What if there was an easy way to deliver your message to millions each month?

HD video on any screen HD video on any screen HD video on any screen

There is. As the world's leading streaming video platform, we make it our mission to help with your mission. Stream sermons, bible studies, and worship retreats to a global audience — using nothing more than just camera or laptop and an internet connection. Utilize our reliable, easy to use platform to deliver your message to computers, tablets and mobile devices all over the world — and into the hearts of the elderly, shut-ins and the geographically isolated — making every house a house of worship.

Create lasting connections and form a worldwide community of those who share your beliefs

Interact and minister directly to members of your virtual congregation via chat, Twitter and Facebook

Enjoy ad-free streaming that allows your viewers to focus on your message without interruptions and distractions

Add a PayPal donation widget to increase tithing and generate funds for your ministry

Perfect for congregations large or small

Streaming sermons and worship services can benefit any church, regardless of size or budget. Connect in a meaningful way with believers and seekers — Take the tour

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