Open Meeting 12-09-2014

  • 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, December 9, 2014

1701 N. Congress Avenue, Room 1-111, Austin, Texas 78701

For More Information

Please view the agendas for Commission open meetings at the link below.

The Railroad Commission has scheduled an open meeting for this date (all meetings are on Tuesday at 9:30am unless otherwise noted). Notices of Open Meetings are filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. The Commission provides links to the official posting of the meetings.

Click here to see the Railroad Commission Policy on Public Participation in Open Meetings (adopted September 7, 2005.)

Webcasts of Commission open meetings are available online.  Webcasts can be viewed live and are also archived for up to 6 months. To view a live or archived webcast, please visit our webcast home page.

To view the agendas for Commission open meetings, click here.