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Parks not industrial

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 9:00 p.m.

The news story “Potential payday exists for drilling in Allegheny County parks” (June 16 and made it sound like drilling in Cross Creek County Park, Washington County, has been no problem, but quite the opposite is true.

In May 2009, Range Resources had a spill and fish kill there while fracking, bringing a $23,500 state Department of Environmental Protection fine. Earlier this year, Range had another spill at the same park site where it mistakenly clear-cut two acres from a neighboring cemetery.

Gas production in the park has created security checkpoints, no-trespassing zones, forest fragmentation, excessive truck traffic, fewer birds, higher radiation levels and water-well problems.

Range is authorized to withdraw 800,000 gallons per day from the fishing lake; low water levels have been blamed on various things in past years, while fishermen report dead fish. Air quality has worsened with multiple wells and a compressor station on the park's edge.

That parkland was taken for “recreation, conservation and historical purposes” but some now call it “Cross Creek Industrial Park.”

Do not let this happen in or near your park — parks are for people, not industrial activity.

Robert Donnan




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