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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The GIS Viewer won't open in my browser when I select it.
  2. How do I turn off popup blocking in my browser?
  3. I use a Macintosh. What browsers should I use with the RRC's Public GIS Viewer?
  4. When I click on a well, pipeline, or survey to view the attributes, I get a message that says "Features not found within the search area tolerance".
  5. When I do a survey search by county only, not all of the possible surveys are returned in the table.
  6. When I try to view the well log in Well Log Images popup, I get a File Download popup window. What should I do?
  7. The well log files won't open when I click the View link.
  8. I have the image viewer Quicktime, but still cannot view the well log TIF files.
  9. When I look at the well log TIF file, it's so small I can't read it. How do I enlarge the image?

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The GIS Viewer won't open when I select it.

The Public GIS Viewer utilizes pop-up windows. You should disable pop-up blocking software while using this viewer.

How do I turn off popup blocking in my browser?


Internet Explorer:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings.
  3. In the Address of Web site to allow box, type the address (or URL) of the RRC GIS Viewer Web site (, and then click Add.


  1. On the Tools menu, select Options.
  2. Choose the Site Controls icon.
  3. Select the “Allow unrequested pop-up windows” checkbox in the Web Features section.

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I use a Macintosh. What browsers should I use with the RRC's Public GIS Viewer?

The dynamic maps on this site are generated using ArcIMS, an Internet map server developed by ESRI. ArcIMS works well with recent versions of the Internet Explorer browser in Windows operating systems. Macintosh operating system users may prefer to use the Mozilla Firefox browser to display the interactive ArcIMS maps.

When I click on a well, pipeline or survey to view the attributes, I get a message that says "Features not found within the search area tolerance".

When you click on a well, pipeline, or survey to see the attributes, you must make sure that the mouse pointer is directly on that feature. Keep trying until the attribute window displays.

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When I do a survey search by county only, not all of the possible surveys are returned in the table.

Due to limits of the system, only the first 300 results can be shown in the table. Searching by County only can result in a search result that is well over 300 records. It is recommended that you narrow the search by entering more search criteria.

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When I try to view the well log in the Well Log Images popup, I get a File Download popup window. What should I do?

You have the option of opening and viewing the well log directly from Well Log Images window. To do so, click on the Open button in the File Download popup window. Or you may wish to save any well logs onto your computer for future use. To do that, click the Save button and proceed in the usual manner for saving files.

The well log files won't open when I click the View link.

RRC’s well log files are stored and delivered in an image file format called "TIF". TIF provides a higher quality resolution for these images.

As a result, if you don't have one, you must install and use a browser plug-in -- similar to those required to access Adobe® PDF files, RealPlayer®, or Macromedia Flash® files -- on your workstation in order to view these files directly. An alternative method is to use third-party software or services to view these images either directly or after conversion to another format, such as Adobe® PDF.

One such TIF plug-in for Windows® x86 PCs is AlternaTIF ( The free Quicktime plug-in (see below) for Internet Explorer also enables the viewing of TIF files.

For the Apple Macintosh®, Apple's freely distributed Quicktime version 4.1 or later works with TIF images, but does not provide direct printing capability. It is available from the Apple Web site (

For Linux®, a plug-in called "Plugger" works nicely with Netscape Communicator®. It is available at


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I have the image viewer Quicktime, but still cannot view the well log TIF files.

If you have Quicktime already on your PC or have installed Quicktime, it automatically sets itself as the viewer for TIF images. However, if this setting is selected, the application still cannot view TIF images. To resolve this, you must remove Quicktime's association to image files. Follow the steps below to remove the association:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel.
  2. Double click the Quicktime icon (if you do not have this icon, you will have to perform the Quicktime uninstall as described below.
  3. In the top drop down box, select File Type Associations.
  4. Click the File Types button
  5. Click the plus sign beside Images - Still image files
  6. Clear the TIF image file box.
  7. Click Apply and OK.


  1. In the top drop down box, select Browser Plug-In.
  2. Click the Mime Type Settings button.
  3. Click the plus sign beside Images - Still image files
  4. Clear the TIF image file box.
  5. Click Apply and OK and then exit.
  6. Exit your browser window and then go back in and Quicktime should no longer be the default application for TIF image files.

Another option is to uninstall and reinstall Quicktime:

  1. Uninstall Quicktime.
  2. Reinstall Quicktime (you may want to download the latest version).
  3. During the installation process, find the screen where you can uncheck TIF images as a type of image that Quicktime can view.

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When I look at the well log TIF file, it's so small I can't read it. How do I enlarge the image?

Most image viewers like Quicktime have Zoom In/Out functions. Often, the Zoom functions are represented by an icon . Each zoom reduces or enlarges the page by a factor of 2.

There may also be a dropdown in which to enter a custom percentage. To view the image at 100% of it's actual size, you would enter or select 100%. To view the image at half it's actual size, you would enter 50%, and so on.

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