about who I answer to, and it’s the British people." 28 Oct 2014

Riot Police Clash With 4,000 Strong Anti-Islam Protest

Rallies by German anti-Islamist protest group “Hooligans against Salafists” have grown from a few dozen, to a few hundred, to some 4,000 people marching in a matter of weeks, triggering a deployment of 1,000 riot police in Cologne on Sunday. 27 Oct 2014

Cameron Opens Door For Partial Payment Of £1.7bn EU Bill

David Cameron has implied he may pay a percentage of the £1.7bn bill Britain was handed at the recent meeting of the European Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister was adamant he would question how the figure was arrived at and told the House of Commons 'won't be paying anything like' the total bill, suggesting that a deal over a smaller figure might be agreeable. 27 Oct 2014

British Cancer Boy Ashya Resumes Treatment in Spain

Five-year-old British brain tumour patient Ashya King is back in Spain from Prague after undergoing proton therapy which is unavailable in Britain, the family's lawyer said Monday. "They arrived this morning, the child is doing perfectly well. They are going to go to a private clinic for immunotherapy treatment," Juan Isidro Fernandez, told AFP from the southwestern city of Seville. 27 Oct 2014

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 14 South of Baghdad

A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-rigged Humvee armoured vehicle near security forces and allied militiamen south of Baghdad, killing at least 14, an officer and a doctor said Monday. The blast took place on the northern edge of Jurf al-Sakhr, a large area south of the capital, where the government announced it retook the strategic town of the same name from the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group over the weekend. 27 Oct 2014

Populist Anti-Establishment Left-Wing Party Now Polling Second in Spain

A new left wing party has broken Spain’s two party system for the first time since the death of Dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. Podemos (Spanish for 'We Can') beat the socialists in a nationwide poll over the weekend to take second place on 24.1 percent, just ahead of Spain’s official opposition, the socialist PSOE which garnered 23.7 percent. 27 Oct 2014

Jihadis 'Infiltrating UK Parliament Tours'

Islamists have been on tours of the Houses of Parliament in London in order to scope out the building, a British intelligence source has revealed. The revelation has led to some MPs calling for the number of visitors to parliament to be restricted in the wake of the shooting in the Canadian parliament last week. 27 Oct 2014

Study: Wind Turbines are 'Expensive, Unreliable and Inefficient'

Wind power is too variable and too unpredictable to provide a serious alternative to fossil fuels, a new study by the Scientific Alliance and the Adam Smith Institute has confirmed. The researchers concluded that, although it is true that the wind is always blowing somewhere, the base line is only around 2 percent of capacity, assuming a network capacity of 10GW. 27 Oct 2014

Security Alert after 'Jogger' Runs into Prime Minister in Leeds

What was initially thought to be a protest against the Prime Minister in Leeds today turned out to be the simple case of a 'jogger running into a pedestrian' according to official reports. The Prime Minister was leaving the City’s Civic Hall when he collided with the 'exercise enthusiast', who was not wearing trainers or any other sports clothing, was quickly jumped on by the Prime Minister’s security team. 27 Oct 2014

Teacher Admits Syria-Linked Terror Charges

A British teacher pleaded guilty on Monday to charges of funding would-be fighters going to Syria and planning to go there himself, but said he did not support the Islamic State group. Lawyers for chemistry teacher Jamshed Javeed, 30, told the court in London that he "never supported and does not support the aims of ISIS (Islamic State) as now revealed and understood". 27 Oct 2014

Boko Haram Victims Tell of Rape, Torture and Abuse

The organisation Human Rights Watch have accused the Nigerian government of ‘completely failing in its duty’ to rescue women and girls kidnapped by Islamic terror group Boko Haram. In a report released today, which features the harrowing ordeal of some victims who managed to escape from the fundamentalists, they say that many of the kidnappings have been covered up and it was only the high profile #BringBackOurGirls campaign which shone a spotlight onto the terror facing Nigerian women. 27 Oct 2014

Tory MEP Attacks 'Hysterical' Conservative Eurosceptics

A former Liberal Democrat who defected to the Conservatives in order to save his seat in the European Parliament has launched an attack on Eurosceptic Tories. Sajjad Karim – who is nicknamed 'Salvaj Karir' pronounced 'Salvage Career' in honour of his defection ruse – accused three MEPs of "hubrus and hysteria" for voting against 'old Europe' Jean-Claude Juncker as European Commission President. 27 Oct 2014

