Ebola in Dallas: October 23

Categories: Healthcare

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the RNA filovirus that causes Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Counting down the days (15) until our fair city is, officially, Ebola-free. Here's what's happening:

The condition of the patients
Late yesterday afternoon, Amber Vinson's family announced that she was Ebola-free, meaning that the there was no detectable viral load in her blood. She remains at Emory University Hospital near Atlanta.

Nina Pham remains in good condition at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. Her dog Bentley has still shown no signs of Ebola and seems to be in quite the good mood in a recent Dallas Animal Services video.

Hospital experts question the selection of UT-Southwestern and Parkland for potential Ebola care

The Dallas Morning News reports some experts think the facilities selected by the State of Texas to handle any future Ebola cases are poor choices. UT-Southwestern and Parkland have both been cited in the past for violations of proper infectious disease procedure.

21 maps and charts the explain Ebola
Vox has some good visual representations of the growing mass of data coming out of the Ebola epidemic.

Potential NYC case
A doctor recently returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa was rushed to New York City's Bellevue Hospital Thursday after with stomach pains and a fever. He has been isolated and is awaiting Ebola test results. State health officials are currently tracing his contacts.

Perry's infectious disease task force holds its first public meeting
Thursday's meeting focused on how to diagnose and isolate potential Ebola cases quickly. Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, was sent home with antibiotics after his first visit to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

Finally, here's a chart that shows the rise and fall of the number of people being monitored for Ebola in Dallas

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ScottsMerkin topcommenter


holmantx topcommenter


a doc fell down in New York and we're good to go on forty more fear-mongering stories.

mavdog topcommenter

wow, where is the copy editor??? awol apparently.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Dude, the ALLCAPS makes everyone a little nervous. Nervous people panic.

With the Brooklyn Bowling Ball of Death, Canuck Jihadists, and whatever ate part of yesterday's sun still out there, you should even consider a smaller font.

holmantx topcommenter


Clint Eastwood would just give them 24 hours to get out of town.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Just looked at the comments at the Village Voice ebola story. They're making jokes about it.

That's how a world-class city handles impending doom.


@mavdog  I thing Mr. Young got a very early jump on Friday, thank G-d they're are know signs of Ebola.  I here there hiring,

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheRuddSki my bad, the air in KC must be getting to me, hadnt been here since March.  Ill keep the all caps to a minimum, but im in Royals country this weekend and it will be real hard not to go all caps if they keep winning

holmantx topcommenter


It's getting pretty bad when you can't even profile French Canadians.

holmantx topcommenter


If the action is like it was around here, it starts out poking fun, the press and local elected officials hold the line with somber faces, the kids back off due political correctness, a few secondary cases break out, they're false alarms, everyone pats themselves on the back, a couple of lawsuits are filed, three Molotov race cocktails are obligatorily thrown, Sharpton and Jackson make cameos, the kids get back to laughing at the spectacle, the press keeps ginning up Ebola, and the whole damn thing just runs out of gas. Oh phooey!

but the press keeps on a ginnin' cause there's the mid-terms that need obscuring.

(cue up Elvis Presley's 'Livin' in the Ghettoooooooo, fade to black, roll credits)

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Go KC! David Glass lives not far from me, so I feel obligated.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Travel ban for the Québécois? thought we already had one.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

(And BTW, no, those masks really aren't protection.  They aren't respirators, and you don't have your eyes covered, so you aren't protected from aerosol.  They would have more protection from better hand washing than those masks.)

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Things are seemingly spinning out of control.

Those arriving at US airports are now asked if they've been to the ebola zone or converted to Islam in the last three weeks.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Faux panic. No-one has even interviewed Greg Packer.

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