Your Friday Afternoon Ebola Digest

Categories: Healthcare

Centers for Disease Control
Transmission electron micrograph of the Ebola virus
Heading into a much needed weekend, here's the latest Ebola news of note:

The condition of the patients.
Nina Pham is now being treated at a National Institutes of Health facility in Maryland. She is listed as being in fair condition. While she was listed in good condition at Presbyterian, doctors at NIH have stressed that her condition has not "deteriorated." Video released of Pham just before her transfer shows her in good spirits. Amber Vinson, the second Presbyterian nurse to contract Ebola, is in stable condition at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.

Baylor sends potential Ebola patient to Presbyterian.
Late Thursday, an individual came into the Baylor emergency room through a private entrance reporting Ebola symptoms and contact with someone with Ebola. The hospital has issued a statement on its Facebook page that reads a lot like the statement the city of Frisco issued after Michael Monnig showed up at the Care Now.

DART personnel off the job for potential Ebola contact
Two DART employees, including a bus driver, have been put on leave after self-reporting Ebola risk. From DART's Morgan Lyons:

Two DART employees have been connected with persons who have been exposed to or are carrying the Ebola virus. One of the employees is a bus operator who notified us of being a passenger on the plane from Cleveland with a nurse currently undergoing treatment for Ebola. The operator learned of his possible exposure from media accounts and notified us after contacting the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). However, this was after he had completed his shift Wednesday morning. Although the operator was not displaying symptoms at the time, and based on CDC information would not be able to transmit the virus, we will attempt to contact customers who were on the bus during his shift. The bus he was operating was immediately removed from service for cleaning.

Both DART employees are considered low risk by the CDC since they have had no direct contact with any of the individuals with the virus. Nevertheless, they were sent home as soon as they told us of their situations. They will remain there until it is determined they are not carrying the virus and are no longer at risk of carrying it. We will stay in touch with them throughout this process.

UT student isolated and not attending class after being on flight with Amber Vinson
University of Texas at Austin president Bill Powers emailed the UT community to alert them of an asymptomatic student who was on the October 13 Frontier Airlines flight Vinson took from Cleveland to Dallas. The email:

Dear UT Community,

I wanted to share this information with you as soon as possible. On October 13, a University of Texas at Austin student flew on Frontier Airlines Flight 1143, on which a health care worker who has tested positive for Ebola also was a passenger. The student was not seated in the zone of concern on the plane, is not showing any symptoms, is monitoring body temperature, and is in daily contact with health officials, according to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The student has been fully compliant beyond the CDC recommendations for possible Ebola exposure.

Health officials do not believe there is any health risk to campus at this time. However, in an abundance of caution, the student, who lives in a private residence, is staying home from class and away from campus activities. The university supports this decision and is providing academic and other resources that the student needs.

As president and as the parent of a current UT student, I want you to know that the safety of our students, faculty, and staff always comes first. We are working with city, state, and federal officials to monitor the situation and follow best practices. For specific information about the Ebola Virus please visit the CDC website.

Thank you,

Bill Powers, President

The University of Texas at Austin

Vinson may have shown symptoms far earlier than initially reported.
The Associated Press reports that the CDC has been unable to determine when Vinson became symptomatic and that it could have been as early her Dallas-to-Cleveland outbound flight on Friday. A bridal shop where Vinson reportedly tried on wedding dresses in Akron, Ohio has closed as a precautionary measure and passengers on the outbound flight are now part of the CDC contact investigation.

Rick Perry calls for travel ban.
Governor Perry has joined the mass of politicians clamoring for a travel ban to and from countries effected by Ebola. Smartly, Perry's plan would make an exception for healthcare workers.

President Obama names Ebola "czar."
Ron Klain, who, among other things, is the only man to serve as chief of staff for two vice presidents, is slated to coordinate the federal response to Ebola. Ezra Klein thinks he's a great choice.

An infectious disease specialist from Texas Health Presbyterian is currently being monitored on a cruise ship.
This one's weird. A worker at Presbyterian who handled samples of Thomas Eric Duncan's fluids got on a cruise before being notified that she was subject to CDC quarantine. She is now being monitored remotely by the CDC and on the ship by its doctor.

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Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

OOPS wants to ban travel to all except health care workers.  The two who have Ebola are health care workers.  OOPS!

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

If ever there was proof of what a political fool Obama is, we've got it now.  He's making the handling of Katina look like a perfect litany of solutions - which is mostly was. 

