World Cafe Next

World Cafe Next: Lily & Madeleine


Lily & Madeleine. i i

Lily & Madeleine. Courtesy of the artist hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of the artist
Lily & Madeleine.

Lily & Madeleine.

Courtesy of the artist


  • "Fumes"
  • "The Wolf is Free"

You can't beat sibling harmony. Or "blood harmony" as sisters Lily and Madeleine Jurkiewicz call their vocalizing. From Indianapolis, Lily & Madeleine will release their second album, Fumes, at the end of the month. As Madeleine says, "Fumes shows our transformation as musicians and as women, and was inspired by our experience on the road as well as the life experiences of people close to us. It's a perfect reflection of this stage of our lives."

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