The Economics of a Fear Epidemic Vs. Ebola Epidemic

Categories: Healthcare

Jordi Bernabeu Farrús
An Ebola health worker in Monrovia. DISD custodians wore similar attire when cleaning the schools this week.

How much does it cost to care for a single case of Ebola in the United States? Between specialized treatment, identifying and tracking down every possible contact, decontaminating every possible touched or vomited-upon surface, the cost of containing an Ebola outbreak is substantial, though perhaps not all of the expense is necessary.

"It's really routine public health work. Interviewing people, visiting them, educating them, identifying their contacts. From a public health perspective, given that this is a single case, this is not very expensive," says Dr. Robert Haley, an epidemiologist at UT Southwestern and a veteran of the CDC. "Now the hospital is spending a lot of money, there's probably more of a cost than we realize, which they won't get reimbursed. So they're really taking a shot here."

But that's not nearly as costly as containing (or contributing to?) an epidemic of fear. Dallas ISD, and now likely Richardson ISD, are pouring resources into excessive school cleaning efforts, and an education campaign for parents. Dallas police are out in full force around the affected schools and apartment complex where Thomas Eric Duncan became sick. News crews have helicopters and photographers casing the joint, ready for a hint of action. City and state officials have also been active holding news conferences and going door-to-door assuring the general public of its safety.

"DISD is putting in work to assuage the irrational fears of their parents," says Haley. "There's really no need to clean anything. There's no risk in the schools period. But I'm not faulting them for doing that. They have to deal with the fears of their parents. And businesses may have to deal with the fears of their employees."

"The epidemic of disease is a relatively low budget thing, and the hospital is taking the brunt of that," he continues, "but the epidemic of fear is another expense altogether."

See also: How About We Very Calmly Count the Failures on Ebola So Far? Calm Enough For You?

And quelling the fears of the public is as important an investment as containing the virus. At this point, says Haley, an epidemic of fear may be the greater public health concern. "We saw this with the early HIV days. Infinitely low risk and infinitely high consequences are confusing to the average human," he says. "Many people become paralyzed with fear and they can't deal with that. The catastrophic nature of the consequences makes it unlikely to calculate the low probability. And right now the probability is zero for kids getting Ebola from school, and yet some people are taking their kids out of school."

Still, public fear is not without reason. "I think there's an important caution. The epidemic in Africa is increasing at an exponential rate. And the larger number of people there, the greater the probability that people will go outside to other areas during their incubation period and will thus show up to other countries. So as it gets bigger, we're going to have more importations. And we probably can't stop that, so this may happen again. And the next time it may not be as containable," says Haley. "That's where all the cost is coming, this epidemic of fear. And I think all our public officials are trying to reduce the fear so maybe we don't have to take as much trouble with future cases."

While we should be ready for future cases, says Haley, public fear is generally unfounded. As we have been repeatedly reminded in the last week, Ebola is not an easily transmittable illness -- "When it dries, it dies" is the common expression epidemiologists use to describe the passage of the virus through bodily fluids -- and American hospitals are better equipped than most to deal with treatment.

"When people get sick, we will recognize them. And the local health departments will go to action and do the same kind of thing as here," says Haley. "I don't think anyone really thinks there will be active transmission in the community, because of the way our population is educated. When the government comes and tells you you've been exposed, you go to the hospital and you trust them."

My Voice Nation Help

Who are these people fooling with all this outrage? This is the best thing to happen to this city since JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, and JR were shot. (Apparently, a lot of people get shot here.)

Let's face it, folks. This city is not known for many exciting things that happen here except the JFK assassination, the TV series, and the Cowboys, so any kind of publicity is good publicity to get the name of the city out there to the world for tourism and commerce.

I'd make that apartment a museum and sell tickets to the public for tours, billing it as the "U.S. leg of the Ebola World Tour." Maybe even selling items such as plush dolls, foam cutouts that look like the virus, or food items such as "Deep Fried Cheese Sticks" also shaped to look like the ebola virus to be sold at the State Fair.

Dallas should also change its nickname from "Big D" to "The Big E."

What do we Dallasites do when life gives us lemons? We make lemonade and sell it to the public for a buck.


