Allegation of Bias Sparks New EPA Study of San Jacinto Waste Pit - FOX 26 News | MyFoxHouston

Allegation of Bias Sparks New EPA Study of San Jacinto Waste Pits

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There's been a major development in the battle over a huge toxic waste dump on the San Jacinto River.

Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan says the Environmental Protection Agency is being fed science tainted by bias and it appears the EPA is listening and acting on the charge.

The half century old Superfund site on the San Jacinto River is the responsibility of International Paper and Houston based Waste Management.

As the responsible parties for the tons of poisonous Dioxin stored there, the EPA counted on the two companies to hire an independent environmental engineering firm to scientifically assess the site and offer a range of options for the future.

But in a potentially game changing development, the Harris County Attorney has discovered that Anchor QEA, the firm hired by International Paper to offer unbiased advise to the EPA was also the firm advising International Paper's lawyers on how to win lawsuits related to the dump.

The Harris County Attorney's Office calls the dual role a blatant conflict of interest.

"It's all right to hire an expert to prepare a defense, but you just can't use the same people as unbiased experts," said Rock Owens, Assistant Harris County Attorney.

Anchor has been advising the EPA that the rock and plastic cap covering the toxic waste could withstand a 100 year storm and should be left in place.

They also warned the EPA that a complete "dig and haul" removal of the Dioxin waste could result in a dangerous release of toxins into the air or water and should avoided.

But given the allegation of bias and the evidence to back it, that assessment has apparently been set-aside by the EPA.

"It appears the EPA wants to have a truly independent study of what is the most efficient way of making that bay safe again from that Dioxin site and they are going to bring in their own independent experts," said Vince Ryan, Harris County Attorney.

"So far, all that we've seen that motivates these two defendants is money and that's why we are so gratified that the EPA is mandating independent study," he added.

Jackie Young of the San Jacinto River Coalition has led the grass roots fight for a complete clean-up of the waste pits.

"Having truly independent science is everything, so that the people that are conducting the studies are not going into it with a preconceived idea of what the outcome should be. The thought that we actually now could have a fair chance of the EPA doing what's right is very exciting," said Young.

In an e-mail to Fox 26 International Paper said "We continue to stand behind the sound science presented to the EPA and we remain in full compliance with EPA requirements concerning the Superfund site."

Waste Management also responded saying, "All the studies involved are based on sound engineering and science and are subject to full review and final acceptance by EPA."

The additional assessment by the EPA will likely postpone a final decision on the Superfund site's future until some time next year.

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