EagleRidge “does not use gas flaring,” except when they use gas flaring

by TXsharon on October 31, 2013

in Denton

In a response to the City of Denton, EagleRidge  Energy listed several things they do or don’t do when drilling in our backyards. You can read the full response HERE, but we have confirmation that you cannot depend on what they say. I want to call your attention to item 2:

2. No Gas Flaring – ERE does not use gas flaring & does not intend to flare its gas wells.

Oh wait!  Is that a flare in the video?

These photos were taken by a Mansfield resident from the playground where the neighborhood children play.




EagleRidge doesn’t at all mind drilling right on top of where families are trying to live their lives. As my momma told me: Just because you can do something legally, doesn’t mean it’s right.

Here is a video showing what those families can expect regarding their air quality from the EagleRidge operations. These are VOC emissions during a frack job at the Mayday Unit. (Additional EagleRidge emission videos are HERE)

Here is another video of the EagleRidge Paddock Unit. Imagine living 200′ from that.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jason December 31, 2013 at 1:24 pm

We received notice today from Eagleridge of the dates the fracking will start in the Vintage area. It states specificly in the letter that they will be flaring but we will be notified when it does happen..


TXsharon December 31, 2013 at 2:58 pm

What are the dates the fracking begins?


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