Jared Fadel Plus

Salt Lake City, Utah

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Commercial | Wedding | Music Videos | Corporate

Jared Fadel • Director | Director of Photography | Filmmaker

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  1. Khalid Mohtaseb
  2. thecostasisters
  3. RyBay
  4. Ivory and Iron
  5. Mediastalgia Productions
  6. igor martinovic
  7. Color Grading Central
  8. bryson alley
  9. Camille Marotte
  10. Jennifer Muldoon
  11. nabil elderkin
  12. Salomon
  13. Alessandro Pacciani™
  14. QUAD
  15. Zach Fackrell
  16. Damien Krisl
  17. Shane Hurlbut, ASC
  18. Jeff Yeats

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  1. Jared Fadel commented on LONE HUNTER
    I need to know your method of uploading to retain the beautiful grain and detail.