Ebola Fear and Misinformation Is Still Weighing on the People of Vickery Meadow

Categories: Healthcare

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Last week, the Ivy was just one of many Vickery Meadow apartment complexes that housed immigrants from all over the world. Now, the complex has an entirely different connection.
Two weeks ago, the Vickery Meadow neighborhood was known as the United Nations of Dallas -- a hodgepodge blending of immigrants and cultures from all over the world. Now, since this country's first Ebola patient was taken ill in the neighborhood, the world associates it with "Patient Zero," the epicenter of the virus outside of Africa. And many Vickery Meadow residents say if they mention to someone at a store or at work that they live in this neighborhood, they may be ostracized.

See also: Ebola Story Is All About Who, What, Where and Whether To Tell Anybody

Which is why Haj Ali, who moved to the neighborhood from Eritrea in 2012, says it's better just to stay home and stay quiet. "I hear about this Ebola coming from Africa, so I know about that," he says. "But me, I stay in my house. Sometimes people could associate me with the Ebola, because I am from Africa, so you have to be careful with that information."

And local workers confirm their sneaking suspicion of Vickery Meadow residents. One guy who works at a Target just off Park Lane says that although he does not live in the neighborhood, news of the virus makes him uncomfortable around customers from the area.

"I'd want to get away from these people if they came in. It's right here, in the middle school and high school. It's all around. And Presbyterian isn't far from here, that's where the guy died," he says. "If I see somebody is sick, I'll want a mask. And I'd go to a manager and tell them to talk to the person. You've got to be careful. You just have to stay sanitized and just be careful."

Another one of his coworkers agrees. This woman also lives outside Vickery Meadow. "I heard one more person had it. So it's all here now," she says. "You can tell if people are sick. If you come in and you're sick, I'd use hand sanitizer, clean my register, do all kinds of things."

The woman says she isn't necessarily nervous around customers. "It is scary. But I wouldn't turn people away just yet," she says. Still, as with many Dallasites, her understanding of the virus -- and potential customer rejection -- is a bit skewed. "They say with Ebola you can't really get it unless you're sexual together, right?"

See also: The Economics of a Fear Epidemic Vs. Ebola Epidemic

One woman, who did not want to give her name, is a practicing physician and recent immigrant from Pakistan. She lives at the Ivy apartment complex and has been trying to combat the spread of misinformation among Vickery Meadow residents, particularly those in her complex.

"It's all scary and a lot of wrong information is out there. People tend to think whatever they want, so if you tell them that it can be spread at all, they just don't want to be near anybody from here," she says. "We had a meeting here, and one of the people said that someone at the grocery store told them to leave because they live at the Ivy."

It's a common story being echoed by many other residents. "There were some people that have been having problems in the workplace. People have been telling them that they shouldn't come to work because they live here," she says. "And I met someone who thought all of the people over here are being quarantined, and she thought I escaped somehow."

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noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Jenkins has been proved to be a blithering fool for risking his own health, those he supposedly loves more than his job, and countless hundreds of citizens. 

And, without question, Duncan's lies have not only been responsible for his own death, but he has spread it to others. 


Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Why is there so much crime in Vickery Meadow?  I was shocked to see how many times the police have been called out to that neighborhood:

  • Other10/10/14 07:33 AM7100 BLOCK OF GREENVILLE AVE
  • Other10/10/14 06:54 AM  GREENVILLE AVE / WALNUT HILL LN
  • Other10/10/14 06:46 AM8600 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other10/10/14 12:44 AM6100 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR
  • Other10/10/14 12:00 AM6100 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR
  • Other10/08/14 06:55 PM7400 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Burglary10/08/14 06:53 PM7300 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR APT 1217
  • Other10/08/14 08:25 AM8600 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other10/08/14 06:59 AM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/08/14 02:49 AM7100 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Other10/08/14 12:50 AM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Vandalism10/07/14 09:48 PM7400 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/07/14 03:31 PM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/07/14 09:34 AM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE APT 1166
  • Other10/07/14 02:18 AM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/06/14 02:43 PM7400 BLOCK OF GREENVILLE AVE
  • Other10/06/14 08:43 AM7300 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Theft10/06/14 05:25 AM7400 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Other10/06/14 02:14 AM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other10/05/14 07:37 PM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other10/05/14 04:27 PM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other10/05/14 03:27 PM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/05/14 03:03 PM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/04/14 10:38 PM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Theft10/04/14 03:38 PM7200 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR APT 223
  • Other10/04/14 09:15 AM7100 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Burglary10/03/14 02:42 PM5800 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR
  • Other10/03/14 02:11 PM  GREENVILLE AVE / WALNUT ST
  • Other10/02/14 09:37 PM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other10/02/14 07:09 PM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other10/02/14 03:15 PM7100 BLOCK OF GREENVILLE AVE
  • Other10/01/14 10:09 PM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Assault10/01/14 10:02 PM7100 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Burglary10/01/14 05:40 PM7400 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Other10/01/14 04:32 PM7200 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Burglary10/01/14 05:19 AM8300 BLOCK OF MEADOW RD
  • Other10/01/14 01:47 AM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Burglary10/01/14 01:05 AM6000 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR
  • Burglary09/30/14 02:35 PM7500 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Burglary09/30/14 11:49 AM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN APT 1710
  • Other09/30/14 11:18 AM7100 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other09/30/14 10:42 AM7200 BLOCK OF FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Other09/29/14 04:38 PM  WALNUT HILL LN / FAIR OAKS AVE
  • Burglary09/28/14 08:02 PM6000 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR
  • Burglary09/28/14 08:02 PM6000 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR APT 1807
  • Theft09/28/14 08:02 PM6000 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR APT 1807
  • Theft09/28/14 08:02 PM6000 BLOCK OF PINELAND DR
  • Burglary09/27/14 11:39 AM8500 BLOCK OF PARK LN
  • Other09/26/14 08:47 PM7300 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR
  • Vandalism09/26/14 08:36 PM7300 BLOCK OF HOLLY HILL DR APT 2122


