
The Guv’s New Math

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Gov. Perry has made his career running on a “no new taxes” platform [see story, page 10], but is it true? For years Texans have been paying extra “fees” and “surcharges” with the promise the money wou...

Education Is Fair Game

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Recent articles in a local newspaper portrayed mayoral candidate Cathy Hirt as creating an adversarial relationship with the Fort Worth school district and Superintendent Melody Johnson over the interpretation of...

Watch Those Wells

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Regarding the March 23 cover story “Dark and Scary Wells”: A growing body of credible evidence suggests that all prudent state-of-the-art techniques currently available should be incorporated in a “best pra...

Trinity River Mirage?

John Q. Reader
To the editor: According to press reports, scores of officials from Tarrant County descended on the state capitol last week to tout a range of legislative priorities and to sound off against state budget cuts (“The Deficit Mo...

Car-Buying Caveat

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Regarding the Metropolis article (“Treading on Trouble,” Jan. 26, 2011), I have a similar story: I bought a new 2005 Altima from a large local Nissan dealer. I didn’t want the after-market wheels/tires on i...


John Q. Reader
To the editor: As I gaze from my sixth-floor window and watch automobiles zipping east and west, north and south, free as the breeze, I see freedom in motion. Fort Worth is a city on the go, where its people are as free as high...

And Not a Drop to Drink

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Water is of huge importance to towns and cities in Texas (“H2Ow,” Nov. 10, 2010), and every city from Fort Worth to West Texas quietly worries, “How many years of water do we have left?” The state says th...

Down the Drain

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Loved the Weekly’s front-page story (“Has Fort Worth Lost its Moral Compass,” Sept. 22, 2010) and headlines devoted to city hall and its elected officials — a comprehensive report by veteran journalists J...

In a Bad (Fort Worth) Way

John Q. Reader
To the editor: Mayor Mike Moncrief brags about “the Fort Worth Way” when extolling the virtues of the council or of businesses that aid the city. But judging by recent revelations in the media, before the city council, befo...

Both-Winged Bigotry

John Q. Reader
To the editor: I read the first seven or eight paragraphs of E.R. Bills’ “Bigots’ Last Stand” with mild amusement and some anticipation for his inevitable, befuddled connection between the disgusting, bigoted behavior (...