Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Cam1

Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Cam1


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Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Cam1

Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Cam1

Pets, Animals - Wild Animals

1,327 followers 303,509 views
Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care is an independent, nonprofit volunteer organization whose function is to raise, rehabilitate and release orphaned and injured wild birds and animals.

LTWC operates under permits issued by California Fish & Game and the United States Department of the Interior & Wildlife Service. No fee is charged for any bird or wild animal brought to the center, nor is any wild animal refused care.

From a handful of people in 1978 with an idea to help wildlife in their area, LTWC has grown to an organization that now provides a service to more than nine counties in California and Nevada surrounding the Lake Tahoe region.

Our organization operates entirely from donations from animal lovers like you. Please visit our website and make a donation to our program and help preserve wildlife.