Obama has no experience in management, and has never run so much as a shoeshine stand -- much less a city or state. He is a political hack, who follows the protocols of the Chicago Mayor's Office and only appoints people he can control. 

Klain is a super-hack who has no experience with anything medical.  He was also a beneficiary of Solyndra's millions, was a chief of staff for Gore, and was a chief of staff for Biden.  He is utterly clueless about what needs to done to stop this nonsense. 

But, all he'll do is echo Obama and his speechwriters, and do whatever is necessary to make Obama look good -- since Obama now looks worse than any President of the United States. 

He will forever regret this appointment at the time of a public health crisis, and he widens margin favoring his impeachment and removal from office and OUR White House.


Just a curious oberservation.

My friends started dying of AIDS in 1980 and Ronald Reagan never uttered the acronym until 1985.He then waited another two years to mention it again with regards to death or Rock Hudson; of course he failed to mention the 20,000 others.Thirty two of them were my friends.

Even though we knew at that point the virus originated in Africa, there was NEVER any chatter to stop airline transportation to the United States.There were only friends taking care of friends and bringing them food when the nurses refused to enter the room and the PHELPS family was there to tell they dying they were going to hell.

ACT UP was picketing the CDC and NIH on a daily basis and there was no Congressional hearing, there were only arrests daily.We have been there, done that and created the T-Shirt ……..ACT UP……SILENCE = DEATH.

You know who turned it around for us and got the government to pay attention?An actress……named Elizabeth Taylor and the entire entertainment community followed.

So forgive me if I don’t jump on the bash Obama for Ebola bandwagon.And forgive me for not forgiving those in office who turned their face away from us and left us to fend for ourselves.  We kicked so much ass at the NIH and CDC and cut through so much red tape that the process of getting new life saving drugs tracked is quicker and smoother than ever.  It was nice to see paid government officials questioning the NIH and CDC so others could get an example of the sort of bureaucracy and assholism we faced yet we were had to break in the joint first to ask our questions.  So we sort of   paved the way for you folks to know how to handle this.If you would have paid attention you might have learned a thing or two.  Even when we begged and pleaded for stem cell research we were told a thousand hell NO's.  So, we know sometimes people change their minds.  Count you blessings, you have a government that WANTS to help you without changing you.  


Thanks for the digest of information. Good work.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

If Ezra Klein thinks he's a good choice, then that makes it a lock that he's a terrible choice.  Everything he writes is wrong.  Yesterday he wrote an article on the CA consent law that said that preponderance of the evidence was a higher standard that beyond a reasonable doubt, and that substantive due process was a lower burden than procedural due process.

In other words, he writes wildly, uncontestably wrong shit about subjects that he knows nothing about.  If he's that wrong about law, he's that wrong about Ebola too.  I'm pretty sure he's wrong about everything except how to be a pink pajama wearing mama's boy.


Most startling here: UP uses 'smartly' and 'Rick Perry's plan' in same sentence.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs The U.S. doesn't have an Ebola problem.  There is no pandemic, such as the one in Africa, and there is not large population of infected persons, as in Africa. 

Practicing Barrier Prophylaxis, the U.S. should immediately suspend ALL travel and all Visas from the infected areas to the United States.  That, by the way, is what Ellis Island was for.

Barriers may be a thousand miles or a thousand feet, hazmat clothing, remote electronic screening, etc. etc. 

This clown selected by Obama was to protect him from criticism, and not to solve the problem.  That's treasonous behavior by a president.  

mavdog topcommenter


"And he widens margin favoring his impeachment and removal from office and OUR White House"

IDK if there were any of your ramblings that showed how you think. "OUR White House"???

Tell us, what makes an elected President turn the White House away from being everyone's White House? Hmm, let me think, why is this President different than all the others.....

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@KnowledgeEqualsPower AIDS is not considered a "communicable disease" spread by proximity.  And, it took several years to develop protocols that inhibited its spread.  But, the greatest is getting to the gay population with prohibitions of irresponsible and risky sexual acts. 

Obviously, the same thing is true of the straight community. 

We know how to prevent AIDS; it's the same kind of "barrier prophylaxis" that is used in most contagious diseases.

Barrier Prophylaxis can be no contact with a known AIDS patient - especially including sex, strong condoms, flight restrictions from an AIDS infected community, HazMat suits, gloves, and face shields, etc.  These are the SAME precautions nuclear labs use handling highly radioactive materials. 

