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Technology - Science

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At NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., where the nation's journey to space began more than a half-century ago, a dedicated group of engineers, scientists and business professionals lead the development and testing of tomorrow's flagship space vehicles, space systems and rocket engines. We pursue cutting-edge scientific discoveries that improve and protect lives on Earth. And we work to discover the secrets of the universe, increasing our understanding of the cosmos and our place in it.

Marshall became a NASA field center on July 1, 1960. Today, it remains a vital resource for NASA and the nation, with unique capabilities that are essential to the exploration of space. Together with our partners across NASA and around the world, we are engaged in a large part of the agency's work, especially propulsion and space transportation, engineering, science, space systems and space operations, and project and program management.

With our highly skilled and diverse workforce, proven technical and scientific experience, and state-of-the-art laboratories and test facilities, Marshall stands at the intersection of science and exploration -- delivering safe, affordable and sustainable solutions that will change our world… and bring us closer to countless others across the cosmos.
