
Koster: NYT Article ‘Misrepresents the Facts’

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UPI/Bill Greenblatt

UPI/Bill Greenblatt

Election Returns

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster is called out in a New York Times article saying he called off an investigation into 5-Hour Energy after receiving gifts from lobbyists.

According to the article, Koster’s office pulled out of an inquiry into 5-Hour Energy – attorneys general in more than 30 states were investigating allegations of deceptive advertising – after speaking with a lawyer from the law firm Dickstein Shapiro.

In a released statement, Koster says, “Today’s article in the New York Times misrepresents the facts, distorting events to create an appearance of impropriety where none exists.”

His statement reads as follows:

“This Attorney General’s office has consistently protected Missouri consumers from fraud, regardless of the identity of those responsible.

Contrary to the inferences contained in today’s New York Times article, this office reviews each case on its merits. We have taken legal action against Pfizer at least six times and have taken legal action against AT&T at least twice. Together, these cases have resulted in millions of dollars on behalf of Missouri consumers. Currently, Missouri is among the 44 states in the country that have not filed suit against 5 Hour Energy.

Today’s article in the New York Times misrepresents the facts, distorting events to create an appearance of impropriety where none exists.”

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