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Back from the brink

A subspecies of giant tortoise has been rescued from the brink of extinction. In the 1960s there were just 15 giant tortoises lumbering around Espanola, one of the Galapagos Islands - now, due to conservation efforts, there are more than 1000. So how did they do it?
Shireen Omar's profile photoömer albaş's profile photo
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Antares explodes

An unmanned supply rocket bound for the International Space Station has exploded shortly after its launch in the US state of Virginia. The American rocket, Antares, blew up seconds after leaving the launch pad - no one was hurt in the crash and the cause is yet to be determined.
Adam Hinckley's profile photofoxindianews's profile photoVinay Kothari's profile photoHoober Doober's profile photo
Million Dollar machine/craft blown out in seconds. 
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BBC World Service

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Fighting extremism with comedy

When Humza Arshad filmed a comedy video in his bedroom, he didn't think it would make him famous. But Humza's videos have since been viewed by millions online. The comedian has now been recruited by UK police to help prevent the radicalisation of British Muslims.
foxindianews's profile photoHenry Hallam's profile photo
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100 women

Last year the BBC kick-started its pledge to represent women better in its international news output with the 100 Women season. And today the series returns. This year's list has more scientists and more women working in the arts. And with more than a fifth of participants under the age of 25, these are not only women to take notice of now, but ones to watch in the future, too.

You can watch live coverage of the 100 Women event here:

Danushi De Silva's profile photoDan Welsh's profile photoAndrea Rush's profile photoJonathan Bradshaw's profile photo
Touche.  But the internet is available to everyone.  Traditional broadcast media is not.  Hence the need for it to be replaced.  Worrying about being "represented" is missing the point.  Represent yourself.
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BBC World Service

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Homeless world cup

The 2014 World Cup in Brazil wasn't the only one to be held in South America this year. Over the past week, Chile has been hosting the Homeless World Cup. Teams from 49 countries took part, with the hosts Chile winning both the men's and the women's competitions on Sunday night.
Nadiya Manir's profile photo
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BBC World Service

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Escaping Boko Haram

It's now over six months since the Islamic militant group Boko Haram abducted more than 200 school girls from Chibok town in the north east of Nigeria. Despite a promised ceasefire and hopes that they would be released as part of negotiations between Boko Haram and the Nigerian government, the girls are still being held and the abductions continue. But some have escaped - here are their testimonies.
Maureen Staniforth's profile photoH. Hugh Choi's profile photo
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Male feminist

Photographer, blogger and poet Nana Kofi Acquah uses his travels around Africa to chronicle the lives of women at their most accomplished and at their most vulnerable. A self-declared male feminist, he says his mission is to change the narrative around African women where they are often portrayed as victims of circumstance.

Dolors Hugas's profile photoKeith Andrews's profile photoDierck Ziegler's profile photoömer albaş's profile photo
Very interesting, worth clicking the link & reading the full article. 
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BBC World Service

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Zambia's President Michael Sata has died aged 77 in a London hospital. We remember him here
Seija Hill's profile photoBan Tanh's profile photoRichard Nixon Alao Maengo's profile photoPatie Moyo's profile photo
its a different ball game down here!!!
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Liberia's body collectors

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, has criticised other countries for not doing enough to help beat Ebola. On the ground, it is local groups who are doing the hard work of fighting the deadly virus. In Liberia, a special team has the job of collecting the bodies - they not only face danger from the virus but also hostility from the relatives of those who have died.
Dolors Hugas's profile photoMonika Körkemeier-Yalcin's profile photoDierck Ziegler's profile photoömer albaş's profile photo
May God help them
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Nigeria girls

This morning there was some good news when this woman discovered that her niece, who had been kidnapped by Boko Haram in north eastern Nigeria, had been released.

Listen to the moving moment when she heard the news:
Shireen Omar's profile photofoxindianews's profile photoRay Gee's profile photoMaureen Staniforth's profile photo
Fantastic, overjoyed✌😆 Mahalo nui loa BBC for sharing!!
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BBC World Service

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"I'm a bearded lady"

Conchita Wurst says she was convinced she didn't stand a chance in the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest. But she won and is now one of Europe's most famous drag queens. But how did her drag queen persona come about? And how does Conchita relate to her other self - the privacy-loving Tom Neuwirth who struggled to find acceptance as a teenager in rural Austria.
Shireen Omar's profile photofoxindianews's profile photo
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BBC World Service

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Word of God

A court in Malaysia recently banned Christians from using the term Allah. It's an Arabic word for God widely used by both Christians and Muslims in the Middle East and in parts of south-east Asia. The dispute over who should be allowed to use the word has led to attacks on churches and some Muslim prayer halls in the multi-faith country. And now Christians are fighting for the right to use it.
Siegward Agbenorku's profile photoDolors Hugas's profile photoDan Martin's profile photoOscar Mudiriza's profile photo
+John Walker you look like a downy
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