New Resource for Royalty Owners: Royalty Owner Report

by TXsharon on April 17, 2012

in Royalties

From the Royalty Owner Report website:

At Royalty Owner Reports, our mission is to be an advocate for royalty owners by providing them with accurate and comprehensive reports that verify the information that they receive on their royalty statements from Oil companies is complete and accurate by comparing owner’s current royalty statements with regulatory filings made by the operator.

Many oil operators underpay royalty owners by under reporting to them the correct monthly volume of oil and gas they sell on every well.

Some even fail to correctly report the number of producing wells and leases on the property.

That can mean the loss of thousands of dollars in annual royalty income to each mineral owner

From my experience working in industry for 12 years, the likelihood that you are not getting paid correctly for your royalty interests is HIGH.

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