How come we're not calling this area the 5 points?  Too hood rat sounding?


A lethal combination of fear and stupidity. Witch-hunts coming soon to a neighborhood near you.


Depriving the populace of its pitchforks and xenophobia will make them restless and maybe prone to actually learning something.

Oh, never mind.

holmantx topcommenter

Here!  Let's put this Ebola thingy to bed.



It only has a shelf life of a few days.  Fruit Bats are carriers.  They don't die.  You do when you eat the motherfuckers.  But before you do, you fly over here and give it to us!  

So stop that shit.

Otherwise a Republican might get into office and you'll be treated to a not-so-kinder-gentler military.  They'll come to fight Ebola all right.

by carpet-bombing the leper colony.

see?  no problem.

now what's for lunch?

(this would be the typical grunt marine's cure for E-E-E-EK bola problem)

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

One of the best public health weapons - and tools - is lots of accurate information that is truthful, but not necessarily emotionally scarey. 

There is no political correctness in public health.  So, if someone is offended; tough.  Lives are at stake. 

This particular community is not particularly bright, and many don't speak English.  As well, many of them are ritualistic which is a trait brought from Africa and other such countries. 

They need information in their primary languages, and need a trusted source in their own community.  That is neither Jenkins nor the affirmative action hire at Dallas County Health. 

Early detection is one of the best ways to rescue anyone who contracts the disease.  So, knowing the symptoms, and what to do about them, is critical to saving lives.


Helpful trivia: "Haji/Hajji" is an honorific title for a Muslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once. This trip is commanded by the Koran for every adult Muslim who is physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey, and can support his family during his absence. The Hajj is the journey itself.


Haj Ali is tragically right about peoples' perceptions, which is why the best thing for African Americans (black Americans, for those of you too stupid not to realize all blacks aren't AA) by far right now is for the Obama Administration to ban flights from the west African countries immediately.

If this thing gets loose in America, even the most rabid progressive will connect the probability dots: someone infected coming casually from Africa (ie not Kent Brantly) is most likely to be black --> their friends and relatives are most likely to be black --> THEIR friends and relatives are more likely to be black.

Call this racially dominant geographism racism all you want, but when the shit hits the fan, even Diane Rehm will be purring excuses why she is currently avoiding contact with black people whose multilevel affiliations she doesn't know intimately. "Oh, heavens, no, I'm not avoiding you. It was a voice treatment I never told you about. I just need a few more days not anywhere near you, dear."

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Having run out of tier one victims with none on the immediate American horizon, we need new victims to ululate over. The Vick Meadows Community will do for now, even though no dogs were killed.

This is time for some inward-critical assessment of how we, as a society, can better reach out to the second tier victims without getting, you know, too close.

A good first step in the healing process is to assign blame. Then, we should march with signage condemning those found responsible - the Jews, or the CIA, whomever (I nominate Joe the Plumber).

I forget the rest of the healing process, something to do with booze, lawyers, prayer vigils with a prominent victimologist and air-hugging.

holmantx topcommenter

Public:  Ebola who?

we no longer care.  What's for lunch?

Meanwhile the MSM starts EBOLA NIGHTLINE: Day 2301

All Ebola All the time.

