Things Are Tense at Presbyterian Right Now

Categories: Healthcare

Emily Mathis
Thomas Eric Duncan, the first ebola patient in the United States, is being treated in strict isolation quarters at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.
For the most part it was business as usual at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas on Wednesday. Patients waited to be admitted, staffers walked briskly to their cars after their long, grueling shifts end. But there was an eerie quietness in the waiting rooms and admitting areas: Besides the obligatory doctor-staffer-patient conversations, people weren't speaking to each other. The usual Texas friendliness, the typical enthusiasm to chat up complete strangers, was mostly absent.

See also: Ebola in Dallas: What We Know So Far

The underlying feeling that pervaded the hospital was one of fear. In some part of this hospital lay one of the most dangerous people in the United States. And both patients and staff within the building were scared.

One valet, who asked not to be named, said he felt nervous to be working at the hospital now. "It's very scary," he said. "One thing I said is, 'How did this guy come in?' When people come in, they often get a valet, even in the emergency room. And when I found out he came in an ambulance, I said thank God, you know? Sometimes we have a car that comes in with blood on the steering wheel, and they don't know what's wrong. And we end up touching that."

Another woman, who also asked not to be named, was discharged on Wednesday after a minor procedure. She said the atmosphere in the hospital is noticeably different, and more tense, than in her previous visits. "A lot of people don't want others touching them," she said. "One guy was going to shake hands with a woman, and she backed up and was like, 'No!'"

Presbyterian Health confirmed that the patient, who has since been identified as Thomas Eric Duncan, reportedly volunteered his travel history when he first came to the hospital on September 26. He was released from the hospital as having symptoms of a milder virus.

When Duncan returned to the hospital on September 28, he was immediately isolated. Still, he was infectious for a full two days after being released from the hospital. Texas Health officials were flustered and vague when asked about the potential mishap at the press conference on Wednesday.

"Regretfully that information was not fully communicated throughout the team," said Vice President of Texas Health Resources Dr. Mark Lester, referring to Duncan's travel history. "And as a result, the full import of that information was not factored into the decision-making."

Which might account for the general feeling of uncertainty within the hospital walls. One nurse said she thinks the hospital made a simple mistake. Duncan's symptoms mimicked the classic flu, and ebola would not have been her first diagnosis either, she said.

"A lot of my nurse friends are being really dramatic about it. And I'm sure there's going to be a ton of people coming in and freaking out," she said. "It kind of seems like a part of history, but I think a lot of people are making a huge deal out of it. Yes it's scary, it's deadly, but it's hard to contract. I've worked in an ER my whole life, and I just don't get dramatic. I have a better chance of getting hit by a car."

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noblefurrtexas topcommenter

This is a true national health crisis.  Mistakes can be permanently debilitating or fatal.  Doctors in Dallas have no clue how to handle Ebola, because it never shows up in the United States. 

But,there are actually liberals who think we owe Liberia something because it was founded to accomodate American slaves in the early 1800s.  

That is insane!

But, they do owe us to not sneak into America and spread disease to Americans. 

The fact is, our government owes US, the taxpayers protection from this dread disease in whatever ways are possible.  We owe Liberia nothing.


Sad to say but I wouldn't expect someone doing intake at the ER to know Liberia is in Africa. Ask 10 people in Dallas to name an African country and you'll see.


Sorry to throw salt on the wound, but where I live in Salt lake city, a child became sick after returning from Africa, and she was admitted to our children’s hospital, put in quarantine, blood samples were sent to the CDC and ebola was, in 3 days, ruled out. That a Liberian man returning from a trip there and showing any symptoms was sent away is not a case of ‘slipping thru the cracks’. It is a case of mind bending stupidity and lots of people I hope will lose their jobs.


Our leaders, especially the CDC, lied to us. They said the U.S. would be prepared to immediately isolate anyone with ebola coming into any ER, but that didn't happen. Now, at least 100 persons have to be monitored due to Presby dropping the ball.

As far as I'm concerned Medicaid expansion had nothing to do with what a private hospital, such as Presby, did to dump a foreign patient without any insurance, who told the hospital he was from Liberia. Even with Medicaid, a private hospital would have chosen to discharge this patient over admitting because Medicaid doesn't fully pay for inpatient stays as insurance would. And the fact that he was suspected of having ebola probably got hospital officials nervous enough to try to quickly get rid of him rather than take any bad publicity.

As people from West Africa hear about an infected person getting medical treatment in the West by boarding a plane to evade a travel quarantine, many many others will now try to attempt to do the same because they want to save their own lives rather than be abandoned and neglected by their own gutted health care systems.

The Ebolacaust has begin in America. Get used to it because the floodgates are now fully open for the virus to come onto American soil.


