
Miami Beach Cop Investigated After YouTube Video Surfaces

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MIAMI BEACH(CBSMiami) – A heated exchange caught on camera during a traffic stop has prompted Miami Beach Police Internal Affairs to launch an investigation on one of its officer.

The internal affairs unit has launched an investigation on Tuesday after seeing the video on social media. The YouTube video – apparently posted by the motorcyclist stopped – has more than 37-thousand views and climbing.

The police spokesperson said it is the department’s priority and responsibility to investigate what led to the officer’s reaction.

The motorcyclist appears to record a heated verbal exchange with veteran Miami Beach Police Officer Kenneth MacLeod.

Albert Valdes then posted part of it on Facebook and YouTube, saying he was the motorcyclist involved.

“You have a great day too sir,” said Valdes. “God bless you,” he continued.

MacLeod launched into a tirade after the comment, yelling expletives at Valdes.

The officer said in part, “You’re a [expletive] bro. I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive. I’ve put up with more [expletive] than you can think of. So if you want to test me again, you’ll be finding Miami-Dade jail real hunky dory tonight.”

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What isn’t seen is Valdes’ dust up with MacLeod prior to that exchange.

On Valdes’ own Facebook page he said he has a 15-minute video of them talking, but he only uploaded one minute to social media.

Even though the investigation was launched, police said Valdes has not filed any formal complaints against the officer.

Valdes does however vent about it explicitly on his Facebook page, captioning the video “I thought I was gonna have to give this guy the hands.”

He also comments on the video saying “That’s what I’m saying, these [expletive] are supposed to protect and serve.”

In the video, the officer was not shy about giving his information.

“MacLeod’s the name. M-A-C-L-E-O-D. Scottish Spelling. It’s also on the bottom of your ticket if you don’t like it,” he told Valdes.

CBS4 showed the video to several people in Miami Beach and let them be the judge of the situation we can see and hear.

“I’m in sales, I deal with crappy people sometimes,” said Jamie French, a Miami Beach resident. “You gotta deal with it. You can’t lose your cool. As a cop, you have to be able to maintain your composure. That’s your job.”

Not everyone shared the same opinion of the video though.

“It’s probably against the rules but sometimes I believe a little discipline regarding the streets of Miami Beach…if you ever see what goes on here, these cops are under a lot of pressure,” said David Walters, another Miami Beach resident.

MacLeod is a 24-year department veteran who serves in the K-9 unit. He is also well known in this department. MacLeod was shot five times working traffic duty on the beach in 1992 and lobbied the Miami Beach City Commission for officer benefits.

“I wake up in daily pain. And I continue to work for the city because I love my work and I love this city.”

MacLeod reportedly makes $115,000 a year.

The police union is representing MacLeod but the president tells CBS4’s Natalia Zea they are not commenting on this video or the internal affairs investigation.

Miami Beach Police also gave CBS4 a copy of MacLeod’s personal file.  It shows that he has been investigated 10 times during his 24 years of employment, though that is not uncommon as he is an active officer who deals with many people on a daily basis.

Out of the ten investigations, one was for a police involved shooting.  He was never found guilty on any of the allegations against him.

MacLeod has not been put on leave or desk duty. He remains in his position in the K-9 unit.


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