Hey West Africa

lay off the bushmeat


@bvckvs Vickery Meadow is located in District 13. I'm running for District 9. That's wassup wit dat.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Obviously because of all the others.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Dead Rabbits are bush meat.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Enough about Euro and African nations, what do you suggest Americans do?

I think we should start by neutering our own bush meats, and having a rally.


@holmantx Who else had Ebola after this Duncan fellow? That's right, NO ONE. It wasn't given to anyone. In fact, if anyone else comes down with ebola from contact with Duncan in the next week, i'll drop everything and go volunteer in West Africa.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@holmantx You didn't get the memo?  We no longer bomb Leper colonies.  WE use drones which are impersonal killing devices.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas "This particular community is not particularly bright, and many don't speak English.  As well, many of them are ritualistic which is a trait brought from Africa and other such countries." 

I'm not sure why you indict the intelligence of the entire community, unless you know them all on a fairly personal basis.  As for them not speaking English, I think you'd be surprised at how well many of them comprehend and are able to use English.  Often, their 'lack' of ability is actually just a ruse to keep English speakers from bothering them.  I use the same tactic at times.

As for many of them being ritualistic, that is not a trait exclusive to the third world.  Many of our idiot christian sects are just as ritualistic and superstitious, with similar idiotic aversions to science and medicine.  This is in spite of their 'superior' American education, and upbringing in an English speaking American culture.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Unless you're a Muslim from the Ebola Zone.

For them, the journey begins and ends at home.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Let's get back to more benign threats, like ISIS.

On that front, I think we've decided to let them anaihilate the Syrian Kurds, which should satiate them until the mid-terms are over.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Those were Palestinians. Hillbillies use guns.

holmantx topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas @holmantx

In this singular instance, you may be correct in depriving our shock troops the joy of the kill, given the splashback.

mavdog topcommenter


Not to mention that Liberia, from which Duncan came, is an English speaking country in Africa that was founded by freed American slaves.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @noblefurrtexas They're not being driven out of their countries.  Trust me on that.  The are illegal aliens who came here to get the freebies, the handouts, and the welfare. 

I admire what you're doing; the language barrier has to be tough to overcome.  But, make no mistake about it; these people are here to transfer income from us to them.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


An "educator" citing social media use as a metric for intelligence. Perfect.



The Saudis ably ban possible disease carriers at the Hajj, by prohibiting entry from outbroken countries. That was true this year for Ebola, and in past years for things like the H1N1 flu. Even the home countries act sensibly, such as when Tunisia banned Hajj travel during the H1N1 outbreak. Considering the millions in close proximity, from all over the globe, the Saudis have been effective in curtailing any mass outbreaks. They have no "give me your huddled masses" come-one-come-all practice. 


mavdog topcommenter


I think we've decided to let them anaihilate the Syrian Kurds, which should satiate them until the mid-terms are over.

Interesting spin.

it's the Turks have have made the decision to let the Kurds be slaughtered, you know in the name of fighting Assad.

what do you propose, that we send American GI's to Syria?


holmantx topcommenter


[Hollywood star Gwyneth] Paltrow called the president’s push for equal pay “very important to me as a working mother.”  Her remarks were made at a $1,000 per ticket — $15,000 for dinner — DNC fundraiser at Paltrow’s house.

Gwyneth Paltrow wants President Barack Obama to know: she’s just like everyone else.

She makes $16 million per movie, sure, but that doesn’t mean that she’s not worried about Obama getting equal pay legislation through Congress.

We need to get back to women's issues, man!  It's October.

holmantx topcommenter


Mavdog thinks its a good-looking chick.

which rings true with the 'what's for lunch' crowd.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I'm thinking Sean Penn, Mikey Moore and Jimmah Carter in a rowboat. Seanovitch can row while Jimmah hunts bushmeat for Mikey's lunch.

Then sink the boat.

Presto, no mo' ebola.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Maybe we could send a delegation of metrosexuals, douchebags and Nancies to Africa to tell ebola to sod off.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog What difference does THAT make.  We owe Liberia exactly nothing.  In fact, it looks like we've done enough for them, and they've done enough to harm us.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I know that liking things on facebook is what I think of when I think of Computer Science.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Saudis ably ban possible disease carriers at the Hajj, by prohibiting entry...

They also ably ban infidels, including the sons of apes and pigs, by killing them if they trespass Mecca.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


As the White House says, we don't give a shit about Kurds in the way.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


According to the White House pool report, she said: It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass.

Never let it be said that liberals aren't fond of benevolent dictatorships.

(I hope she laundered that dress)

mavdog topcommenter


one, nobody said anything about "good looking".

two, the joke was Duncan thought it was chicks.

three, if you can't remember the joke, leave it be.

four, what is for lunch? I'm getting hungry...

