Decorah Eagles

Decorah Eagles


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Decorah Eagles

Decorah Eagles

Pets, Animals - Birds

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The Decorah Eagle Cam was turned on for the 2014-15 season on October 13th, 2014.

Decorah Weather Forecast
Click for Decorah, Iowa Forecast

For additional news and updates, see the links below:

Here are a couple of specific articles about the eagles:


RRP Moderated Chat is a structured environment to learn about eagles, particularly the Decorah nest, in a family friendly setting. Moderators (Mods) participate in discussions during the hours chat is open.

The Mods are appreciative of all who visit this cam and this chat. However, we cannot each say hello and/or good-bye to each and every person. Please know that we celebrate you being here. And that we do see you!!

Moderators will enforce the following guidelines.

1. Be respectful and polite. No profanity, personal invective or other inappropriate comments. Keep your language G rated and appropriate for family usage.
2. While we are all one Eagle Family and celebrate and mourn with the other eagle nests/cams, as one of the busiest chat rooms and to avoid confusion we must keep the discussion focused on the Decorah nest.
3. No comments touching on politics, religion, or sports. Respect the diversity of the room.
4. Limit personal information, either asked or given. Age, gender, location, and other such details are unnecessary or may even be inadvisable. Use common sense regarding what you share in Private messages.
5. Be thoughtful in your choice of words when you post. What you intended to say may not come through clearly to others. In reading posts, give the poster the benefit of the doubt in what they were trying to convey. Disagreements might be unavoidable but should remain polite, and they should never become arguments.
6. Do not post strings of several emoticons, smile-y faces, or random characters. Do not post in all caps; it's like YELLING. If you are visually impaired, please let a Moderator know. Do not invite roll calls of locations.
7. While viewers come from all over the world use English only to communicate most effectively with other chatters.

Moderators have volunteered their time to make chat a family friendly place to watch the Decorah eagles nest with the added bonus of learning about eagles. While Mods spend time learning about the eagles, particularly these eagles, we are not avian/raptor experts. We try to answer questions with the knowledge and information we know. The limits of chat prevent us from posting sources for much of our information but the RRP Forum has the Mod Education Threads that are full of detailed info and many sources are cited there. Moderators are here to make sure all viewers have a good experience.

Visit the Ustream Chat Mods boards on the RRP Forum.
Ustream Mods Want You To Know - Education

Ustream Mods Want You To Know - Entertainment

Moderators are: bellenurse1, Bob1603, BremerBirdFan, EagleFanDave, FaithHopeCure, gardengirl1, glogdog, hummingbird2011, izzysamlikeseagles, jfrancl, lgb1126, lshirely, oregonian1944, Pagent, thinkingwoman, TX_Ninja

Moderators can timeout, kick, or permanently ban chat abusers and will delete inappropriate posts. If your presence is disruptive, mods will remove you from chat. Allow mods to deal with chat abusers. Do not engage them yourself.

Enjoy this chat about the Decorah Eagles.

2014 Egg/Hatch/Fledge Dates

D18: 2/23/14 4:55 PM – Hatch 4/2/14 9:22 AM (38 days) – Fledge 6/18/14 (77 days) Electrocuted 7/8/14 Male
D19 (Four): 2/26/14 5:33 PM – Hatch 4/3/14 11:29 PM (36 days) – Fledge 6/18/14 (76 days) Female fitted with transmitter
D20 (Soar): 3/2/14 6:43 PM – Hatch 4/7/14 10:42 AM (36 days) – Fledge 6/20/14 (74 days) Rescued w/broken wing 6/22/14 Male – non-releasable will become education eagle

2013 Observations

With the unanticipated move to a new nest (N2) without cams we only had observations to go on.
First observed brooding on 2/17/13, first observed feeding on 3/29, first visual confirmation of 3 eaglets was 4/5. So we know D15 hatched by or before 3/29, and all 3 were hatched by 4/5.
Fledge dates: D15: 6/23/14, D16 6/17/13, D17 6/26/13

