Tim Ruggiero on Leaving Gasland

by TXsharon on January 4, 2012

in Aruba

It’s been over two years since Tim Ruggiero first contacted me concerned that Aruba Petroleum might put a gas well on the 10 acre horse farm he and Christine bought so their daughter Reilly could grow up surrounded by clean air, nature and animals.

Now Tim, Christine and Reilly have joined Calvin Tillman and me and many others in the growing Barnett Shale Diaspora.

Tim wrote about what his family lost. I added in some links and posted it on EARTHblog.

For Tim, the “matter has been resolved” and he will speak of Aruba Petroleum  no more. That’s what it cost him to get his family to safety.

I didn’t sign anything so I will never stop speaking about Aruba Petroleum and their dirty drilling practices.

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FrackingCrazy January 4, 2012 at 7:47 pm

I haven’t signed anything either!

So let me tell you, about the AWFUL news story I heard today on NPR, how foreign companies are investing in American Shale Gas.

What these foreign companies don’t understand, is that the reason the American Companies like Devon and Chesapeake need investors is because after a year, there’s no profit:

Only nitro fracking,
sick Americans.

Look out Ohio…you’re about to get more fracked than you already are!

And I’m sorry…

use your energy to stop it!!!


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