raajendra a. vaidya.

9th, Ravindra Nagar, NAGPUR

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God resides in everything....Living and non-living....

Hello friends,
I am a person with a very simple lifestyle yet a having a high thinking...
The only thing i believe in this world is .......
not money ......
not success ......
not politics ........
its just the divine gift of god .......
the pure and heart- touching LOVE ....

I am a person associated with film industry since last 30 years...
I believe that the concept of the story which can be best portrayed in the language of Pictures in minimum possible words and minimum possible time is what i understand to be a good Screenplay Writing. And I believe to establish such ideology into my work as a screenplay writer.

Like a painter paints his canvas with different shades of water colors such that the spectator cannot make out the art of the painter with the colors.The only thing the viewer sees is the beauty of his art(painting).
Such is the art of Photography.Along with the spreading of colors, I write with the lights. Every tint of Grey Card has its own sense of individuality. I believe the motion & emotion of a scene to every extent depends on the way I move my camera..I want and is eager to achieve perfection in my every frame. A " Director of Photography " hence, in simple terms called as the " MAGICIAN OF THE LIGHTS ".

A person who can make his audience understand & involve in the essence of his theme, such execution of idea is deeply attached with the wide field of Direction. Among the various genre like Action, Drama, Horror, Comedy, Family etc... I feel most difficult for a Director stands the Comedy genre. When a Director is able to create a simple but an obvious and a natural and compulsory situation for the public to laugh at is a perfect director of comedy. A person who can well adapt the ideas and imagination with good conceptualization in all nook & corner of all the genre is a complete & perfect Director in my sense. Essentially, Director must be a BINDER of MINDS of people ( his audience )..

Film making is always looked up as a Big Business ... But in my sense of thought I believe that a film may be Micro or Macro budgeted but what is important is how it is executed by various strata of the people associated with making of the film.. For me Film making is entire a play of Quality... I assure the same with my work..Film making is my LOVE,PASSION and WORSHIP of my life,...
I am just made for making films....


  1. CamoFilms
  2. SugarSweet Ax
  3. chocobere
  4. mariana brunini
  5. Fabio Zuliani
  6. OJO Films
  7. ArainaN
  8. Carxyus
  9. madeinhollywoodusa
  10. Jas Dhanda
  11. Xerofly
  12. See. Spot. Cut. Inc.
  13. sapan narula
  14. Amprods
  15. jamesraj
  16. Nude Art Models
  17. nulla res
  18. Primed Pictures

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