But, Obama doesn't seem to know even THAT much, and is only interested in his political skin. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@everlastingphelps That's all we needed - another dishonest liberal nut job and political hack so over his head that he'll have no choice other than taking all of his orders and verbiage from a White House plagued by the same deficit.

Rather than setting up a cooperative response team, this clown will bully his way through this by dropping names, and threatening people -- as was his practice as a chief of staff for two Vice Presidents. 

It's also clear that he opens his mouth and inserts his foot before he does adequate research.  In a public health crisis, that will kill people!

But, at least Obama's myth of competency will be continued.

holmantx topcommenter


They had to cherry-pick far and wide to find a Klain liker.

His claim to fame is he put the Prez into Solyndra.

involved in both of Bill Clinton's campaigns, oversaw Clinton's judicial nominations, and was General Counsel to Al Gore's recount committee

led the team that won confirmation of Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

helped Fannie Mae overcome "regulatory issues"

In 2004, as disclosure forms indicate Klain did, involved convincing Congress and Fannie Mae's regulators that Fannie Mae wasn't doing anything dangerous, and wasn't exposing taxpayers to risk. In other words, Ron Klain got paid to help fuel the housing bubble up until a couple of years before it popped.

During the 2004 Presidential campaign, Klain worked as an adviser to Wesley Clark in the early primaries.

Klain apparently signed off on President Obama's support of a $535 million loan guarantee for now-defunct solar-panel company Solyndra, despite concerns about whether the company was viable, Klain approved an Obama visit

his wife, Monica Medina, an environmental activist and special assistant to the Secretary of Defense

Not even the MSM is going with this guy.

Even the President's most ardent supporters think the guy is radioactive just a few weeks before the mid-terms.

You have to wonder, what is the purpose of all this?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


One administration argument against travel restrictions is the ease of entering the US illegally.

Apparently, the statement "our borders are secure" has expired.


@mavdog  Furr man's real agenda is pretty well right out in the open. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is good as long as "we" restore the WHITE house, right, Furr?


@KnowledgeEqualsPower Hilarious that Furr man is so butt hurt he had to fire off not one but two responses.

Top commenter? Michael Vick was once given the key to the city, too. 

And Furr man, what evidence do you have that the President is "drug-bloated?" That's nothing but libel.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@KnowledgeEqualsPower @noblefurrtexas Or, as an aquaintance put it, "So, just in case I'm gone

tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying,flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing,* *bleeding heart, narcissistic,* * scientific and economic moron currently in the White House!  Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself* *castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids."

Does that make you feel better?  No?  That's a real shame, but I'm not inconsolable about it.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@KnowledgeEqualsPower @noblefurrtexas Awwww,,,,did I hurt your feelings?  Are you a big fan of the lying, incompetent, secretive, drug-bloated, lazy and shiftless, goofy, unpatriotic, delusional adolescent golfing Socialist in the White House? 


But, you've sure proved that the eighth grade education you got in DISD has been put to good use by combining words.  

 You'd better hurry up and respond or your reputation as a moron could be threatened - especially when the owner of that computer returns. 


noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki "Those people" HAVE to have someone else to blame for their own immoral, irresponsible, and reckless behaviors.

I checked with a good friend who was a policy maker during the Reagan years.  He said the Flu killed a lot more people than AIDS.  And medical authorities working for Reagan WARNED homosexuals that they were playing a dangerous game having casual sex as often as possible. 

Like Ebola, AIDS came from Africa and we first learned about it under Carter - who did nothing to address the disease or the deaths occurring.  So, if you just HAVE to blame a politician, blame Carter who was our second-worst President.

But, the primary blame is on the homosexuals who ignore AIDS, who are recklessly immoral, engage in risky behavior and want to blame it on someone else, and who are frantically desperate to blame Republicans and/or conservatives.

observist topcommenter

@holmantx @everlastingphelps 

 The cut-and-paste army has been mobilized.  Google this entire phrase..

"Klain apparently signed off on President Obama's support of a $535 million loan guarantee for now-defunct solar-panel company Solyndra"

...and you get multiple pages of results. Although, unlike Holman, most of them acknowledge Wikipedia as the source.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@nd68 Top Commenter has nothing to do with quality or content of the commenter, just comment me, I know


@noblefurrtexas Usually you see text in quotes bolded by someone trying to point out what an idiot the author is. Don't usually see self-bolding like that.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The communities most impacted by AIDS early on tended to be of liberal ideology, so the instinct to rely on and blame the state is natural, even when the answers to the problem were within their own collective grasp.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@observist @holmantx @everlastingphelps I think the grander point is a political operator and washington insider was selected for the post.  I think most people would be more comfortable with someone who at least has some sort of medical background.

