The National Socialist Movement Is Hosting a Swastika Lighting in Rockwall

Categories: The 'Burbs

LeniAndJoeTV via Youtube
The National Socialist Movement, which is apparently still a thing, has selected the Aryan paradise of Rockwall for its November 8 rally against immigration and to protect the American way of life. An event notice posted on The White Resister informs Unfair Park that speakers include Commander Jeff Schoep, Captain Harry Hughes, Captain Brian Culpepper, and many more to be announced. Because if there's anything that can stem the tide of undocumented individuals seeking respite from crushing poverty and violence, it's a bunch of dress-up playing douches who've given themselves military titles.

After the rally, revelers can enjoy free barbecue and a swastika burning on private property. There is no word as to whether the barbecue will cooked over the burning swastika, but, these being classy Hitler fetishizers, Unfair Park expects nothing less.

If you wish to partake in the festivities -- or get in touch with the Nazis throwing this party for other reasons -- you should email Master Sergeant Smith the head of Region 7 Director of the National Socialist Movement.

The big takeaway? There is a property owner in Rockwall who is willing to let a bunch of Nazis burn a swastika on his or her property.

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Rockwall has always been racist.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

I cannot believe a nice community like Rockwall is going to be host to some of America's most sinister and trashy people.  These thug wannabes, who are not only Fascists but emotionally deranged, are nothing more than "pretenders", and clearly don't understand either WWII or the utter failures of Nationalist Socialism - a Left Wing notion of total population control. 

I don't blame anyone for denouncing these losers.  But, it's a free country, and they are free to make fools of themselves and disappoint the orphanages where they were raised to be cartoon characters, but with a deadly purpose. 

It will be interesting to see what the fine people of Rockwall think about this rally and the trash that participates.


There's a possibility that this is being organized under the guise of socialist party just to make socialism the 'bad guy' all over again. 


It is disgusting and embarrassing that this still goes on......

Wait,.....FREE BARBECUE!!!!! Hell Ya!


Oh with any luck maybe they will set themselves on fire instead. I didnt know this was still a thing. Last place I remember in Texas being associated in such a way was Vidor, Tx. 

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Soooooo . . . This is all very confusing. Why on earth would they burn a swastika, a symbol that they supposedly revere?

Fucking bedwetters, somebody should take away their Zippos. I'll be sure not to take advantage of my burn-permit on Nov. 8 lest I be confused with these idiots.


Unfair Park should continue its inspection.


Is Culpepper in anyway associated with the restaurant in Rockwall?


Culpepper? Sounds like a Jewish name to me.


Are any of the speakers flying in? If so, that day might be a bad one to attempt to take someone else's limo at the airport.  

holmantx topcommenter

Send in the Huey Newtons to complete the clown act.

Montemalone topcommenter

They better stay off the I-30 bridge.

Bad things happen on bridges.


@holmantx  Rockwall doesn't have any.  It's all lilywhites that have ran away from their other communities

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Montemalone Yup, and Nazis sink like a lead weight because they are too stupid to know how to swim, and too full of crap to float. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@RickShit4BrainzPerry @holmantx You probably think this is clever; trashy people usually do.  But, I damn sure draw a line where Nationalist Socialism, a LIBERAL philosophy of controlling people is concerned.

I don't especially give a damn if you agree with me or not; you're more than free to be a jerk and make an ass of yourself. 

Any questions? 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The ribs are terrible, but they're socialist ribs, so they're free. See you there!

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