Daniel Radcliffe Reveals Seriously Impressive Rap Skills on The Tonight Show (VIDEO)


Jimmy Fallon (left) and Daniel Radcliffe

Douglas Gorenstein/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty

10/29/2014 AT 09:20 AM EDT

Like many other denizens of the Harry Potter universe, Daniel Radcliffe spits hot fire.

The star was visiting Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday's The Tonight Show to discuss his new film, Horns, when Fallon brought up Radcliffe's love of hip-hop.

"I think I was the first kid in my class to learn all the words to [Eminem's] 'Real Slim Shady,' " Radcliffe told Fallon.

Radcliffe went on to say that memorizing lyrics became something of an obsession for him, which soon led Fallon to challenge him to perform Blackalicious's "Alphabet Aerobics," a song that, as one would guess from the title, features an intricate rhyme scheme in alphabetic order, at a gradually increasing speed.

Spoiler alert: Radcliffe nails it. (With one hand in his pocket for a portion of the performance, like he's casually chatting with a friend.)

It's easily the most impressive and unexpected performance we've seen on The Tonight Show since Emma Stone annihilated Fallon with a lip-synched performance of "All I Do Is Win."

Watch the full clip below and, for your own sake, do not ever challenge Daniel Radcliffe to a rap battle.

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