Mayor Rawlings Hires PR Firm

Categories: City Hall

Dallas Observer
Wonder what this could mean?
Mike Rawlings has hired Laurey Peat + Associates, a Dallas-based public relations firm to handle media relations for the mayor's office. The firm replaces Sam Merten, the mayor's previous manager of public affairs and communications, who left the office on September 19 to make a run for the District 9 city council seat that Sheffie Kadane will vacate next year.

"We hired Laurey Peat and Associates for their vast experience and working knowledge of the media. They have a strong understanding of the mayor's office and City Hall operations," Rawlings said in a press release.

Laurey Peat worked with Rawlings and the City of Dallas on last year's JFK 50th anniversary remembrance.

We can only speculate as to what this means with regard to Rawlings potential second term as mayor, but it should be noted that his hiring of Laurey Peat comes in early October and Rawlings has announced that he will decide on whether or not to seek re-election sometime this fall.

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noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Rawlings cannot use the same firm for his campaign that he hired to represent the City.  That is a gross conflict of interest, and would open him up to even more criticism. 

Sam Merten did a great job, and I'm sure Laurie Peat will do the same.  But, if he attempts in any way to take campaign advice for re-election from this firm,  he'll find himself in a whirlwind of controversy and suspicions.


Sam Merten is one Observer columnist I really enjoyed, and it would seem that he is versatile enough to do a good job at anything he decides  to do.  I would love to see him on the otherwise moribund to absolutely sad/pathetic city council.  Go Sam.


Yep, he definitely needs spin masters! 

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

"... They have a strong understanding of the mayor's office and City Hall operations ..."

Now this is scary, very scary.


The move is interesting because 1) he didn't hire someone permanently and 2) he didn't hire Allyn Media.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Whoa, Sam must have done a hell of a job! Replacing Merten with a whole PR firm huh.


@bvckvs Agreed, Merten would be more of the same City Hall cronyism and bullshit. 


noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @ScottsMerkin The mayor is NOT a Republican.  He is a liberal Democrat. 

The City of Dallas has never settled the question of the role of a public information officer vs. a public relations flak.  In a Council-Manager form of government, I would suggest neither the city nor the mayor should be paying a PR firm with the traditional role of such a firm. 

Besides, the mayor is not supposed to be hiring anyone.  City employees are hired by the City Manager or other city staff. (If the mayor wants a private PR person, he can hire one and pay him.)

I strongly support the idea of having a public information officer who expedites media access to information about the city and its projects.  But, in my view, the typical role of a PR person for a municipality seems to have more to do with protecting the city, thereby placing that person in the role of someone limiting information and/or shaping it in ways different that the truth.



First of all, Mayor Rawlings is a Democrat. Second, Mayor Rawlings hired me because I was the best qualified candidate for the job. Third, I did have a repuation to protect, and it wasn't compromised by working for Mayor Rawlings. And, finally, Mayor Rawlings hired a firm because no individual with the proper qualifications would take the gig without knowing whether he will run for reelection. Other than that, your comment was spot on.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @sammerten You may not like it, but George W. Bush is a pretty intelligent chap.  He has a Harvard MBA, was trained as an Air Force fighter pilot, and managed the operations of the Texas Ranger baseball team. 

But, he really showed his intellect after 9/11.  Unlike Obama, Bush worked hard, was almost always on time or early, and started work early in the workday. 

Bush surrounded himself with intelligent and experienced people in their own right, and not because they would be stooges - like so many of Obama's minions. 

You also seem to forget that the 1984 Republican National Convention held in Dallas was one of the most successful political conventions on record, brought a great deal of money to the City of Dallas, and has been used as a model ever since.  The people of Dallas, including Democrats, were very supportive of that convention (whether they were in lockstep with the political side or not). 

Your world view seems to be terrible skewed to the Far Left. 

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs Um Bucky, Im betting Sam knows more about the man than you ever even thought about knowing about anything at all.  How are them warrants going?


@bvckvs @sammerten and Fort Worth had Moncrief...the Republican who did nothing for the residents in his long, painful tenure, who ran as a Democrat.

Thanks got that spot on.  You'd have to be blind and rock dumb not to know Rawlings is a GOTP.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Cliffhanger @bvckvs @sammerten No.  Citizen MIke is also a Democrat.

He IS typical of many corporate executive types in some not-so-good ways.  But, I've seen that his politics are solidly Democrat; not Republican.


@Cliffhanger @bvckvs @sammerten My question is when these people look in the mirror do their two faces converge into one face with one mind?  If that happens wouldn't it be nice if they'd share that one image with the public?  It must be very hard to live life with two very separate personalities.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @noblefurrtexas @sammerten From history's judgement, it's true.  Compare Bush with Obama, who has never managed so much as a hot dog stand, has a Harvard MBA as opposed to a Harvard Law Degree on Affirmative Action for foreign students, served in the military and trained by the Air Force as a fighter pilot, and was an excellent manager for the Rangers. (And, that's just the tip of the iceberg.)

Bush was a hard-working, decisive, lead-from-the-front leader, and one smart enough to let the Pentagon fight the wars while he and his advisers made policy. 

Bush put together a huge coalition of countries to unseat Saddam.  He personally recruited most of the heads-of-state, as opposed to having his Secretary of State carry all the water. 

The Bush Library here in Dallas at SMU, has already found to be one of the best of all the presidential libraries, and this one was largely paid for by donors. 

Bush frequently makes trips to DFW with no fanfare to greet soldiers coming home from overseas - many of them fired by Obama while they were still in combat. 

Bush is quite bright, despite something of a speech syntax synapse, and his Texas accent,that seem to be a turn-off to the liberal media - and especially in the East.

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