Video: Kids ask “Why should I dream?” You are fracking our future

by TXsharon on July 16, 2012


A compelling video and essay from our children asking “Why should I dream?”

I have witnessed the effects suffered by friends and communities from hydraulic fracturing. The stars I have seen assassinated by a grey cloud of smog. I have seen the earth breached and her bounty soiled, the sludge pipes left lying in the streams, and the suffocating clouds of toxic vapor dancing in the air. You will receive no other recompense but to fight to Stop the Frack Attack if you have already felt these effects.  read more…

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Don Young July 16, 2012 at 12:38 pm

Please tell Adam how impressed I am by his thinking and writing skills. I especially like his phrase “extreme energies” when referring to oil-gas. I could not agree more. And I loved his creative way of addressing apathetic people calling them, “the didn’t s.” Very well done, Adam. Chip off the old block, btw.


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