Earthquake in Arlington coincides with water main break

by TXsharon on September 8, 2014

in Arlington, earthquakes

In the wee hours of Sunday morning, there was a M 2.4 earthquake in Arlington. There was also a water main break and sinkhole. You can see a video of the water main break on Facebook.

Looking on the Texas Railroad Commission GIS map, I did not find any injection disposal wells in the immediate area. Please remember that injection is injection and disposal well injection, enhanced recovery injection and fracking injection all can and have caused earthquakes. Keeping that in mind, look at the maps below that show the approximate epicenter, according to the USGS, marked in gray. Notice the intense areas of fracking just just to the south and west of the epicenter.





NBC5 News report.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Fishcreek Neighbor September 8, 2014 at 3:46 pm

Citizens have been trying to shake up City Hall for a long time. It took an earthquake.


Fishcreek Neighbor September 8, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Residents have been trying to shake up City Hall for a long time. It took an earthquake. Maybe our elected officials will listen now.
Fishcreek Neighbor recently posted..It Took an EarthquakeMy Profile


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