Just rode up to Richardson to see my CPA and thought I'd stop by my favorite greasy spoon for lunch near Walnut Hill and Central Expressway. I pulled in and thought about Ebola Guy over at Presbyterian and how easy it would be for someone who works at Presbyterian to bring the virus into the restaurant; there are medical people in there all the time. I hesitated for a second and then thought I could save a few bucks by eating at home today. Is this an unreasonable thing to do?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Let's set the record straight here.  Ebola did not spontaneously appear in Spain or Nebraska, and if you just read headlines I can see why you would draw that conclusion.  A nurse contracted Ebola while treating a priest who was recently repatriated from Sierra Leone.  The US journalist being treated in Nebraska contracted it while in Liberia.  Read further than just headlines, people. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Notice that the three who panicked when the story broke, who made nasty comments about immigrants, who blamed Obama (as always), are flooding this board with condemnation for "people who panicked".  Mind you, it was these same three who panicked over the "destruction of the nation" by a few immigrant children from Central America over the summer.  Chicken Little, Turkey Lurkey, and Henny Penny.  Always at the ready to panic. 


It would not be a big deal if government groups simply handled basic functions in a competent way.  The CDC made the same mistake that the Feds made with Katrina:  assuming the locals can handle basic functions.  The County had 3 things to do:  get those people out of that wretched apartment, clean up that wretched apartment and keep an eye on 10 people.  Instead we get a bunch of paper shuffling about rules until someone, maybe the President, puts foot to ass and says screw the rules.  It is pathetic that it takes a POTUS or similar level to get people to do the immediate action.  Anyone not in a bureaucracy would say, if we don't have transport permits, then we store the waste in barrels.  We won't transport it.  It is what they ended up doing after 5 days.

Something about working in government removes a bias for action and a need for the safety of higher approval.


I write today to warn you of the Lord's wrath and the truth about Ebola and all that is happening in the world.IT ISPURPOSELY CAUSED BY GOD!There are no such things as innocent victims or accidents and He does not make mistakes (Isaiah 45 "¶ I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.)!"

The entire religious, political and educated world is DEAD to the Almighty God.Devil led and deceived, we have refused to listen and broken His laws.We are truly NO different today than the same type of man in Matthew 23 that TORTURED and then MURDERED Jesus.We are hypocrites and corrupt to our core, the children of those same type.

Do we not still chase idols, pass judgment, envy, betray, love power and self?None of this is His nature.We must come out of Babylon....................ALL RELIGION, politics and education.No man can provide understanding, only the spirit can.

What will you do during the 3 & 1/2 years of worldwide drought and famine that have been promised to the world?Revelation 11 warns of the Lord sending His two witnesses to the world.

These two............John, the Apostle and William Irvine, the SON of Jesus and the overcomer........are NOT coming for peace or rapture, but rather, the Lord's vengeance and wrath!Millions upon millions will die by the hands of John and William as they fulfill all the Lord has promised to the world.

It will make today's times seem like paradise.The only hope for any of us is in fearing God and returning to Him while we still can, Malachi 3:7!!!!!!!!!!!Once John and William just may be too late.We will either come out of the ways of the world, or we will perish.That simple.

I pray we all heed these warnings now as our very souls depend on this.FEAR GOD!

mavdog topcommenter


eating at home? not unreasonable.

eating at home because you are scared of Ebola? totally unreasonable.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


More cowbell.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I hope you aren't talking about me and Ruddski.  We're still pro-panic, all the way.  (If you mean panic to mean, "prepare for the worst and don't plan on "I'm not African" to be your immunity, and I assume you do.)

TheRuddSki topcommenter

...maybe the President, puts foot to ass and says screw the rules.

Give it time.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bmayhand Ummmmmm, who is William Irvine and when did Jesus father a son?


But all Duncan's friends are praying for him.

So which is it? Preordained wrath or prayer works?

Do you have aspirin and man made fibers in your house? REPENT your blasphemy.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I hope you realize commenter DonkeyHotay has all this stuff copyrighted, especially the bold parts.

That being said, God has to clean house every once in a while, ebola is but a means to an end, and it's America, not Africa, that is overcooking His Dominion. We are overdue for The Big One.


@riconnel8 @Catbird  Whenever the next pandemic strikes, the worst part will be the loss of dining out.  Second worst, the thousands of rotting corpses.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@everlastingphelps  Add Holman/NobleFurr and you're right on target.  This gem from the Furr last week is hilarious:

"One normally has to go trailer park to find this kind of class.  I have no doubt you and Obama would love to see a major public health pandemic wipe out those who disagree with you politically. But, at this point, the victims seem to be low income, low information, low intelligence, and low ethics people;  in other words, most likely Democrats."

TheRuddSki topcommenter


He's talking about Schutze (who started the panic) for one.

Not sure who the others are, but you can be assured they're closeted homosexuals.


@RTGolden1 @bmayhand William Irvine is the reader of Revelation.  The anointed son of our Lord, Jesus.  No one wanted to believe Jesus when he first arrived either and he warned that the His son.........William.........would find the same unacceptance when he arrives.  My job is to warn the people as best I can, so that when this happens...............we will all know why. 

