Barnett Shale Inspired Art Show Smashing Success

by TXsharon on December 11, 2007

in Barnett Shale

Saturday night I attended the Barnett Shale inspired protest art show, Buzzworms in the Backyard, hosted by FWCanDO (Fort Worth Citizens against Drilling Ordinance). It was a smashing success!

From all appearances, the guests who packed the house thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The beer, provided by Rahr & Sons Brewing Company was icy cold and delicious–my personal favorite was the Buffalo Butt but the Ugly Pug was also tasty. The dips were YUMMY!

Third place art entry: One Smart Canary by Lori Thomson (I love this! So clever!)

Second place art entry: Abandon Oilfield by Joel Kiser (Too realistic. Looks familar.)

First place art entry: A Long Slow Goodbye by Jennifer Danson (Wow! Talented)

Sound Culture presented “Greed, Caution” a performance ritual lament that was off the charts in creativity and entertainment.

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and so did my 13 yo son. We can’t wait until next year!

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