Traveling Man Deep Ellum

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Here is the second of the three total "Deep Ellum Gateway" Sculptures down here in Deep Ellum. This guys sits on the corner of Gaston and Good Latimer playing his banjo.

WilliamBullimore, grovlam, and 7 other people added this photo to their favorites.

  1. Joalhi "Around the World" 63 months ago | reply

    Hi, thank you for your visit. I visited that island, I took those pictures before landing. Those flights between Islands are very short, sometimes 10min, and the planes are small.

  2. WilliamBullimore 63 months ago | reply

    Fantastic. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. piyo02mel 63 months ago | reply

    oh so cute!! very futuristic!

  4. Brita Photography 63 months ago | reply

    love this night shot - that composition is awesome!
    Have a great Sunday! :)

  5. dusk013 63 months ago | reply

    Awesome shot!

  6. SIMindy. 63 months ago | reply

    Love it. I like the tuning pegs in his head :)

  7. Hans van Reenen 63 months ago | reply

    Beautiful composition and precious exposure.

  8. fake_plastic_earth 63 months ago | reply

    nice Dallas city scape beyond!

  9. Matt_Clarkson 63 months ago | reply

    well done :) I love those sculptures

  10. rebecaaaaa 61 months ago | reply

    oooooh, awesome! I love the colors and how you got the buildings in the background :)

  11. Kathryn♥Rose 61 months ago | reply

    I viewed this large, and it looks like this thing is taking over the city! haha

  12. Frank Wuestefeld 56 months ago | reply

    Super Licht und Farben und überhaupt eine astreine Kompo!

  13. Weld House LLC 53 months ago | reply

    Great photo. im lucky to get to see this sculpture every morning.

  14. Schlüsselbein2007 53 months ago | reply

    Same here; our company actually helped design it.

  15. Traveling Leflars 19 months ago | reply

    I love your picture!! Is it copyrighted? :)

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