Ohio Governor stops disposal after fracking quakes

by TXsharon on January 2, 2012

in earthquakes

Who wants to take bets on what happens to the drilling waste now? Right now as I type this, the Big Gas Mafia is huddled trying to come up with some creative new way to market produced water.

Disposal Halted at Well After 11th Quake in Ohio
New York Times
The waste, from the process called hydraulic fracturing that is used to unlock the gas from shale rock, had been injected under pressure into the well, which is 9200 feet deep. Scientists had suspected that some of the wastewater might have migrated …
See all stories on this topic »Disposal Halted at Well After 11th Quake in Ohio

I am confident they will think of something. These are the same people who convince farmers that toxic drilling waste is fertilizer. But, worst case they can ship it all to Texas the nations’ toilet.

It’s interesting that the scientists studying the disposal well quake connection in Ohio admitted the injected waste water had “migrated.” I thought stuff down there stays where they put it. You know, like the uber toxic fracking chemicals that can’t possibly migrate to drinking water.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Robert Finne January 2, 2012 at 6:28 pm

Scott Ausbrooks, RPG, Geo-Hazards and Environmental Geology Supervisor, Arkansas Geological Survey.

“Clusters of earthquakes here, here and here.
Right next to the clusters, injection well, injection well, injection well, injection well, injection well.”



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