With his choice, President Obama appears to be more concerned with controlling the public opinion polls than with doing anything about ebola.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I agree.  While AIDS is basically an STD contracted from risky sexual practices or intimate contact with someone already infected, it hit in the mid-70s and there was very little information about it.  

While I wouldn't wish AIDS on anyone, fewer people have died from this disease than the Flu.  That's simply a fact.  So, if it's a matter of spending public money to find a cure or preventative, Influenza is certainly more of a priority. 

Liberal politicians were often elected in high-risk communities because they promised more money for research, and nobody was screaming about Influenza.

I want my tax dollars used where the greatest threat is, and without political correctness as an issue.  


mavdog topcommenter


Your points are valid, but you're criticizing an appointment of a politico to a political post.

The "czar" is there as an organizing post, the head of the bureaucracy. He doesn't need to be a doctor, he needs to know how to manage.

The position is an unnecessary exercise in managing public perception that they're doing something. This individual is as good at that role as anyone else.


Look at you, slicing through Obola's cunning plan.


@holmantx Spending your daze Ctrl C & Ctrl V ing from Limbaugh to DO, Limbaugh to DO, Limbaugh to DO.

Research? At least you are fun. 


Then credit your sources. What you do is called plagiarism.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Yeah, but folks who want their tax dollars directed towards statistically great threats are known as "idiotic shitheads".

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas @RTGolden1 @observist @holmantx @everlastingphelps I don't really view the appointment as either a good or a bad decision.  I think the appointment reflects where the administration's concerns are focused.

We have a Surgeon General and a Secretary of Health and Human services, in addition to a director of the CDC.  That is a lot of medical credentials landing on the problem.

My point was, appointing an ebola 'czar' that knows something about ebola would have been a better political move, in my mind, than providing a cushion to land on for someone falling from grace.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog This is NOT a political post.  It's a Public Health post.  It makes as much sense to put a political hack in a job coordinating every aspects of public health, facing a deadly disease, as making someone a commanding general because they have experience mending military uniforms.

holmantx topcommenter


And where did you get that from?  Or did you think that up yourself (ha!) to look smart?

Because that appears to be one of the more blatant and moronic group-think poseur shit retorts cooked up by the kids who surround the President.  Not exactly a confidence builder, ya think?  

You are not doing yourself any intellectual favors by repeatedly chanting such crap claimed as your own.

You might as well say, "the President says . . . "

This, from a dog.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The positive side of reading unattributed stuff posted anonymously on the web is you needn't acknowledge any of the facts or opinions presented.

holmantx topcommenter


Not in the blogs.  We aren't reporters. Particularly when making factual background statements. Besides it works like this.  Anyone can immediately see where anyone else gets their info.  Paint the offending verbiage, right click, search - BINGO!

Don't clutter up the prose with documentation; and for those who have no recourse but to bitch about unattributed Wiki sourcing, you already lost the debate.

What's next?



Seriously, if that's all you got as a comeback on this particular political hack, then you must otherwise agree with the actual opinion after the fact-set.

mavdog topcommenter


It is a political post, the person doesn't perform any healthcare work at all. they are an administrator. a "coordinator" just as you said, although they don't deal with "every aspect of public health", just focusing on the Ebola response.

there isn't any need for the post other than the fact republicans were screaming to have a "Czar".

ironic isn't it, all those folks who were recently complaining about there being to many appointed "Czars", now demanding another "Czar". . but then consistentcy has never been their halmark.

mavdog topcommenter


the opinion really didn't require much of any thought or "smarts" actually, it is pretty much common sense.

no wonder you didn't think of it.


It's amusing when you obviously have multiple tabs open and your copy/pasta "artistry" from Hot Air/Daily Caller, et al ,gets crossed and you end up posting multiple paragraphs of incoherent gibberish.

You don't attribute your sources because you deliberately want us to think you come up with this shit. You're dishonest and fooling no one.

There's no "debate" to lose. You have been called out as a fraud and an idiot.

And you have the gall to defend it. Unbelievable and pathetic.

holmantx topcommenter

@JFPO This, from a B movie actor and half-assed comedian.  Look at you friggin' icon (ha!).

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