Maybe it's time to re-examine the expansion of Medicaid that Perry and his posse seem to think we don't need.  Just think  of all the people who won't go to the doctor until they are so sick they can no longer deny it.  Just think of all the GOTP and Libertarians who could possibly come in contact.  Well, remember...this is the world you wanted. 


Muslim promise....if you die in jihad, you will get 72 virgins in heaven from Allah...unspoken issue...they all died from Ebola first, and are still infected...but what is a little diarhea or vomit between lovers?


I hear they are going to reinstitute signs at the water fountains and bathrooms....white non ebola victims only vs. black ebola victims only......


My guess is that Duncan was initially diagnosed with "lack of insurance" and summarily discharged.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

TexEbola has given us yet another new definition for an existing word.

Hysteria: News reports.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

This is like the hysteria that went on when AIDS started hitting the news in the early 80s, when ignorance and fear, instead of common sense, ruled. 


Sad to say but I wouldn't expect somebody doing intake at an ER to know that Liberia is a country in Africa. Try asking 10 people in Dallas to name an African country and you'll see.


@sbristow15 Our healthcare system ain't that great, bro. If your conspiracy theory made any sense whatsoever, Canada or North Europe would be having this problem, not America.

Also you're extremely stupid and ignorant for usage of "Ebolacaust" and even putting an Ebola case on the same level as the holocaust. 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@riconnel8 Sure, having a ton of not-really sick people sitting around the ER when he shows up vomiting would be a MUCH better setup.


@riconnel8 It is bennines like medicaid that attract the flotsam & jetsam of the world to wash up here.


@James080 was because he is BLACK and the WHITE powerful docs and staff must hate all BLACK people and with for them to die?

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Cat - The Other Bush Meat.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This is like the hysteria that went on when AIDS started hitting the news in the early 80s, when ignorance and fear, instead of common sense, ruled.

At that time there wasn't enough fear and common sense among certain communities - which is why so many died.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz AIDS = solution to the gay problem....Ebola = solution to the black problem (sickle cell anemia was epic fail)

now, TB, Measles, Polio, etc coming across the border from Mexico....

we need more immediate Federal Studies of the ISSUES NOW....give us 500 billion for us to study this thing.....


Our health care is more advanced than in Europe or Canada that's why a person would try to get here rather than anywhere else. I am from Europe so I know. I am taking about the CARE not insurance.


People wouldn't necessarily go to other countries for help because we have the best medical care here in the US. That's why they would come here!


@looptwelve @sbristow15 No one said the health care system here is that great, but our leaders have told us we were prepared and that it highly unlikely that the disease could travel to American soil to infect our citizens. So what happens, Presby dumps this patient, who probably has a very evident African accent, and say they didn't communicate amongst themselves that he was from West Africa.

By the way, it's time.


@everlastingphelps @riconnel8 really aren't on the top of your game today are you? Where do you think these people are going to show up regardless of whether or not they have insurance.  How many people do you think are sitting in that waiting room at any given time?  

The thing with having insurance is that perhaps you show up at the emergency room a little sooner rather than in full bloom illness.


@roo_ster @riconnel8 that tiring, worn out old thought will save you now. wanted this by not expanding Medicare.  And do you know why there isn't an inoculation?  Look up and see how much money is being spent on R&D.  Another place the third world GOTP/Libertarians wanted to save money.  But by God they certainly understand war don't they.


Just as California was a prime destination for welfare seekers because of its relatively generous benefits, so the U.S. -- it's plausible, given our immigration flooding for second-world health care. (U.S. health care is not 1st-world any more, except in the specialties.) Our second-world care beats Liberia no-care.

mavdog topcommenter


if only there were an "ignore" feature on Livefyre so those posts wouldn't even show up....


Thank-you...I am so tired of "nurse" blaming. The nurse takes down the information and creates the patient's chart with the patient's medical complaint. It is up to the Dr. to READ the notes in the chart or discuss same with staff and then decide the best course of action...the nurses are not running the ER but they are doing a yeomans job of keeping it going. Stop scapegoating creates a lot of pain and unfair perceptions of people who work very hard. The blame, if that is what we are after, falls squarely on the physician and the hospital. All hospitals and health care workers in clinics and schools should have been well aware of Ebola symptoms, received training to be looking for those symptoms and that training should have occurred months ago. Anyone coming to the hospital with a travel history to and from Africa should have raised a serious red flag. Again, stp victimizing nurses....

mavdog topcommenter


What, Bush is fond of cat meat?

wasn't aware of that. interesting insight.


@britlw Our health care system is soooo good, that we dumped this guy from Liberia, who had a prominent African accent and a fever, back to the community who voluntarily showed up to an ER because he felt serious ill. And Presby says they didn't communicate where he came from amongst themselves?


