Man Showing "Ebola Like Symptoms" Has Been Isolated in Frisco

Categories: Healthcare

WFAA via Twitter
Frisco firefighters set up an isolation tent inside an ambulance.
A man currently being taken from a Frisco Care Now Clinic to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas is reportedly experiencing Ebola-like symptoms.

The city of Frisco released the following statement:

"At 12:32 p.m. today, October 8, Frisco dispatch received a call from Care Now, 301 Main Street, regarding a patient exhibiting signs and symptoms of Ebola. The patient claims to have had contact with the Dallas 'patient zero'. Frisco firefighter-paramedics are in the process of transporting the patient. They are also in the process of examining clinical staff and other facility patrons. That number other people impacted is unknown. No other information is confirmed, available at this time.

A news conference is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. TODAY.

We appreciate your patience."

KTVT reports that the man also indicated he has recently traveled to West Africa.

Updates to come.

Update 2:57 p.m.

WFAA's Meagan Harris reports that an SUV belonging to one of the sheriff's deputies who entered Duncan's apartment last week is in the Care Now's parking lot, calling into question KTVT's report about the patient having traveled to West Africa.

Update 3:04 p.m.

Harris with more information from the Dallas County Sheriff's Office:

Update 3:53 p.m.

Frisco mayor Maher Maso says that city officials have been told the risk is minimal, and the sheriff, Michael Monning, was only transported to Presbyterian out of an "abundance of caution." Patients at the Care Now have been released. According to Frisco officials, Monning was not one of the 48 people being closely monitored by the CDC after contact with Duncan. Frisco's fire chief says Monning had contact with Duncan's family members, not Duncan himself.

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Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

If he lost 100 lbs that deputy might experience less stomach pains.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Well, if this is the end, at least we won't have to worry about Michael Morris and his pesky toll-roads.


Most likely this guy had some bad food...but the CDC might want to put on the flyer "if you have had contact with family, apartment, car etc etc of patient zero DO NOT GO TO CARE NOW if you have us or 911"


And this Deppity is so ignorant, geeez. I want to see all the tickets he wrote get kicked on the grounds of his stupidity, and law suits for exposure initiated.

Just unbelievable. Or, totally believable, but still monumentally disappointing.


For Deppity Dawg, this could be a DarWIN.


Can't be.  The CDC says it's almost impossible to contract.  Never mind all the people in head to toe protective gear that still get sick.


So this guy is so monumentally stupid that he thinks he may have Ebola, and yet he goes into a crowded urgent care waiting room?

A person that stupid should be institutionalized as a threat to himself and others.  But no--in modern America, we give him a badge and a gun.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

That loud "pop" you heard was Clay Jenkin's a-hole puckering.


Ok, so I was out on the patio earlier this afternoon, enjoying some time off, when I heard a helicopter overhead. Before long I could tell it was hovering maybe a quarter-mile away. Couldn't see anything from the angle I was at, but didn't think much of it.

Went back outside about an hour later - helicopter was still there. Ok, started to think something of it.

Came inside, checked the internet - and see that someone potentially with Ebola was less than 3 blocks from my apartment. Yeeeah. Ok, apparently it CAN happen here.

I hope it's nothing more than an "abundance of caution", but still... will be following this a bit more closely.

For the Observer staff - if any of you are looking for a possible news story, I'd do some digging to see where the 4-bedroom home in a gated community, donated by a member of the deceased's "faith community", is located. If it's Frisco, you've got a story.

Yup... fun times. Fuuuuuuun times.



It's a handsome trophy for the winner of the "Look on the Bright Side" Award of the Year.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


The really terrifying thing about reading that is the fact that all of the predictions of the CDC are based on what a "reasonable" person would do faced with exposure to a virulent disease like ebola.

Reason tends to be a scarce commodity in the face of uncertainty.


@whocareswhatithink Funny, I was just at Care Now last week and made an Ebola joke with the Dr. He said, "I would hope that someone who thinks they have Ebola wouldn't come to a clinic." I promptly let him know he has grossly overestimated the public's intelligence.



CDC also might want to put on the flyer "if you are serving quarantine papers and the destination party refuses to acknowledge them by e-service then go to the door with a single person only in full hazmat so we can minimize the uncertainty, fear and danger associated with a potential further cluster expansion."

TheRuddSki topcommenter


No-one in Vickery Meadows can read the flyers, maybe the cop can't either.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


The crowd groans and starts throwing rotten vegetables and bloated animal carcasses.

"I blow my nose at you, English pig dog.  Your mother was a whore and your father smelt of elderberries." -- Garrisoned French soldier to King Arthur

TheRuddSki topcommenter


That's back when we used to call it "global warming".


