Michael Kehs responds to Rolling Stone for CHK Chesapeake Energy

by TXsharon on March 5, 2012

in Chesapeake Energy

Energy Policy Forum has a point by point rebuttal of Chesapeake Energy’s response to the Rolling Stone article.

The response was written by Michael D. Kehs, Vice President of Strategic Affairs & Public Relations Chesapeake Energy.

Before you click over and read the rebuttal on Energy Policy Forum, you might enjoy the irony of Kehs talking about facts. And I’m sure you want to know what Michael Kehs thinks of you and me.

They have already labeled us as “insurgents.” You just need to decide if we are going to be a strong insurgency or a weak one.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

GhostBlogger March 5, 2012 at 7:34 pm

“This affordable energy supply is also projected to increase disposable income for each household in the U.S. by as much as $2,000 per year.”

Ha ha ha! That’s more than I pay for natural gas the whole year! And, I already have gas heating & water heating. Do I have to switch to a gas stove, a gas dryer, gas lighting, a CNG vehicle, & a gas powered fridge to get these savings?


Runner Susan March 6, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Did he really say “it does not matter what the facts are”?


Ed March 6, 2012 at 5:03 pm

Rolling Stone issued a response to Chesapeake this morning. It is one of the best responses I’ve ever read from a reporter to a corporation.



Anonymous March 6, 2012 at 8:23 pm

This reporter did a bang up good job on his response to CHK. As ususal, the big gas mafia lies, and lies, and lies somemore–reporter pointed that up.


Thomas March 6, 2012 at 5:08 pm

OK. I have been sitting on the fence bout this issue for a while but after reading the Rolling Stone article and then reading Chesapeake’s response I think it was a slam dunk for Rolling Stone. Chesapeake got a little out there with its “dreams of clean air”. I thought that I could hear violins playing with a big American flag waving in the breeze. Is this really the best they could do? Damn!


Fracking Crazy March 6, 2012 at 6:52 pm

It seems like a million years ago, the troubles started in my Shale neighborhood.

I’m so grateful that the Whole Truth is finally coming out in a respectable manner.

I’m glad that this reporter has balls, and urge others to follow suit.

Many of these people, like me, hurt by industry, have no voice. And once folks sign disclosure agreements there’s even less truth being heard.

Thank you God for slowly but surely answering my prayers.

I think the recent tornado outbreak is terribly sad and will keep those effected on my prayer list.

On a side note of irony, one teacher found 2 books, one of them; The Hole. I was thinking, that climate change is causing dramatic increases in volatile weather. We need to stop poking so many damn holes in the earth to get out fossil fuels…


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