@wcvemail your second world care is just that...second.  Meanwhile I think health care in TX is at about the bottom.  Be sure to vote Abbott so you can continue the trend.

And while we're at it remember that Reagan, Bush H.W., and Bush W. did NOTHING to stop immigration.  In fact I think some of the largest numbers of immigrants came during their presidency. 


@mavdog @wcvemail

There's a bunch of them, suddenly. Where do these nuts come from, that UP is perceived as in need of their enlightenment? We've gone ages without the "libtard/repubwhatever" grade-school level rants and posts -- why today, is this our punishment for mocking Ebola? A plague of nuts?


@mavdog @TheRuddSki Only if prepared on an Interstate Highway and discovered prior to Buzzard Hazmat Disposal Team gets there.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Im about to not get on FB til this shit is over.  So many people posting shit from all over the web and the conspiracies running wild.  


@everlastingphelps @riconnel8 @roo_ster hmmmmm maybe by the fact that Bush spent more money in every way than Obama has? I thought that was a good thing with you GOTP?   I thought you wanted Federal Gubermint to spend less money.

No winning with you guys is there?  You crack me up...


What do you base your opinion on? Texas has MD Anderson, the preeminent cancer hospital in the country.



Why do you use the word "your" -- isn't this your health care as well? And voting Abbott -- what does that have to do with this?

We were not "at it" in the political cliche/reflexive rant arena until you showed up. Too many big words on Craigslist Rants-n-Raves today, is that why you knee-jerk "libtard/repubnicant" posters are flooding us? Hie thee to another forum, frother.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


If Obama crosses your path, watch out.


@wcvemail @riconnel8 Abbott will continue the brainiac Perry's policies.  And I don't think you have the deciding vote on what's talked about in here and what isn't.

It's a killer isn't it when you can't defend the policies set forth by your third world candidates?  Now you get to live in the real world and see how they work for you.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @ScottsMerkin You should read some other sites.  The commentors there blame this on Texas being so backward, and that this is our fault and it could only happen here.  Seriously our fault that a man with Ebola flew into DFW from Liberia.

It's pretty disgusting all around...but the lack of travel bans for West African countries by the feds is something that really needs to be examined.  That's just basic stuff.


@riconnel8 @wcvemail

But why are they my candidates? You keep referring to "your" -- are you not in the U.S. health system? Why do you assign these candidates to me? Are you not a U.S. or Texas voter? Why is it a killer when I can't defend...but I'm not trying to defend any policies. Did I miss a homework assignment in the 2nd-grade class that is your fevered mind?

And again, what does Abbott or Perry have to do with this, except Perry at a press conference? Are you not able to keep up with the story, and just resort to the same, reflexive copy-n-paste that you've memorized on oh, so many forums?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Who was elected because of his Negro dialect. Obama has to fake it.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@doublecheese  I read about twenty sites daily and there's a lot of trash talk going on.  Pick and choose the people you trust to give you the real deal, like Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH.

This interview excerpt with Fauci occurred several days before the patient in Dallas was diagnosed with Ebola:

Fauci, who has led the infectious-diseases institute for three decades, says he wouldn't be surprised if a case or two of Ebola erupted in the United States.

"Certainly it is conceivable that we will have someone who is infected in West Africa, without symptoms, does not know that they are infected, get on a plane and land somewhere — Paris, London, Washington, New York — get off and then get ill, go to an emergency room, be seen by doctors, nurses and health provides, and might even infect one or two people. That's entirely feasible.

"But what we will not have is an outbreak, an outbreak that is anything like what you're seeing in West Africa," he says.

That's because the U.S. health care system would be able "to identify, isolate, contact-trace and shut off an outbreak." In contrast, the three west African nations most affected by Ebola — Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia — have "a close-to-dysfunctional health care system."---USA Today


@wcvemail what part of "many thousands of Texans do NOT have insurance" do you not understand?  Now, step two, why do many thousands of Texans not have insurance?  Do you get the connection yet or do I have to spell that out for you, too?

And where exactly did you read or hear that CA was the mecca of welfare care that so many decided to immigrated there?  I've never read or heard that anywhere.

As for cutting and pasting FACTS from reputable news sources....I understand why that's a problem for you.  Some people just can't deal with the truth of so many of today's major topics so they opt out and watch Fox or listen to Beck or Limbaugh.  You know...places where you get very few facts. 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz That's because the U.S. health care system would be able "to identify, isolate, contact-trace and shut off an outbreak."

I would say that his hypothesis was completely falsified by Mr. Duncan, Presbyterian, and Duncan's non-quarantine respecting family.


@wcvemail @riconnel8 LOL.......come back when you figure out a really good reason for Perry not to have expanded Medicaid. 

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