The Observer Needs a Copy Editor (But You Knew That Already, Amiright?)

We have an immediate opening for a copy editor. Until we find one, we'll continue to let commenters correct our terrible spelling and grammar while we try and fail not to get defensive about it. It's the Observer way.

See also: How to Contribute to the Dallas Observer

The ideal candidate will have one of those brains that allows him or her to see all the errant commas, embarrassing homonym mishaps and missing words that plague most of the stories I edit, and will possess deeply held beliefs about the overuse of em dashes, the role of the serial comma and the Superiority of Title-Case Headlines. A willingness to delete bad jokes and identify specious arguments is a plus. (Don't worry Schutze -- we won't let her near your stuff!)

Interested candidates should send a friendly email explaining their interest, a résumé and some writing or editing samples to me at This is a full-time job with both benefits (medical, dental, 401(K), cubicle near the free-stuff pile) and drawbacks (not many food options since Herrera's closed, freakishly cold conference room, beer fridge is broken).

My Voice Nation Help
Montemalone topcommenter

Would this job lead to an eventual run for City Council, then on to Mayor, finally resulting in a cozy $4,000,000.00 estate in Preston Hollow from which I could shout down any and all attempts to improve the city?

If so, I'm in.


I  need a job but I do like taking potshots from here. 

I do have an extra fridge though.

(notice the extra EM space)

RTGolden1 topcommenter

Keep beer in the conference room.  Two problems solved. (1) beer kept colder and (2) conference room > beer fridge = more beer.


Yesterday I made a comment about this publication not having a fact checker or a moderator except with someone says something about Joe. Low and behold that comment was censored.

I also asked the question what was Joe's vision for the future of the Dallas Observer and that was censored.   Was he happy with what he has helped it evolve into?   Censor.

I made mention that even his most ardent fans are starting to appear disappointed.

It is just so transparent with all the outright and blatant use of derogatory terms for minorities used on this site on a regular basis that are only (occasionally) removed if someone ask them to be in a polite way, yet if someone attempts to get at the root of the problem, then wham suddenly the DO has enough money to hire a moderator for the  moment.

The Dallas Observer as a publication is exactly where it has always been and I hope it can stay there.   It is a great weekly with great writing.   It is easier to think of them as simply two different organizations.   


I love that Joe has already decided that this copy editor will be a "her".....

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

///s*   Hi thisiz murrnas katt here aggain       hire mee  i  ken& .';do the job  nice.., goodbyy#$%TF n


Yes! Mine. You'll be receiving my email.


how about hiring a fact checker?

holmantx topcommenter

there's an app for that.



Do you know any difference between "outright" and "blatant"? When you blindly repeat words and phrases without thinking, you sound even more foolish. I'll bet you say "per se" a lot, pronouncing it like "per say", huh.



"all the outright and blatant use of derogatory terms for minorities used on this site on a regular basis"


gavin.cleaver moderator

@tonedeaf can you tell me when these comments were made, what they contained, and what username you used? We very rarely delete comments, but LiveFyre has a hyperactive spam filter, and if it decides it doesn't like you, it will "censor" everything you write.

joe.tone moderator

@bvckvs And yet here you are, every day. Humans are weird.


@bvckvs If we don't have advertisers, why did you call it an advertising circular?


@bvckvs  overuse of dashes, serial commas and also a specious argument. appreciate your interest we'll be in touch!

joe.tone moderator

@pak152 I'm honestly not sure there's a newspaper in America that employs fact-checkers. Big-time magazines, definitely, but I don't think many, if any, newspapers do. There's not time, among other factors.


@joe.tone It must drive you bonkers that there are a few old commenters your hate filled pit bull Rudy can't even run off. Of course none of them are able to use Obamacare eight times in a comment about traffic in Irving  with at least 6 four letter words directed at various minorities. 

Yes humans are weird, and they can be very fun, adventurous, humorous, and this group of Texan's are able to open their mind without fear of their brain falling out.  They make for great discussion and conversation on a wide array of issues.   Why did you decide to come to our Park and turn it into Drudgity Park?   If you should ever decide to leave us here in Dallas, I do assume that part of the deal is that you take Rudy with you.  

It is certainly not that we want you to go, we want you to feel our Texas welcome for as long as possible.   You have just begun to tap into that wealthy 65 to 89 demo. Now run, run as fast as you can and find your buddy bud Rudy.  He is probably about 20 comments down talking about the Benghazi Birth Certificate .   God love you all and bless your little pea picking hearts and touch your nipples in an aggressive way.  


@ChrisYu @bvckvs

"overuse of dashes, serial commas and also a specious argument. appreciate your interest we'll be in touch!"

Apparently using capital letters is that important to you. 


@joe.tone  Are you happy with the direction the blog/newspaper has taken since you began?  Since you don't moderate or fact check, do you ever read or glance at the work you put out?

Seems like even the most ardent haters (your solid fan base) are bored of patting each other on the back.   I think you have a great group of writers but your contributions have brought the online version down to a Jerry Springer level.   

I would love to see what your vision is of this paper and it's online sister. 


@tdkisok  my first priority would be replace that beer fridge.



Your sad need for Joe to recognize you is getting pathetic. 

Look bvckvs,  obviously think you are the smartest person in every room you walk into so why not start your own publication? It would be great, call it "Big Headed Blowhard - News For Those Who Think They Know Everything".



Naw, you are not smartest person around here, even if you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. You are not stupid either, just a big headed asshole.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs #TQATDA, and no, you are not smart, not even close.  In fact, you are far beyond dumb, retarded as a matter of fact.  You cant be very smart when you dont even pay your outstanding warrants that we all know about.  I hear that fall warrant round up is coming.  I bet Sanders gets a visit

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