Two oilfield workers electrocuted as oilfield safety questioned

by TXsharon on February 25, 2014

in Uncategorized

A newspaper investigation found “lack of government inspections and shoddy practices by many oil and gas companies” has left a “toll of badly injured or killed workers.”

Forty-percent of the 663 fatal accidents happened in Texas.

In 2012 alone, the newspaper found 79 people lost limbs, 82 were crushed, 92 suffered burns and 675 broke bones in work-related accidents reported to insurance carriers. The same year, the 65 deaths were a 10-year high and almost 60 percent more fatalities than in 2011.

One attorney representing injured workers calls it “like the Wild West out there.”

Newspaper investigation questions oil field safety, says 663 killed in 6 years

Another two men lost their lives today when they were electrocuted by a power line.

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Tim Ruggiero February 25, 2014 at 9:59 am

Wonder how many got killed or injured installing solar or wind? Industry and their fans like to talk jobs, how well they pay, etc., but nothing about the dangers. This might be harsh, but i don’t feel too sorry for those who voluntarily go into this line of work. Even OSHA says they don’t have rules for oil and gas industry.


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