@ScottsMerkin  WBAP is reporting that the suspected patient is a Sargent in the Dallas County Sheriff's deputy who went into Duncan's apartment last week to get some paperwork signed. This wouldn't have happened if Duncan had been denied a travel visa. The question now is Will Clay Jenkins go symptomatic tonight?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@James_the_P3 This is a fucking Sheriffs office employee, who should know more so than anyone considering the first case happened in his backyard.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


We'll miss you.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@kergo1spaceship  Why "wow"?  It's true.  He's far, far more likely to drop dead from a massive heart attack or a massive stroke than Ebola.  Have you seen his photo?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul 

Do you remember Executive Orders by Tom Clancy?

Instead of aerosol sprays, just help a number of asymptomatic yet contagious carriers into the United States.


Easy to carp. Difficult to contribute.


How bout if I put dawg after it.

Or read the story. The context will make it clear. Maybe.


Dumb shit, why did he think Duncan was gonna buy a raffle ticket?


@bvckvs Dude, why do you insist on taking everything to 11? I was saying that an aspiring investigative journalist might want to look into where they're at because if they or anyone who they've been in contact with are, or could be, contagious, the public might need to know. Or are you cool with everything the government says at all times, and have no curiosity about why they've gone into hiding?

Wait, of course - they're in mortal danger, clearly, because SO many threats have been made, I'm certain.

And "refugees" from what - East Dallas? Or do you KNOW that they've been granted asylum in the U.S. due to religious or political persecution in their home country? If you have more details, please, feel free to share. If not, STFU and take some Xanax or something.

I'm fairly certain the deputy doesn't have Ebola, but maybe some other illness HOWEVER due to the fact that he had been there, he was worried he might have contracted the disease. Fair enough. He should have gone to a hospital, not a CareNow, but maybe he wasn't thinking clearly. But being so far away from where the deceased had been living, the question about where the family is (and people in contact with/caring for them) IS PERFECT VALID, and not a prelude to a firebombing campaign.


TheRuddSki topcommenter


Folks who gladly strap bombs to their bellies would have no prob passing around a dead Ebolian prior to flying to the U.S. or jumping the border.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


add an s - presbolataryrian, it might work, but it might upset dyslexic lesbians.

mavdog topcommenter


I never said his injury wasn't real

odd, the definition of "pretending" , as in "pretending to be too sick to work" is "to appear falsely, as to deceive; feign".

if you did not mean "pretending", sobeit. but what you wrote with the word "pretending" was "the injury wasn't real"

Perhaps you're right - perhaps he's really just a shockingly stupid and irresponsible man

I never said ANYTHING of the sort. Did not even hint at such a thing. YOU are the only person here who attacked this man.


@bvckvs Ok, I can totally respect that point of view, and agree with much of what you said. So why didn't you say that first instead of whipping out the Ad Hominem Machine and "asking" if I wanted to firebomb the house?

mavdog topcommenter


he may appear to be perfectly intelligent and very responsible

Actually, there isn't enough information about this individual to determine if he is "intelligent".

as for "perfectly intelligent", a phrase which doesn't make ANY sense, the traits we can say he exhibits is a) he is anxious, b) he is likely a bit paranoid, none of which says anything at all about if he is "intelligent".

"very responsible". about what? he holds a job, has a family and from what we know provides for them and has a good relationship with his family. that seems responsible, do you know otherwise?

and don't make stuff up about him this time, ok? only facts.


@bvckvs I see. When and why did all this horror descend upon you? I've been online since 300 baud modems and have never encountered anything like that.

Not that I'm doubting you, just that it seems like a lot of bad will descending on one person.

As to wanting to know about the family and their whereabouts, I would have suggested this (had anyone asked) - if the authorities are worried about their potential medical condition, take them to Presby and quarantine them there - rather than at some undisclosed "civilian" location. Secrecy rarely breeds trust, after all - except in your case, apparently.

mavdog topcommenter


That's the best you can muster? You aren't making up stuff about the guy this time? You're doing better.


@bvckvs @Anonamouse I don't doubt internet stalking and such happens - with hundreds of millions of people interacting more-or-less anonymously, there are bound to be many people with anger issues who take things the wrong way and do really stupid things as a result. I'm sorry you've had, apparently, many problems that unfortunately made the jump into the Real World, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't automatically assume the worst. Given enough time and posting history, you'll be able to figure out who the real Fruit Loops are, might actually have decent conversations with people you otherwise would reflexively dismiss,, and It might help your blood pressure a bit.

So, in summary - nope, don't want to firebomb anyone.  

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs No dumbass, he didnt pretend.  He went to Care Now with a tummy ache and a headache, he told them, and properly so, that he had been in the apartment of Thomas Duncan, and they called 911 as protocol states bc everyone is on high alert.  The news picked up the story and turned it into Ebola hysteria again.  

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs maybe he knew that he hadnt been puked on, spit on, or traded semen with or been sweat on by the guy with Ebola, so he went to a Care now like the rest of the sick DFW people do to get meds for his stomach cramps.  Then the Care Now freaked.  You sir lack the knowledge or comprehension to even understand that though.  Did you pay your warrants

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