
Event Production and Management

Live events of any scale.
Managed end-to-end by streaming experts.
Flawless delivery to an audience of unlimited size.

Video Production

Ustream can produce any event, at any scale, anywhere in the world. Video production for live streaming requires specialized knowledge and capabilities. With Ustream's production professionals, you have a team that has extensive experience in online live video production and streaming in the most demanding environments. Ustream's live HD video production is a turnkey solution for all of your production needs. In addition to standard live production components, Ustream also provides:

  • Creative Production
  • On-camera Talent
  • Post-Production Highlights & Sizzle Reels

We have extensive experience in producing:

  • Awards Show Red Carpet Coverage
  • Interactive Q&A’s with Celebs, Musicians, Actors and Athletes
  • Branded Content
  • Live Sporting Events
  • Musical Performances
  • Corporate Events & Conferences

Contact us for a custom production quote.

Live Video Encoding Services

Many traditional video companies that produce live video aren't equipped to handle live streaming and online video production. Ustream can provide encoding services that range from sending an encoding technician onsite to work with your existing crew to coordinating delivery via satellite or fiber circuits. Our encoding specialists ensure flawless delivery of the video from your point of production to audiences all around the world. Contact Ustream to discuss encoding solutions for your next event.

Event Management

Have an important live event that you want to ensure goes off without a hitch? Ustream’s expertise in live video event management is unmatched in the industry. Our Event Operations team will manage the entire process alongside your creative, marketing and technical teams to set up and fully customize your Ustream channel, test with the video production crews, show you how to maximize your social media exposure, provide 'round the clock tech support and monitor every aspect of the event. Hosting your live event with Ustream means we partner with you to make sure your event is a success and you don't need to learn the lessons of live video production the hard way. More info

Distribution and Promotion

The most important part of any live event is making sure you have an audience that shows up and is engaged in your content. For a live streaming webcast, you need your audience to show up at a specific time and spread the word fast. With over 40 million unique monthly visitors, Ustream is the largest destination for watching live video content on the internet and actively promotes that content to our user base.

Do you have specific viewership goals? Want to guarantee that your video content will be seen and is targeted to the right viewers? Ustream can syndicate your live and recorded content to reach millions of people directly in line with your brand's target demographic. Contact us for a custom video syndication plan.