2012 Egg/Hatch/Fledge Dates

D12: Egg 2/17/12 7:47 PM – Hatch3/27/12 1:16 PM (39 days) – Fledge 6/13/12 (78 days) – Electrocuted 7/1/12 Male
D13: Egg 2/20/12 9:04 PM – Hatch 3/28/12 9:35 AM (37 days) -Fledge 6/14/12 (78 days)
D14: Egg 2/24/12 8:05 PM – Hatch 3/30/12 6:50 AM (35 days) – Fledge 6/18/12 (80 days) – Found electrocuted 11/26/12 Male fitted with transmitter

2011 Egg/Hatch/Fledge Dates

E1: Egg 2/23/11 5:33 PM - Hatch 4/2/11 2:39 AM (38 days)– Fledge 6/18/11 (77 days)
E2 (D1): Egg 2/26/11 6:42 PM – Hatch 4/3/11 7:02 AM (36 days) – Fledge 6/23/11 (81 days) Female fitted with transmitter
E3: Egg 3/2/11 6:47 PM – Hatch 4/6/11 6:48 AM (35 days) – Fledge 6/20/11 (75 days)


This is not intended to be an absolutely complete list, please remember to use common sense—these are wild raptors with a natural fear of humans, let’s keep them that way!!
Bald eagles can be very sensitive to human behavior, and what may seem innocuous to a human may disturb an eagle; humans are still the biggest threat to eagles. Remember, Federal law in the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Protection Treaty protects bald eagles.

1. Respect the landowners. Don't trespass or intrude on them in any way. Heed all No Trespassing signs.
2. Federal law requires you to stay at least 330 feet away from any nest. This distance is also true for individual eagles that may be perched on a tree or standing on the ground.
3. Use your car or a tree as a blind putting it between you and the eagles. They are less sensitive to those objects than a free-standing or moving human.
4. If an eagle stops what it is doing to watch you, you are disturbing the eagle—move on!
5. Be as quiet as possible. Don't honk, rev your engine, play loud music, shout or make any other loud noises.
6. If you see an eagle, consider yourself lucky. Don't do anything that might stress the bird. They will see you. Move slowly and carefully and keep your gestures restrained.
7. Do not feed the eagles in any way. This includes leaving food on the ground. These birds are wild and should not become dependent on humans.
8. If an eagle is on the ground, do not approach it. When it flies off, do not attempt to follow it.
9. It is illegal to possess any part of a Bald Eagle; this includes any feathers you may find. If you see a feather—leave it alone.
10. Be aware of your surroundings. If an eagle is near a road, check for traffic before moving. Your safety is important.
11. Binoculars and/or cameras will afford you the best view while visiting a nest. 12. Demonstrate eagle friendly actions by your own behavior. Be courteous to both other
eagle observers and wildlife. 13. Keep the area free from litter. Pick up after yourself and take your trash with you. 14. Enjoy your visit to Decorah!!
Thanks to the UStream Decorah Eagles Chat Room Moderators for these guidelines

We encourage people to use non-toxic alternatives to lead shot and tackle. We sent several eagles to S.O.A.R last year with lead poisoning. Wildlife face a lot of dangers we can't do anything about, but this one we can! For information about lead-free fishing, check out:


The following websites provide good information about bald eagles:


Established in 1988, the non-profit Raptor Resource Project specializes in the preservation of falcons, eagles, ospreys, hawks, and owls. We establish and strengthen breeding populations of these raptors by creating, improving, and maintaining nests and nest sites. In addition to directly managing over 40 falcon, eagle, and owl nest sites, we provide training in nest site creation and management across the United States, reach more than 85,000 people each year through lectures, education programs, and our website, and develop innovations in nest site management and viewing that bring people closer to the world around them. Our mission is to preserve and strengthen raptor populations, to expand participation in raptor preservation, and to help foster the next generation of preservationists. Our work deepens the connection between people and the natural world, bringing benefits to both.


