Another study links drilling and fracking pollutants to ozone

by TXsharon on January 17, 2013

in Uncategorized

Who could ever have guessed? /sarcasm

CU-Boulder, NOAA study uncovers oil and gas emission’s ‘chemical signature’
Study finds that more than half of ozone-forming pollutants in Erie come from drilling activity
By John Aguilar Camera Staff Writer
Posted: 01/16/2013 09:00:52 PM MST

Key to the findings was the recent discovery of a “chemical signature” that differentiates emissions from oil and gas activity from those given off by automobiles, cow manure or other sources of volatile organic compounds.

“There were very, very few data points that did not fall on the natural gas line,” Jessica Gilman, research scientist at CIRES and lead author of the study, said Wednesday. “We had a very strong signature from the raw natural gas.”

Also see:

Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements

UPDATE: Study: Oil & Gas activities significant impact on ambient ozone

Updated: HARC scientist responds to Energy In Depth and BSEEC regarding Barnett Shale ozone

HARC scientist again defends his work on oil and gas activity impacts on air quality

The alarming methane leakage from gas wells is not news.

Heart attack rates may be higher in areas of drilling and fracking

If you live in the gas patch, you might have a dirty mind

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Fracking Crazy January 18, 2013 at 11:30 am

I wish I could have had those markers when testing my air.



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