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki We need to make it clear that they MUST stay in their own country, and not even attempt to come here. 

Mr. Duncan was an illegal alien with no visa or much of anything else.  His family members are illegals.  And, now THEY have the damned gall to complain that Americans didn't do enough , even though we spent around half-a-million taking care of Duncan and testing and isolating others. 

It really angers me to spend this much money on illegals, and then have them complain we didn't spend enough. 

mavdog topcommenter


What difference does THAT make

Can you not remember what you wrote? here's a reminder: This particular community is not particularly bright, and many don't speak English.

they do speak English, it is the native language of their country. so it does "make a difference", it shows you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Admittedly, I have been out in the Real World, unlike professional, lifelong "students" whose major achievement is avoiding the Real World.

I presume your instructional capacity is the science of Making Shit Up, but hopefully, they'll also master the selfie.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


They'll never make it in today's society until they master tweeting.

mavdog topcommenter


you didn't answer the question...and can you point me to where the white house said "we don't give a shit about the kurds in the way?

holmantx topcommenter


"I think it is sad that the boys now have to go through life without their mother and father"

a juror on the Menendez Bros trial.

well yeah !?!  they shotgunned them in the face while they were sleeping to get their inheritance.

God save us from the Libs.

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

I have a season pass at the state fair.  I'm riding my bike over to the german joint next to the main stage and consume a turkey leg and a jalapeno sausage.

and stare at the ISIS chicks with my sunglasses on.

see you there.

I'm the guy who looks just like Elvis at 21.

mavdog topcommenter


Duncan was not an "illegal Alien", Mr. Duncan was given a visa to visit his fiancé, who is a legal resident.

Your anger is misplaced.

mavdog topcommenter


and they are "yahooing", too!

wonder if they are "perfectly intelligent"?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The White House did express concern, deep concern, and I believe they've formed a committee of pin-pricks to ascertain how best to express even deeper concern.

Their findings and conclusions, like other politically-sensitive issues, are being withheld until after the elections to better ensure the safety of Americans.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


God save us from the Libs.

That's why he sent us Obama, as a warning.

mavdog topcommenter


I have a season pass at the state fair

wow. and here I thought you couldn't be any more odd than you already had showed.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog Try this on for size.  NOBODY in his family is a citizen; they are all illegal aliens. 

Duncan was "illegal".  He lied about having been exposed to Ebola, which disqualifies him from legally using a visa.  (that's one reason bot the U.S. and Liberia were considering filing charges against him. 

But, I found totally ungrateful and ungracious for his illegal family members to criticize the hospital and government for not spending enough money on him...at least a half-million so far. 

And, people wonder why Americans have lost respect around the world.  They think we're crazy and/or stupid.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's rumored that Africa has Internet, just like Vickery Meadows.

mavdog topcommenter


thanks for that clarification and retraction.

The plight of the Kurds is, and has been, difficult to watch from the sidelines.

The Turks are indifferent if not gleeful in seeing the Kurds be killed. Their myopic vision is going to bite them in the ass when the ISIS fighters decide the border doesn't mean squat to them.

not the US fight unfortunately, and all we can do is try to get those who can help to do such.

not looking good for the Kurds.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki That's like someone firing a Howetzer round into your chest, and calling it a "warning shot".  :)

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

I spell Big Tex when he needs to take piss.

you can tell when he/I have a particularly wild look in my eye.  

The Whammy.

mavdog topcommenter


Try this on for size. NOBODY in his family is a citizen; they are all illegal aliens.

what? you think if someone is not a "citizen" they are then "illegal"? you don't understand what a legal resident is? Ever heard of a "green card"?

you can't really be this dense.

Duncan had a visa, so Duncan was a legal visitor. As for Duncan having "lied", you or anyone else do not know for sure. you can speculate, but that is as far as you can go. The facts lean towards Duncan not knowing he had been exposed, and his words support this conclusion. But nobody can say for sure, especially now that the only person who can answer the question is dead.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog @TheRuddSki Turkey is by no means indifferent to the plight of the Kurds.  They are, and have been for decades, a partner with Iraq and Syria in oppressing and killing the Kurds.

mavdog topcommenter


I understand your point RT, and we are agreeing on the Turks culpablility.

The Syrians used the Kurds as a foil against the Turks, Assad gave safe haven to the PKK and relative autonomy to the Kurdish area in Syria, which is part of the dynamic of why Turkey wants Assad gone.

Listen, the Kurds aren't without blood on their hands...in that region it seems nobody can make the claim of innocence.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog @RTGolden1 You're very right about the Kurds.  I have a pinch of understanding for their brutality, given their recent history, but they can definitely be a bloody bunch.

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