Dallas Observer Blogs

Unfair Park Find more posts

Destroying the Cabana Hotel Would Not Be So Bad

Amy SilversteinEh. Every hour or so, the Save the Cabana Hotel Facebook page reminds its 900-plus followers to SAVE THE CABANA HOTEL. Dallas' luxury Cabana Motor Hotel opened on Stemmons Freeway in 1962, and photographs on the fan page show...
DC9 At Night Find more posts

Remembering Evan Chronister, a Devoted Dallas Music Fan and Mentor

Evan Chronister's name might not sound familiar to the average participant in the DFW music scene. He didn't play in a band. He didn't put on shows or put out records. He occasionally manned th...
City of Ate Find more posts

DFW Chefs Are All Over Your TV Right Now, Including on Food Network's Kitchen Inferno

If you needed any other reason to believe that the time for Dallas' varied and unique dining scene is finally starting to have the day in the sun it so deserves, turn on your television. Many o...
The Mixmaster Find more posts

Stop What You're Doing and Look at this Cute Baby Giraffe

Stop digging through files, punching numbers into your calculator, and put that Go2Meeting on mute. You'll want to watch this video from the Dallas Zoo of an adorable baby giraffe. First-time g...


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