For 2013, we are fortunate to have Jim's video's. Here's the link to RRP's Youtube channel, Jim's 2013 playlist and Jim's late season 2013 playlist
We are also honored to present a whole series of stills from 2013. SLP's 2013 Chronological Photograph's

Several active fans have captured videos from this cam from past years, including:

The Decorah eagle nest was featured in a PBS Nature series program, “American Eagle,” that premiered in November 2008. Filmed by cinematographers Robert Anderson and Neil Rettig in high-definition, the video is available on DVD and online.


    Now that mom and dad have two nests, we will need to differentiate between them. The nest mom and dad used from 2007 through 2012 will be called N1, formerly known as The Nest. The nest mom and dad built for the 2013 nesting season will be called N2, formerly know as Yonder Nest.
    Here is a handy map for you to see the nests and the surrounding area. Neighborhood Map.

    Here's some basics about N2 which is 500 feet to the right of N1 when standing at the Hatchery.
  • How high is the nest? About 60 feet in a cottonwood.

  • How big is the nest? When the cameras were installed, N2 was about 4 feet across, 3.5 feet deep, approximately 460 pounds, and will gain approx 200 lbs every year

  • How old is N2? The eagles started building it in Oct. 2012. It was ready for the 2013 nesting season.

  • The following information is provided about N1.
  • How high is N1? About 80 feet.

  • How big is N1? About 6 feet across, about 5 feet deep; it weighs close to 1367 lb.

  • How old is N1? The eagles built it in 2007 and used it to successfully fledge 14 eaglets. A previous nest close by fell when a windstorm broke one of the branches.

  • Which is the male and which is the female? It is hard to tell the difference unless they are both on the nest. The female is larger than the male. This female has an arched ridge above her eyes that goes further back than on the male, and her eyes are surrounded by a greyish shadow; the ridge above the male’s eye is shorter and seems a little closer to the eye. The male has a line around his eyes that makes them look “beady,” and his head looks “sleeker” than the female’s.
    Here's a bigreddiggy video about the differences. mom and dad differences

  • What is the history of this male and female?
    They have been together since the winter of 2007-2008. The female's markings at that time indicated that she was about 4 years old. The male was already mature in 2007. There is no way to know his age.

    Once an eagle reaches maturity at 5 years of age, there is no way to determine their age if they have not been tracked prior to turning 5. Here's a link to the feather changes that occur in an eagle's first years before they mature. Plumage Changes in Sub-Adults

    They successfully hatched and fledged 2 eaglets in 2008, 3 in 2009, 3 in 2010, 3 in 2011, 3 in 2012, 3 in 2013 and 3 in 2014.

  • How did they capture D1?
    Here's a link to how it happened. The Capture of D1
    The transmitter has allowed us to see where she has been and where she is currently D1's Map

  • What is the area around N2 and N1 like? The Nests are in cottonwood trees on private property near the Decorah Fish Hatchery (operated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources), on the banks of the babbling waters of Trout Run in extreme northeast Iowa. N1 can be seen from the hatchery, but visitors to the hatchery should keep their distance from the nest tree, both to respect the private property where the tree is located and to avoid disturbing the eagles. Here is a ground-level video of the surroundings, taken in March 2010. This video shows the eagles’ point of view.
    Here is a slide show of the cam installation in fall 2009.

    Why are the eaglets called D##?
    The first place is D for the Decorah, Iowa, nest site. Numbers following the D acknowledge the number of eaglets since 2008. For the 2014, the eaglets will begin with D18.

    Traditional names can create an undue tendency to anthropomorphize. While the human emotion that may be attached to the eaglets is understandable, an alpha-numeric system for referencing them may help us distance ourselves to observe the wonder of wildlife and nature at work.

    This reference system will allow RRP to integrate their findings more easily with other researchers.
