
Playing Like a Girl? It’s About Time

Ted Bishop's Comments Demonstrate Golf's Persistent Sexism

The 11-year-old Lucy Li broke ground this year by competing in the United States Women's Open.
Chuck Burton / Associated Press

On Golf


All you need to know about golf in the 21st century is that Lucy Li and Ted Bishop were two of 2014’s biggest newsmakers in the sport. At 11, Li became the youngest qualifier, male or female, to compete in this country’s showcase event and acquitted herself honorably on the same Pinehurst No. 2 course that the week before had chewed up and spit out the likes of the men’s major winners Bubba Watson and Jason Dufner.

The diminutive Li made big girls everywhere proud by competing in that event, the United States Women’s Open. Bishop, the ousted P.G.A. of America president, reminded big girls everywhere of golf’s ingrained sexism. When Bishop chose to disparage one man, the English golfer Ian Poulter, on Twitter by calling him a “little girl,” he effectively demeaned all women, including his own two daughters and granddaughter.

Bishop, who was removed by the P.G.A. board with one month left in his two-year term, may have been childish to engage Poulter, who had written critically of two of the sport’s legendary male players, Tom Watson and Nick Faldo, on social media. But make no mistake: His choice of pejoratives is so common in country club golf’s social circles that it very likely was not a salvo that stirred debate during cocktail hour.

It was telling how many people in the game were slow to react to Bishop’s comments. The L.P.G.A. waited until after Bishop’s forced departure before releasing a statement that said, in part, “With so many positive gains being made among golf’s leading organizations, there is simply no room, nor willingness, to take a step backwards.”

Ted Bishop was ousted as head of the P.G.A. of America over comments labeling Ian Poulter a “little girl.”

Jeff Chiu / Associated Press

It was the second time this year that the L.P.G.A. was politely reactive in a situation that cried out for outrage. In April, during the first women’s major of the year, Golf Digest made public its May cover, one of the few in recent decades to feature a woman — except that it was not a player but Paulina Gretzky, the fiancée of the PGA Tour player Dustin Johnson. The leading players on the women’s tour saw the move for what it was, not just a publicity stunt but a slap in the face to the women’s tour, which has never been more attractive, with deep fields and close-up-ready stars.

Only after a handful of winners of women’s majors, including Juli Inkster, the mother of two adult daughters, expressed their frustration and disappointment over the magazine’s editorial judgment did Mike Whan, the L.P.G.A. commissioner, lend his voice to the chorus.

Paige Mackenzie, an L.P.G.A. Tour player who is part of the Golf Channel’s on-air lineup, described the Bishop situation as a teachable moment. Reached by telephone, she said she was heartened by how many people outside golf had been quick to censure Bishop on social media, but she acknowledged that inside the game there remained a troubling cognitive dissonance.

“I do believe there is — how do I put it? — kind of a pervasive tone in the game of golf where we don’t even acknowledge sexism because it’s so ingrained,” Mackenzie said, adding, “At some point, we need to take responsibility for the language and acknowledge what the impact of it is on people we’re trying to attract to the game.”

Poulter spoke for disenfranchised females everywhere when he told the Golf Channel: “Is being called a little girl meant to be derogatory or a put-down? That’s pretty shocking and disappointing, especially coming from the leader of the P.G.A. of America.”

Inclusiveness is going to be a problem in the game as long as its power brokers remain overwhelmingly male and white. Last month, the all-male Royal and Ancient Golf Club voted to admit “a significant initial number” of women. Peter Dawson, the chief executive of the R&A, said the club would focus on women who have had a significant impact on the game, a criterion that would seem to disqualify many of the 2,400 male members from consideration.

The women will be fast-tracked for membership, to the consternation of many male members who argued vehemently that they should be subjected to the customary waiting period, which can be as long as a decade. The men were on board for change, but all in good time, which is a pretty fair summation of golf in the 21st century.

There are three male-only clubs in the British Open rotation: Muirfield, Royal St. George’s and Royal Troon. Justin Rose, an Englishman who won the 2013 United States Open, is among those calling on those clubs to expand their membership, for the good of the game.

“Obviously, I think clubs somewhat have the right to do whatever they want to do,” Rose said last month before the Ryder Cup. “But then that maybe limits them from what they can host and their position, potentially, to the world. I think there’s definitely a situation there where if you’re going to host such high-profile events, you need to conform a little bit more with what’s acceptable in the mainstream society.”

The prevailing culture was expressed by another major winner, the Scot Catriona Matthew, who said of the Royal and Ancient’s vote: “It’s probably not something I thought would happen in my lifetime, to be honest. You just become so used to the R&A being all-male, you just kind of take it for granted.”

The preferred culture was summed up, as only a little girl could, by Li, who said: “I like golf because it’s different from other sports. Anybody can play it, if you’re tall, short, fast or slow. That’s what I like about it.”

Correction: October 29, 2014

The On Golf column on Monday, about reaction after Ted Bishop, the P.G.A. of America president, called the golfer Ian Poulter a “little girl” on Twitter, erroneously attributed a distinction to Lucy Li. At 11, she was the youngest golfer to compete in a United States Open as a qualifier, not the youngest to compete in the event. (Beverly Klass played the United States Women’s Open at age 10 in 1967 without having to go through qualifying.)

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