Pensioner Charged with Racism After Saying 'I'm not a Muslim' at Airport Security

A British pensioner who quipped “I’m not a Muslim” when asked to remove his shoes at airport security spent more than six months with a criminal charge of racism hanging over him, before the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the case just one day before it was due in court. Paul Griffith, who was flying from Stansted Airport in Essex, has described the experience as “incredibly stressful”. 27 Oct 2014

Backlash After Australian Climate Change Group Compares Coal Mining to Paedophilia

An Australian Climate Change lobby group has faced a backlash after creating a billboard advert comparing coal miners to paedophiles. The ad was one of a number of possible images posted onto the Facebook page of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition as part of a competition to choose a poster to be displayed at Brisbane airport next month when world leaders fly in to meet for the G20 Summit, but was pulled from the site after followers branded the advert as “sick”. 27 Oct 2014

Kurds Thwart New IS Bid to Cut off Syria's Kobane

Kurdish forces have thwarted a new attempt by Islamic State group fighters to cut off the Syrian town of Kobane from the border with Turkey before Iraqi Kurdish reinforcements can deploy. 27 Oct 2014

Blow to Putin as pro-West Parties Win Mandate in Ukraine

Ukraine looks set to move towards the European mainstream as the top three parties from results available are defiant in the face of Russian aggression Reuters News Agency reports. Former Prime Minister Arsent Yatseniuk and his party ‘People’s Front’ had a vote share of 21.67 with a quarter of the vote counted, fractionally ahead of President Petro Poroshenko’s party on 21.63. 27 Oct 2014

All Medical Students to Face Interviews for Commitment to 'Equality'

All prospective medical students applying for a place at English universities will have to undergo a face to face interview to ascertain whether their values align with those of the NHS, as of next year. The plans are part of a new Values Based Recruitment strategy (VBR), which is being introduced as a response to the Stafford Hospital scandal in which over 1,000 people were found to have “needlessly died”. 26 Oct 2014

Drugmakers Bet on Ebola Vaccines, Treatments

Drugmakers are racing to develop vaccines and drugs to address the worst outbreak of Ebola in history. It's unclear who will pay for their products, but companies are betting that governments and aid groups will foot the bill. 26 Oct 2014

No Laughing Matter: Clown Terror Spreads in France

A wave of panic sparked by evil clowns stalking French towns has spread to the south of France where police on Saturday night arrested 14 teenagers dressed as the pranksters, carrying pistols, knives and baseball bats. 26 Oct 2014

Poll: Third of Brits Would Consider Supporting UKIP

Nearly one third of voters would back the UK Independence Party if they thought the party could win in their constituency, according to a new poll by Opinium for the Observer today. The news comes on the same day that Ukip reveals plans to seriously contest 100 seats in next May’s general election, although it will stand candidates in all seats. 26 Oct 2014

Merkel Will Block Cameron's Plan to Limit EU Migrants

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has dealt another blow to David Cameron saying she will not ‘tamper’ with EU freedom of movement. The Prime Minister is relying on being able to make changes to half a billion people having the right to live, work and settle in the UK as he tries to stem the flow of support from the Conservative Party to UKIP. 26 Oct 2014

The Green Blob Unveiled: How UK Energy Policy is Bought With American Billionaires’ Cash

When Owen Paterson was sacked from his position as Environment Secretary back in June, he blamed the ‘Green Blob’ – a conglomeration of “powerful, self-serving” environmental lobbyists. Now an investigation by the Mail on Sunday has given shape to that blob, identifying the foundations that give well over half a billion pounds a year to environmental lobby groups – who are targeting the UK as the country leading the way in green energy policies. 26 Oct 2014

Japan to Import Halal Products From Malaysia

As a move to prepare for the Olympic Games in 2020, Japan will import Halal products from Malaysia to be marketed throughout the country, according to Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob. 26 Oct 2014

Turkish PM Condemns Terrorist Attack on Turkish Soldiers

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu condemned the shooting attack on Saturday in which three soldiers were killed while on duty by three masked terrorists in Turkey's Yuksekova district of southeastern Hakkari province. 26 Oct 2014

Britain Hands Over Camp Bastion, Ends Afghan Mission

Britain has ended combat operations in Afghanistan after handing over its last base, Camp Bastion, to Afghan security forces. The union flag was lowered at the base, which has been the centre of British operations since 2006, at the same time that neighbouring US base Camp Leatherneck was also handed over. 26 Oct 2014


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