Carbon disulfide in the Barnett Shale

by TXsharon on May 1, 2012

in carbon disulfide

Carbon disulfide CS2 is used as a solvent for enhanced recovery of oil and gas from shale formations according to dozens of patents.

I know this will be a huge relief to Ed Ireland who wrote:

What is carbon disulfide?  Is it associated with natural gas production?
Monday, February 21, 2011 – 16:26
And, they’ve been using it for decades.

Here’s one example:

Process for the manufacture of carbon disulphide and use of a liquid stream comprising carbon disulphide for enhanced oil recovery

US Patent 8097230 Issued on January 17, 2012.
Mesters, Carolus Matthias Anna Maria Schoonebeek, Ronald Jan
Shell Oil Company

Carbon disulphide is known to be a suitable solvent for enhanced oil recovery by miscible flooding. In enhanced oil recovery by miscible flooding, a solvent for oil is introduced into an oil reservoir and driven through the reservoir to increase oil recovery from the reservoir beyond what can be achieved by conventional means. In U.S. Pat. No. 3,847,221 for example, the use of carbon disulphide for enhanced oil recovery from tar sands is disclosed.

 I know…it says oil, right. Okay, here’s one for oil and gas.



IPC8 Class: AE21B4322FI 
USPC Class: 1662701  Publication date: 03/22/2012 
Patent application number: 20120067571
1. A method for producing oil from an underground formation comprising: injecting an enhanced oil recovery formulation into a first well in the formation, the enhanced oil recovery formulation comprising a foam; floating the foam on top of the oil, in order to force the oil towards a second well in the formation; and producing the oil and/or gas from the second well.
5. The method of claim 1, further comprising injecting a second enhanced oil recovery formulation into the formation, the second enhanced oil recovery formulation being denser than the oil, further comprising floating the oil on the second enhanced oil recovery formulation.

8. The method of claim 1, wherein the enhanced oil recovery formulation comprises a gas selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, natural gas, and hydrocarbon gases other than natural gas having from one to four carbon atoms.

9. The method of claim 5, wherein the second enhanced oil recovery formulation comprises a carbon disulfide formulation.

Do you suppose this might be why the Colleyville/Southlake residents’ air sampling results showed high levels of carbon disulfide? More about that later.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Iamanomus May 1, 2012 at 10:42 am

EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT post. Amazing what chemicals are in that “clean natural gas”. Just one more (this CS2) like the recent identification of mercury in the natural gas. Good that you are identifying this bad stuff with the industry’s own documents! Keep up the good work.


kim Feil May 2, 2012 at 11:25 am

I watched part of the two day panel of speakers and a NIOSH rep. spoke of the silica sand in the air as a hazard for workers and residents. Another person was concerned about the content of radioactive shale gas coming into the homes. If anybody knows how to get copies of the live broadcast, I believe Brian Shaw from the TCEQ made a presentation. There also was a spokesperson for the Colorado sir study results that did not break it down real good from what I’ve seen reported on DownWinders at risk that if you live within a half mile from gas drilling that your cancer risk goes up 66%. I would like to see what page that info is buried in on the original report if anybody knows.


TXsharon May 2, 2012 at 11:46 am

Dr. Honneycutt said that they investigated in Dish and found no problems. My colleague was there and said that people gasped and were visibly outraged by his blatant lie.


Fracking Crazy May 3, 2012 at 12:07 pm

Let’s talk ask that group of high school girls with “unexplained turrets” syndrome how it feels to have been exposed to large quantities of Carbon Disulphide.


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