There for as in Romans chapter 1 and 2, we are without excuse!


@ozonelarryb prayer works when you pray to the living God.  The world right now prays to the devil............we are just deceived and don't know it.  Rev 12 verse 12.  Don't take my word for it.  Ask for the truth and you will receive. It is offered freely.


And YOU know this? Pride, chump.

Tais toi.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@everlastingphelps  Okay. 

everlastingphelps 6 days ago

"I'm glad I already have my N95 respirators, goggles, gloves and bleach already."

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@IMHO The fact that it has nothing to do with the topic at hand has never made a difference before, doll.


@ozonelarryb I do know this!  I asked.  If you ask and honestly want to know...............God will make you aware as well.  How awesome is He?  Isaiah 55............He gives freely.


@ozonelarryb Yes, I DO know because I asked.  He will answer this same question for you if you truly want to know.  Ask and you will receive as well.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz On my post, I stand by it.  A nurse was just confirmed as being infected in Spain.  She was treating a priest who was in full isolation and she was presumably in full PPE the whole time.  Unless she is an idiot (very unlikely) then that the means that the PPE is insufficient.  

When he was being transported, they were doing it in full moonsuits.  (There's pictures of that.)  If they weren't using full lvl 4 suits to treat him, then they were (idiots, but idiots who were) still following the rules.  The rules have changed.  

I've said from the start that the medical personnel were the ones in the most danger, and that this thing will get out of control when it is the doctors, nurses, EMTs, and police (as first responders) who get infected at the highest rate.  If they don't figure out how this nurse got infected and change the PPE protocol to prevent it from happening again, it's full on epidemic -- not if, but when.

As for Ruddski's comment, I'm sorry that your sarcasm detector is broken.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I'll be here all week, but the Jew jokes don't start until Wedneday.

mavdog topcommenter


A nurse was just confirmed as being infected in Spain. She was treating a priest who was in full isolation and she was presumably in full PPE the whole time. Unless she is an idiot (very unlikely) then that the means that the PPE is insufficient.

The facts say she "is an idiot" (your word, not mine, I wouldn't actually call her that, I'd say she was undisciplined) , and here is why:

there was a team of doctors and nurses who cared for the Priest at the hospital in Madrid. Articles are not definitive on the number of team members, but it appears there were around 10.

and only the nurse has shown an Ebola infection.

Should other team members show they've become infected, the protocols are in question, absent any more infected team members the conclusion is the nurse made an error of some sort that allowed herself to be exposed/infected.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@everlastingphelps  The nurse had close contact with a priest who was repatriated from Sierra Leone.  This was not a spontaneous outbreak from nowhere as you seem to want to imply.


@everlastingphelps @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz  How would we know what the hospital in Spain has or had?  What does full isolation mean?  As for doing something stupid, I thought one of the sick doctors in Liberia got exposed because he could not stand the heat even in a small suit.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@everlastingphelps @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Saw on the news last night a story on the new patient being flown to Nebraska and their specialized clinic.  Rules for entering the hot zone included multiple layers of protective wear and everything being put in a chute for incineration before leaving the holding area of the hot zone.  Pretty sure Phelps is on to "something" here.  Just dont know if its an actual something or a we just can't really be sure something.  Either way, I dont like it

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @everlastingphelps I'm sorry, did you miss the part where I said SHE WAS TREATING A PRIEST in the VERY FIRST PARAGRAPH?

She was in a hospital situation.  She was as protected as any of the protocols indicate.  She still got it.


a) she's stupid and didn't follow her PPE training, or

b) we're wrong about how it is transmitted and it is far more communicable than we are admitting.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin  The patient, who was a US journalist who caught Ebola in Liberia, was flown to Nebraska. 

"Why is he being sent to Nebraska instead of some other facility? Because the hospital is home to the largest of four high-level biocontainment patient care units in the U.S."---NPR

mavdog topcommenter


no, it would be a 10% failure rate on this single instance in Spain at Carlos III Hospital.

other Ebola patients have been treated outside of Africa, and this is the first caregiver treating those patients who has been infected. If you have others that have been infected let us know.

so it's a single event, and it says the protocols have been effective.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Pot meet kettle little kitty

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @everlastingphelps And that has nothing to do with her infection.  He might as well have caught it in Narnia for all that it matters.  

She caught it in a negative pressure room in a hospital from him in Spain.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@everlastingphelps  The fact that the priest caught Ebola in Sierra Leone has "nothing to do with her infection".  Are you really THAT dumb?  

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